Author Topic: opinions on the ruger  (Read 54639 times)

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Offline Wormdundee

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #80 on: July 18, 2007, 07:14:41 pm »
the ruger is pretty easy to defeat because in the time it takes to fire twice to kill me ive already blasted them away with my mp5 >:) plus its only 4 shots and runs out kinda fast so its not much of a threat.

Obviously you have never gone against someone who is actually good with the ruger. An MP5 is only a threat at extremely close range to a rugerer.

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Offline Red_Dawn

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #81 on: July 18, 2007, 07:16:07 pm »
not the way i use it im effective at long range too

Offline Xasthur

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #82 on: July 18, 2007, 07:37:57 pm »
Ruger is damn kickass now, I love it, but I still on the opinion that it is a slight overpowered (talking against myself now).

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #83 on: July 19, 2007, 02:46:36 am »
not the way i use it im effective at long range too
It's bullets spread too much over range. It loses too much damage over range. It can not be efficent over a good range, against a good Rugerer.

I would hate to see a scope on the ruger, or really any other weapon besides the barrett. I especially can't see it being much use on a steyr. By the time you get the scope zoomed in by crouching, the guy that you were aiming for is going to be gone already, or at least out of range of the steyr.]

Clawbug: I don't see how you can associate binking a ruger with spraying it. In order to bink a ruger you're going to have to hit it 2-3 times in a short time span. If you are just randomly spraying, that most likely isn't going to happen. Beating a ruger is all about who hits first. If someone with say an MP5 or an AK gets the drop on me when I'm using a ruger, I'm pretty much screwed. The bink will throw your aim off enough while you're trying to get a bead on them, that you'll be dead before you get the 2-3 shots necessary to kill the guy.

However, if I can get the first shot, and get a hit on them, it's almost a guaranteed kill.
Would lowering bink solve the problem? Currently M79 has 45 of bink, barrett 100 of bink, and people still can kill autos with them. Ruger has 10 of bink, and i'd say that it does not affect at all, only if yo are sprayed like 1 second with AUG. But in that time you have killed the AUG already.

What i'd like to see is to lower it's maximum possible potential. Right now it is quite high, but reachable.
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Offline Wormdundee

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #84 on: July 19, 2007, 07:02:53 pm »
Well really, I was just trying to see the argument from the side of someone else. The way I see it, the ruger probably is a bit overpowered, and the best way to do it is to perhaps increase the damage enough to make it a 2-hit kill guaranteed and then increase the fire interval and/or reload time.

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Offline Red_Dawn

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #85 on: July 19, 2007, 07:07:11 pm »
not the way i use it im effective at long range too
It's bullets spread too much over range. It loses too much damage over range. It can not be efficent over a good range, against a good Rugerer.

not if u  pulse the fire button. i can get a straight stream if i wanted to. (not "straight" but bullets in single file.


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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #86 on: July 19, 2007, 08:59:03 pm »
It's practically impossible to kill a good ruger user with an mp5 before he has fired two shots. The time it takes to fire two bullets from a ruger is less than that of the needed bullets for the mp5, even assuming all your bullets hit from zero range.

Offline Velociraptor

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #87 on: July 22, 2007, 05:47:44 am »
Ruger kills faster than autos... so what? I thought the aim was Single > semi > auto > single >.....

Is it the ruger or this circle of life that is at fault...? If you really wanted the Ruger to beat autos you would have just make bink=0. That'd make sense for destorying auto'ers. Yeah utter pwnage, i know theres no easy fix.

'oh noez the ruger kills faster than my ak'
Bad Luck thats how it has been done for this version... And if Mr 5/6th account has anything to do with it thats how its gonna happen for following versions I'm sure. If you dont like it, if you think these guys are just have no clue, make your own and play with bots/league/server with your/their own weapon balance.

Extract from the essay in my head:
Alright without writing an essay regarding the whole thing (cos i cbf atm), one thing Mr 5/6th account said was give ideas about what you want ruger (and every other gun) to be. There are things set in stone, it wouldnt be a ruger 77 if it didnt have : Semi automatic, Fast/long range bullets. The rest is out there.

Q. How should ruger be used? What weapon stats should be in place so it excels at doing those particular duties?

Imo boost all weaps. Some thread by de Phille was tops. I didnt play 1.2.1, but anyone would know fast = good. Dont make it like 1.2.1 with bink/moveacc/startup values. Play with values in between, 5-10% boost by dmg or ROF, not the roughly 20% extra like 1.2.1 had.

Erm... presenting:
Slower ROF (45-50)
5 bullets ([real]wiki tells me some Ruger 77's have 10 bullet drums or something xD[/real])
longer reload
Move acc/bink +?
yes.. My idea = long range support.. lol GG
No idea how balanced that is with the rest of the guns (1.4.2 spas is a cannon).

But seriously... Seriously... 1.2.1'ish >>> 1.4.2 nerf-a-thon

Offline Red_Dawn

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #88 on: July 22, 2007, 06:08:45 am »
It's practically impossible to kill a good ruger user with an mp5 before he has fired two shots. The time it takes to fire two bullets from a ruger is less than that of the needed bullets for the mp5, even assuming all your bullets hit from zero range.

fast movements make a me harder to hit with a ruger. imm not saying mp5 is better. im just saying that if both are used correctly most likely its a stalemate. which has happend to me many a time its annoying. i say ive probobly been killed by a rugerer but still killed him at the same timne at leeast once a game.


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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #89 on: July 22, 2007, 08:04:38 am »
Ruger kills faster than autos... so what? I thought the aim was Single > semi > auto > single >.....

Is it the ruger or this circle of life that is at fault...? If you really wanted the Ruger to beat autos you would have just make bink=0. That'd make sense for destorying auto'ers. Yeah utter pwnage, i know theres no easy fix.

You're right. It's supposed to beat autos, though in the right hands it'll also beat deagles and spas. And in the wrong hands it's useless. New players'd rather use autos or one-hitters. So the thing we're looking for is a tweak that lowers it's maximum potential and raises the minimum.

Offline Xaero

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #90 on: July 22, 2007, 05:14:56 pm »
I don't think its overpowered.. You need skill to aim with it.
Imagine a nerf, it would make the dmg lower.
So, you'll need 3 hits to kill a player? Than this weapon won't be used again.. Think before you shout that it's overpowered.
All weapons have been balanced more or less by now. Maybe exept the M79, but its not that much to say its too strong.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #91 on: July 22, 2007, 05:30:18 pm »
I don't think its overpowered.. You need skill to aim with it.

Skill to aim with a weapon which bullets won't fall almost nothing? Dealges are way more harder.

Ruger is something like -> play 20 minutes -> hit everything.

It shoots very straight, thus rather easy to predict where the bullet would hit. Only problem is to beat movementacc, which is beaten by letting to WASD.

I can honestly say that Ruger is one of the easiest weapons to hit with in Soldat, after some general knowledge and that 20 minutes of "warmup".
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Offline ChromedGun

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #92 on: July 23, 2007, 07:22:16 am »
Realistic then? In realistic, the Ruger is one shot one kill. Combine that with the fact that it has pretty much no bink, little moveacc, short reload, short fireinterval and no delay. I've met Rugerers in realistic and you have absolutely NO CHANCE to beat them, because they blow your head off before you even notice their soldat on the screen. Total bummer. I don't care if it's only one-hit-kill in the head, if it's a one hit kill somewhere, then it's a one hit kill. Especially when the bullets aren't really affected by gravity. Not like with the desert eagles where the bullets arc and at the same time gets weaker. I've also tried to bink rugers with autos, they still hit.


More bink,
Longer fireinterval,
Longer reload,
Possibly a short delay because it kills WAY TOO FAST
and moveacc. Plenty of it, too.

@Kryp -- go buy some skills. use /command to bring up the commands.

Offline jbigz

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #93 on: July 23, 2007, 01:45:23 pm »

More bink,
Longer fireinterval,
Longer reload,
Possibly a short delay because it kills WAY TOO FAST
and moveacc. Plenty of it, too.


You want to make the biggest nerf of the century?
Make it useless against every gun except one hits,
Make it worse at defending itself at close range,
Make the reload longer even if it only has 4 bullets,
Add a delay to totally throw off the rythm of the gun,
And make it even harder to shoot while moving?

This gun will never be used again if what you say will be implemented. And btw, who puts a delay on a non-one hit gun?

Offline Xaero

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #94 on: July 23, 2007, 02:02:55 pm »
I don't think its overpowered.. You need skill to aim with it.

Skill to aim with a weapon which bullets won't fall almost nothing? Dealges are way more harder.

Ruger is something like -> play 20 minutes -> hit everything.

It shoots very straight, thus rather easy to predict where the bullet would hit. Only problem is to beat movementacc, which is beaten by letting to WASD.

I can honestly say that Ruger is one of the easiest weapons to hit with in Soldat, after some general knowledge and that 20 minutes of "warmup".


And, its not that easy to kill with a ruger.. Miss one shot and ur dead meat for all autos, spas etc.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #95 on: July 23, 2007, 02:03:59 pm »
I don't think its overpowered.. You need skill to aim with it.

Skill to aim with a weapon which bullets won't fall almost nothing? Dealges are way more harder.

Ruger is something like -> play 20 minutes -> hit everything.

It shoots very straight, thus rather easy to predict where the bullet would hit. Only problem is to beat movementacc, which is beaten by letting to WASD.

I can honestly say that Ruger is one of the easiest weapons to hit with in Soldat, after some general knowledge and that 20 minutes of "warmup".


And, its not that easy to kill with a ruger.. Miss one shot and ur dead meat for all autos, spas etc.

WASD = default movement keys; W to jump, A to go left, S to duck, D to go right.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #96 on: July 23, 2007, 02:15:02 pm »
I don't think its overpowered.. You need skill to aim with it.

Skill to aim with a weapon which bullets won't fall almost nothing? Dealges are way more harder.

Ruger is something like -> play 20 minutes -> hit everything.

It shoots very straight, thus rather easy to predict where the bullet would hit. Only problem is to beat movementacc, which is beaten by letting to WASD.

I can honestly say that Ruger is one of the easiest weapons to hit with in Soldat, after some general knowledge and that 20 minutes of "warmup".


And, its not that easy to kill with a ruger.. Miss one shot and ur dead meat for all autos, spas etc.
Not always, automatics are not 100% accurate either + they lose alot of damage over distance, so you can easily shoot 4 times and stay alive. Been there, done that.
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Offline ChromedGun

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #97 on: July 24, 2007, 06:29:38 am »

You want to make the biggest nerf of the century?
Make it useless against every gun except one hits,
Make it worse at defending itself at close range,
Make the reload longer even if it only has 4 bullets,
Add a delay to totally throw off the rythm of the gun,
And make it even harder to shoot while moving?

Dude... Meet this weapon in realistic. You're doomed. There has to be bink, or you will die on the second shot. It shoots way too fast for it's power. The reload is among the fastest, way too fast. Especially for a weapon this fast and this strong. MoveAcc has to be added, because, well, why did Minimi get all that moveacc? Ruger should have like 3-4 more moveacc than any auto.

This gun will never be used again if what you say will be implemented.
Of course it would still be used, it would just take more skill. Are you saying that everyone are like you, as soon as something requires skill they would give up on it?

And btw, who puts a delay on a non-one hit gun?
Don't see delay as something strictly for one-hit killers. See it as something for very powerful weapons. In this case, the ruger. Did you see the italic on the "Possibly" in my post? Probably not. Atleast the ruger should have it in Realistic.

These are my opinions, if you're having a problem, then STFU and GTFO.

@Kryp -- go buy some skills. use /command to bring up the commands.

Offline Wormdundee

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #98 on: July 24, 2007, 04:54:00 pm »
Why did you feel the need to quote everything that was said without actually adding anything to the conversation?

Anyways as for the topic, I've always thought there should be different weapon settings for realistic mode in soldat, but really, this topic isn't particularly talking about realistic. The majority of people will play normal, and I suggest you make a separate thread about weapon balance in realistic mode.

ChromedGun, the suggestions that you made are perhaps over the top for normal mode, but they are close to what I am looking for in new settings for the ruger. I would like to see it made into a guaranteed 2 hit kill unless you hit the legs on both shots. In order to regulate this power, some of your suggestions should be put into effect. Such as the longer reload, higher bink, and higher moveacc. I can't agree with your other 2 suggestions at all, unless the fire interval time increase is very small. Definitely not the delayed shot idea, I already thought it was kind of a dumb idea to have on the barrett, it doesn't really make that much of a difference in my opinion.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #99 on: July 25, 2007, 06:35:57 am »
Ruger is the only worthwhile gun in the whole game, if anyone complain at you when you're using it they are a total noob and you can feel free to lol at them.