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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #60 on: July 13, 2007, 06:23:48 pm »
ohh right pray... leave it to the god.
but w8, there's still million of fanatics trying to prove its existence.

you cant be sure that is gonna work, at least, work everytime
I think he means spray & pray.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #61 on: July 13, 2007, 08:29:44 pm »
well if we look at this ruger has a weakness agaisnt barretts and is great against medium range and close range. auto guns is for taking out snipers and for support also to pinne the enemy. you cant say if a weapon is unbalanced or not unless you can notice it clearly in a CW.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #62 on: July 13, 2007, 09:06:32 pm »
I meant pray that he misses his first shot. Not spray and pray.

Spray and pray is shooting at an efc while hes off yoru screen but hes weak, hoping he dies. When you auto a ruger, you gotta pray he misses his first shot, or dodge it.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #63 on: July 14, 2007, 12:35:36 am »
Spray and pray can be applied to incoming enemies aswell. This is not the "skill" to know where your enemies are, more like a (lame, imo) "tactic" to make them weaker when you encounter them. Kills the fun, this it ain't option for to beat Rugers.

I still think that the issue would be solved by making it tota 2 hit weapon or total 3 hit weapon. Increase damage and fireinterval, or reduce both.

Also Ruger is a godlike 1v1 weapon. Even if the rugerer misses hir first shot, you need to be EXTREMELY accurate from long range to beat ruger, even with AK (thanks to MovementAcc +1 @ AK. :p). AUG is so inaccurate from long distances that it is almost a game with luck. And I am talking about distances from around 75% to 100% of screen width. Though, Ruger needs 3 hits to kill from that distance, OR two headshots. (I believe that headshot + torsso shot aint killing from that ranges). Even if Ruger hits you twice, and yuo are managed to be alive, you have around 1-5% of health, and one socom hit and you are dead.

Increased Fireinterval and Damage would result something like what they did to AK. The clip becomes even more small! You can make only one kill per clip. That would mean that Ruger would suck even more in 1v2, 2v2 situations.

Decreased FireInterval and Damage would result in making Ruger more balanced(imo) weapon in 1v1 situations, and 1v2 and 2v2 situations. It would be more fatal if you miss the first shot. Means that you need to be VERY accurate. Well, good Rugerers still are the most accurate players in the game, I think.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #64 on: July 14, 2007, 04:20:54 pm »
My views on hte ruger: good in some hands, bad in mine. Just like any other gun. It is mostly balanced do to the fact that you can hardly bink it and it deals pretty good damage.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2007, 02:21:22 am »
Would adding more bink get it down better?

I see the problem lies in the fact that it can kill in 0.75 seconds, in that time, you can do NOTHING about it. And even if Ruger misses, not many people can kill others in 1.5 seconds, usually they live alot more than 2 seconds in 1v1 situations.

Adding little bink, damage and fireinterval could IMO do it.

My proposed idea:

Just needs to fool around with the values. I just took those values out from a hat, so they are not quite balanced probably, but the idea remains the same - make ruger to kill slower.

Again, I take an example of my favourite auto, AK. Is it underpowered? Imo yes, a bit. It kills in 0.87 seconds! And that ONLY if ti hits all of its bullets at zero range. Over a range, it loses bullet speed, and it's overall effectiviness weakens.
If there are two weapons, Ruger vs. AK, which one would be beaten by which one? (No, AK won't spray. :p)
Same goes with AUG, it kills alot faster though. It kills in 0.83 seconds. Minimi kills in 0.86 seconds.

What I want people to think about is the feeling of the weapon, from short-mid-long distances. And try to illustrate possible scenarios based on their own experiences with different weapons.

From long distances weapon's stats arae more varying. Like bink, selfbink, movementacc, speed, amage. They all make their own flavour to the gun, and that flavour gets more spicy when distances grow.

Ruger's speed is high, meaning that it does not lose much damage it deals over distance, when compared to it's original damage it deals from zero range.

So, Ruger fits VERY well to long range shooting. It is accurate, deals high damage, and can be used for rushing purposed aswell.

Now, I'd like to see it dealing less damage, and being sloghtly more stationary. Not much, but to even out the fact that good Rugerer is godlike in 1v1 situations, from all ranges, ESPECIALLY from long ranges. Like I told about those numbers, no weapon can beat Ruger, except M79/Barrett. Barrett is being binked a bit + loses 50% health every time it is about to shoot. Also, IF barrett misses, wel.. everyone knows.

Same goes for Ruger. IF Ruger misses, Rugerer is punished badly. Not enough badly IMO. Again those numbers: AK seems to be weakest, Deagles/MP5 strongest (0.71 seconds to kill). Why not to use MP5? 1.) It loses ALOT damage from long ranges 2.) It is VERY inaccurate 3.) I believe it can not kill Ruger from long ranges, clip is empty by the time Rugerer has only 30% health left.

Why not to use Deagles? 1.) It loses too much damage over distance. 2.) It is VERY hard weapon to use over distances from 80% to 100% of screen width. It can be used, but to win decent Ruger, it really needs skill to use. Including that Deagle's damage is reduced alot, I could say that Good Deagles have no chance against decent Ruger.

Different thing is from close range, were Deagles/MP5 shine, but so does Spas and other weapons.

By increasong the Fireinterval, it could be easily adjustable how the Ruger would act. Nerfing it's ROF would make missing more punishing, and hitting more rewarding. IMO this would mean that good Rugerer would survive alot better than bad rugerer.

Setting damage to 252 and fireinterval to 46, would mean that Ruger would kill in 0.78 seconds. 0.03 seconds slower. Is that enough? Too much? Too little? I'd say that 0.03 seconds unnoticeable, if someone says that he can notice such a difference in gameplay, i'd say that he is just staring at the stats of the weapon.
IMO that would not be enough for ruger. Not at all, AUG/AK/Minimi have no chance against it, not even from zero range. And ovr distance, they lose alot firepower, due to inaccuracy.

I'd be like to put that seconds to kill value for Ruger somewhere 0.8-0.82. It is very accurate weapon in the hands of a pro, thus it easily becomes overpowered when used by pro. Hard to beat such a weapon with automatic, impossible, I'd say. Do we call that balance?

General aim has been to be able to produce balance like this: ... Semis > autos 1hit killers > semis > autos ...

IMO this won't happen, ever. At least not with current weapons. auto+auto combination is veru good, if working well. But so is semi+semi aswell. Semi+auto might be the best in CTF. Semi takes off health from enemies fast, auto then finishes the weak enemies fast.

The reason I think that weapons wont work with that aimed balance is that weapons are so much different. Can you make Ruger and spas equally strong? Can you make AK and Mp5 equally strong? M79 and Barrett? Don't forget about minigun and Minimi either.

I would say that Ruger is something between Barrett and AK, fast bullets, accurate, powerful. But is spas then something between mp5 and M79? Slow bullets, high damage + some kind of "radius"? Where would Deagles fit? AUG? Minigun?

You can not put weapons to entirely same category IMO. Spas and Ruger and Deagles are SO different that putting them inside same frame is just like putting yourself into a box full of smemale lesbians and telling that "YAHOY! We are the same!". Just wont fit in.

Of course we can categorize weapons by the way thei work. Autos shoot rapidly, semis not so fast, and 1hit killers are slow. Well, we can TRY to balance weapons by adjusting those values. It has direct impact on the behauviour of a weapon in battlefield. I still believe that balancing is hard.

So, either Ruger has to remain #1 weapon on 1v1 situations, OR to make it suck in 1v1, but to be moderate in CTF. Why? Reason is simple. IF we UPP damage aswell, we can make Ruger to take away like 55-65% health. One shot like that + automatic = ownage in CTF. Of course, 2 rugers could work better, in theory, shooting at the same target. Ruger + socom could work even better than now. Ruger would be a real "pro" weapon, a risky one. If you can hti, go for it, if you can't, then dump the idea.

Currently, with this finreinterval, EVEN if you miss, you can STILL win automatic weapon if there is enough range. Autos are weak, from close-mid-long ranges. Double auto always deals damage, and kills.

But, as ruger being risky weapon, it also becomes oeverpowered if held in good hands. Like Barrett in 1.2 or so. If it hits, you are doomed. Delay was added, more movementacc + bink. So, what if we add more fireinterval, damage, bink and movementacc? What would the results look like?

I'd say it would look like interesting. Make ruger to kill slightly slower, make autos to be more powerful against it and make it more stationary. Perfect, with little balancing.

Then a whole new idea. What if we make other weapons more powerful!? Let's add more DPS to every weapon, and let ruger be? Remmber 1.2 and 1.2.1? Their WM was considered to be the best ever. Mostly because it was FAST, fast kills, gameplay was fast overall. It was easy to learn, 2 hits from deagles and boom, dead. Not so skillful, but worked. Spraying became a problem. So it is now aswell with Ruger.

Alpha, ctf_Laos alt-way. Just stand behind a collider before the tunnel is "divided" with that obstacle in middle. Spray. If you are lucky, you can harm the enemy so much that it takes 1 shot from socom to kill! If not, you can hit once, legs, riochet. Guaranteed 0-40% health loss to the enemy. Better than nothing.

Enemy can not really spray back, as you can just crouch and be safe. All he can do is rush at you, at your bullets, and die.

This is map specific problem really, and has nothing to do with Ruger, but it works in that map and IMO it is probably worst thing what can happen to bravo alt-way player.

So moreover, either increase fireinterval enough, and add damage + bink, OR, bump other weapons. Ruger is definitely overpowered in 1v1 situations, and I can't believe that there is someone who can REALLY honestly disagree with me.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #66 on: July 15, 2007, 10:51:09 am »
clawbug what you are doing is cutting the weapon's maximum potencial

so the best you can do is a 1sec every kill. and that is the BEST you can get.(if it sux, well... ruger would be a useless gun)

so I'll stick to my movimentAcc and bink proposal simply because the users can get better and better, taking more and more control(harder? sure. But this gives a advantage over people who took time and mastered it)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 10:52:59 am by excruciator »
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2007, 07:18:52 am »
Well, just wanted to say that my opinion is that ruger is a bit overpowered.

At the start of 1.4 I decided to be an alternate router in cw's and at the start people were finding autos as the best weapons for the alt. route which is odd for me as i always assosciated alt. routers as mostly 1 hitters.

However after a  few weeks of getting used to the new weapon balance, ruger became the new weapon of choice for alt. routing (except for those leet with different weapons) this is because its dps is pretty fast and combine that with any kind of defensive tactic and ruger pwns alt.
The only gun, in my experiance, that can really counter a ruger is barret.

So i agree the dps definately needs to be a bit lower, wouldn't it makes sense to make it the same dps value as deagles?
Hmm poll vote anyone?

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2007, 07:32:01 am »
I think deagle has a higher dps
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2007, 08:01:50 am »
The only gun, in my experiance, that can really counter a ruger is barret.
not so....the ruger can be avoided by doing wired stuff that normal people dont do when you meet a rugger user,,... like flying and proning continuous or something like that...thhought if you dont kill hm/her in the mean while and u go up close....
ANYWAY...barrett is spelled as barrett, not barret,
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #70 on: July 16, 2007, 10:19:11 am »
it takes two shots, if u hit @ head at least once. and theres a skill called worming. try womring when u fight against ruger. i've never lost to ruger and i use autos.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2007, 10:21:43 am »
Worming isn't a skill. if you can bink the ruger then the guy is screwed, especially if he is moving.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #72 on: July 16, 2007, 01:24:31 pm »
If something is unfair and cheap... adapt.
If you think it is god-like, if you think it is unbeatable... USE IT, and don't let the rest of the world know!

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #73 on: July 16, 2007, 02:18:46 pm »
The ruger is the semi-auto rifle of the game. It's great that we have one in the game, cause everyone uses autos or snipers in real life military.

I'm waiting for someone to make a WW2 mod so it could be a M1 Garand.
8 round clip, faster shot-rate, no reloading until you fire your last shot.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #74 on: July 16, 2007, 07:26:03 pm »
Worming isn't a skill. if you can bink the ruger then the guy is screwed, especially if he is moving.

nope, ruger can handle bink very well
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Offline Wormdundee

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #75 on: July 16, 2007, 07:28:36 pm »
Are you joking? How much have you even used the ruger?

If you are getting hit by auto spray, the rugers aim is definitely put off. It may not be by a lot, but that doesn't really matter. It doesn't make much of a difference if you miss by an inch or by 10 meters, he still ain't dying.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #76 on: July 18, 2007, 05:18:54 am »
I think deagle has a higher dps
They have, from zero range. They are not so easy as Ruger.

Currently Ruger is not so affected by bink that it can not hit. Also, beating Ruger by binking it would mean spraying = not acceptable method.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #77 on: July 18, 2007, 11:02:06 am »
If the ruger and the Steyr had low range scopes, then the battle would become really interesting.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #78 on: July 18, 2007, 07:10:47 pm »
I would hate to see a scope on the ruger, or really any other weapon besides the barrett. I especially can't see it being much use on a steyr. By the time you get the scope zoomed in by crouching, the guy that you were aiming for is going to be gone already, or at least out of range of the steyr.]

Clawbug: I don't see how you can associate binking a ruger with spraying it. In order to bink a ruger you're going to have to hit it 2-3 times in a short time span. If you are just randomly spraying, that most likely isn't going to happen. Beating a ruger is all about who hits first. If someone with say an MP5 or an AK gets the drop on me when I'm using a ruger, I'm pretty much screwed. The bink will throw your aim off enough while you're trying to get a bead on them, that you'll be dead before you get the 2-3 shots necessary to kill the guy.

However, if I can get the first shot, and get a hit on them, it's almost a guaranteed kill.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #79 on: July 18, 2007, 07:12:38 pm »
the ruger is pretty easy to defeat because in the time it takes to fire twice to kill me ive already blasted them away with my mp5 >:) plus its only 4 shots and runs out kinda fast so its not much of a threat.