Author Topic: opinions on the ruger  (Read 54637 times)

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Offline STM1993

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #300 on: September 05, 2008, 07:19:57 am »
No one has perfect aim.

If you can spawnkill in a map, that's a bad map.

Ruger is slightly overpowered, but the issue is mainly the damage ; it's a tad too high.

Ruger's not gonna have bink and will have a faster reload (according to a 1.5 experimental balance).

Ruger will never SHOOT any faster. It'd probably stay at 40 ticks, but if the shots are made slower it'd not be slower than 45. You miss a Ruger shot you can be as good as dead if the other user has good enough aim and you are in effective range of his weapon.

Ruger has a major disadvantage of low ammo (4 only). And making it have less chances to kill in 2 shots makes the Ruger more against single opponents than multiple opponents. Besides, the Ruger has a long range.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 07:21:33 am by STM1993 »

Offline not-so-blank

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #301 on: September 05, 2008, 08:02:11 pm »
One of my fave choice of wep along with the hk when i first started.
I never found aiming much of a problem.
On its own its an average gun its when a ruger user is accompanied by spray that you should be scared.
A bit of spray from the guy in front and then the rugerer runs past for a few 1 hit kills xD

Offline CrayAB

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #302 on: September 06, 2008, 08:07:27 pm »
Ruger has a major disadvantage of low ammo (4 only).

Which doesn't matter when the reload time is so short.  In 4 shots, someone with decent aim should easily be able to kill the opponent.  4 shots = 2 kills, and with a fast firing speed. Longer reload or slower shooting speed would balance it.

Offline STM1993

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #303 on: September 06, 2008, 08:32:16 pm »
Which doesn't matter when the reload time is so short.  In 4 shots, someone with decent aim should easily be able to kill the opponent.  4 shots = 2 kills, and with a fast firing speed. Longer reload or slower shooting speed would balance it.

Reload time + Firing Rate = Real Reload Time.

It's currently 140. It'd be 130 (-10 reload). But the damage is lower, so the chances of you getting 2 kills is very low at long range, it'd most likely kill in 3 shots. Most Ruger shots are actually at long to mid-range.

A good auto can fight against a Ruger once he starts to reload or shoots too slow. No Ruger-user would fire as fast as 40 ticks all the time, he'd usually fire slower. When you fight a Ruger, you shouldn't be rushing at him ; it's suicide by making his aim easier.

Anyway, since there's a 75% bullet push to be implemented, we do not know how the Ruger would be balanced, so let's just leave it as what it is first.

Offline darkangel

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #304 on: September 07, 2008, 07:55:09 pm »
Yea but thats sucks cause deserts...are 3 shots kill so We feckt up ruger and we make it a desert with 4
redemption for the redemtion...cause I'I'ma Fallen Angel.
do u have what it take to be a fallen angel??

Offline bloodzcape

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #305 on: September 22, 2008, 11:08:04 pm »
hmm yeaa the ruger needs good aim but mp5 ftw  [pigtail]

Offline Zehive

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #306 on: September 26, 2008, 02:00:23 pm »
The ruger is overpowered imo, 2 shot kill (It really is) and in realistic matches you're lucky to have 5% health after being shot by one, it fires fast, it has a fast bullet, it does alot of damage from far away, and the only counterpoints Ive hear for it is that it has 4 shots, which doesnt matter because it has a fast reload, its difficult to aim, which after about 10 minutes of my first time really using it for real I got a mutlikill and later on a double kill on the same life, and that snipers can kill you easily.

Offline Sir Jeremy

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #307 on: September 26, 2008, 06:55:09 pm »
Overpowered you say? Mhm, not necessarly, you just have to find ways to counter it.
I think that the ruger if used properly, could be one of the best guns for 1v1's, not really in Gathers/CW's cause it gets pretty hectic there with people flying everywere, and bullets.

I still love the Ruger, but I'm becoming too attached to Autos, with their quick reload, and fast bullets (8

Offline STM1993

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #308 on: September 26, 2008, 11:57:30 pm »
I'm straying away from the Ruger because I personally find it harder to aim the Ruger =P

And I'm learning to use the autos more. I've used MP5, now it's Steyr Aug. Maybe I haven't used AK and Minimi properly yet.

Bleh, no one's making a weapon balance for realistic lol.

Offline Zehive

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #309 on: September 27, 2008, 10:53:10 am »
One thing to remember with Steyr: Aim for the head, fire in bursts

Offline STM1993

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #310 on: October 01, 2008, 09:57:41 am »
Sorry for bringing this topic up again, but after playing around with some old versions of Soldat and older weapon mods,

I'd like to ask for opinions on how you feel about the few Ruger balances.

[1.3.0 Ruger 77]

[CURRENT Ruger 77]

[1.2.1 Ruger 77]

[Training Ruger 77]

It is true that during 1.3.0, all weapons were severely nerfed, I am aware of that. Now in the current 1.4.2, the Ruger is said to be a bit overpowered because it is a bit too damaging/fast. Needless to say, the 1.2.1 balance is overpowered as you can see from the fact that it is both fast and damaging in all aspects.

The Ruger is meant to be a slow but powerful rifle, with long range and accuracy. The slow can mean slow to kill or slow to reload, the powerful can mean high damage per shot or able to kill quickly. That means a few possible balances:

1. Med-high Damage, Med-Slow Firing, Slow Reload (1.3.0 balance)
2. V. High Damage, Slow Firing, Average Reload (current balance)
3. High Damage, Slow Firing, Fast Reload (experimental Training balance)

One problem is that we don't want it to be too similar to the other weapons, and the Ruger must be able to kill between 2-3 shots. Main weapon to compare with for similarity is the DEs.

Desert Eagles' balance will always be:
1. Med-high Damage, Fast Firing, Fast Reload.

For number 1, that balance has killing power but it is disadvantaged during reload and at longer ranges it is hard to achieve 2-hit kills. It could be balanced by making it fire a bit slower (around 35-38 ticks), if need be damage increase by 1 or 2.

For number 2, that balance focuses on being slow and powerful. It could be balanced if its damage was reduced by around 2 or its reload were made slower by about 10-15 ticks or both.

For number 3, that balance emphasizes on purely speed, to be exact, the speed in reloading and quickly being able to fight in battle again. By itself it is pretty balanced.

What do you think? Oh, and your comments about 1.3.0's Ruger too.
(I'm ignoring how bullet push would affect the game for now)

I'm done editting this post.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 10:54:47 am by STM1993 »