Author Topic: opinions on the ruger  (Read 54462 times)

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Offline ElGato

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #140 on: August 14, 2007, 09:33:44 am »
Before I type anything else, is everything for you from a realistic point of view?

If you mean realistic mode, then yes.

What a waste of time... haha. Ok I agree it is too good in realistic, you should have said something a long time ago considering the first post in this thread is clearly not about realistic mode.
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Offline LtKillroy

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #141 on: August 14, 2007, 11:51:34 am »
Ruger needs to be slightly binkable. Slightly. Otherwise, very fair in realistic and normal becuase of statements made for the past 7 pages. People will always complain about the balance, sometimes you just have to ignore them :)
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Offline TiReD

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #142 on: August 15, 2007, 02:41:10 pm »
In realistic mode, the recoil is crazy.
I agree, but you can kill 4 people with a clip if you aim properly.

Date Posted: 14 August 2007, 11:05:12
The barrett takes skill to aim! and it has uber bink and uber in between delay

You, or me, NEVER playing you will end the clip (Or only hardly ever you can shoot the 10 bullets)so [Barret] don't needs more bullets. And which bink are you talking? Do you mean Mov. Acc?
(I wasnt being serious)
also: Barrett goes from no bink to huge bink with only 1 bullet

Offline JonWood007

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #143 on: August 21, 2007, 11:47:45 am »
After playing more, here is my take on the Ruger.

In regular mode, I think it needs less moveacc. I rarely make hits with the ruger while moving, but I can while standing still. In realistic, as I mentioned earlier, it needs less power.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #144 on: August 21, 2007, 01:44:06 pm »
After playing more, here is my take on the Ruger.

In regular mode, I think it needs less moveacc. I rarely make hits with the ruger while moving, but I can while standing still. In realistic, as I mentioned earlier, it needs less power.

I know people who CAN make the hits. :| Ruger us useless for one who aint experienced with it, yet it can be unstoppable in right hands.
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Offline ipwned

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #145 on: August 24, 2007, 07:03:03 am »
You have to think MANY factors before arguing a gun is "overpowered". First you need to think REAL LIFE. Not the guns in real life, but the players themselves. Even "pros" lose their concentration, or mess up when in pressure AKA shot by an auto, all player's primary response to being shot at is "F***ing run and shoot, hope you shoot the **** out of him before he gets you", and that's where movement bink kicks in. In Realistic mode, a player with ruger stands in the alpha base being shot at, he would be dead before his first shot if he didn't run away. Plus Realistic Mode, people actually get binked, or make MISTAKES the thing EVERY human on this planet has made. In Normal mode speaking, since "ruger" is such a cheap gun, why not spend your time training m79 and then own a ruger instead? Ruger pros need two shots no matter what, but with the interval, you could probably have walked up to him and have shot him to pieces before he even shoots the second shot. Ruger Pros in Realistic(Miju), you think may f***ing own you in a shot, that's because they EARNED that skill, they trained and trained to obtain that skill. It's not like they got it from 10minutes of using a ruger. If you think a pro is so good with a gun and then call for that gun to be nerfed..that's totally unfair to the "pros" because all their training would have been for naught. AND the nerfing will keep going on and on and on, sooner or later all guns from soldat will do 1%per hit with 1bullet, same reload times,movement acc, etc. In conclusion, you must think about all factors like, People are NOT robots, they make mistakes/get pressured, the changes that would affect Realistic Mode/Normal Mode, The players-says-to-be-nerfed-gun(e.g. Ruger) versus another player-says-to-be-nerfed-gun(m79). and the end result of the nerfed(will other guns be nerfed because this one did?Will it need to be nerfed again?etc)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 07:09:13 am by ipwned »

Offline ChromedGun

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #146 on: August 24, 2007, 11:32:33 am »
A weapon with onehit-kill and absolutely no handicaps is overpowered IMHO.

Don't say that they earned it. No one earns a barret that can shoot 4 straight shots quickly after another while running and being shot at.

@Kryp -- go buy some skills. use /command to bring up the commands.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #147 on: August 24, 2007, 11:44:48 am »
You have to think MANY factors before arguing a gun is "overpowered". First you need to think REAL LIFE.

Soldat is nowehere close to real life, and will never be, or has ever been.

since "ruger" is such a cheap gun, why not spend your time training m79 and then own a ruger instead?

M79 has no chance against Ruger, if the Rugerer can keep some distance. Who can't?
Ruger Pros in Realistic(Miju), you think may f***ing own you in a shot, that's because they EARNED that skill,

Why can rugerers earn skills and others can not?

And the text after that quote is total nonsense to me. You certainly do not see why we are balancing this, and you might think that "it's all ok already". Which is not the truth.

A working technique to win 1v1 match: Take Ruger, stay behind polygons, jump, shoot at the enemy, hide. If you hit, repeat. If you hit again, take out socom and shoot at the enemy.

Continue doing that until the time runs out.

With that tactic, the enemy can not really hit you. You can jump up, enemy starts shooting at you, his/hers bullets will reach you, but you are already hid behind the polygon which you jumped behind from.

If I see someone playing like that, I ask him nicely if we can cancel the duel, I got no interest to play against persons who have to hide me 90% of the time and use hit 'n' run -tactics.

This can be done with Barrett aswell, but with other weapons it is quite useless and hard.
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Offline ipwned

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #148 on: August 25, 2007, 04:49:53 am »
That is true, but, there are many views to this cause in normal mode that's the unfair way of using ruger, but in realistic it's rather pointless since guns do way more damages. So if ruger were to be nerfed a bit, it would affect it's use in realistic. In Realistic it usually took 1hs to kill with ruger, but now it sometimes needs 2shots, due to it being nerfed. and your statement about the skill earning, I meant they took time to earn their skill, not that only they did, I meant they earned their skills and that others do too, but that rugers just get lucky/skilled shots on them, so they think the gun SHOULD get nerfed.  You must think about player personalities too, because newbie rugers would most likely fail to win with it because the autos could spray them, they get would get pressured, run, miss alot, movement accuracy, etc. @ ChromedGuns, The Rett's movement acc got changed so much that if you kept running, your shot wouldn't go straight. If you stopped, you would be aimed at, binked and you would miss as well.. That's totally fact, tell me otherwise..I'm not starting an arguement, just trying to state my opinion..Plus the polygon move, that stunt makes you miss since you jump, and there's also a true fact, if you can/can't shoot them, there's sometimes a chance they can shoot you. So with Barrett, you could get binked, with Ruger you could miss since movement acc plus pressured thinking. BUT adding a bit more bink could do it..though it already seems like a lot of bink to me..just not to teh realistic mode of course..(My Main Mode for playing is Realistic, so that's why I base most of my opinions from basic, though I started out playing normal at version 1.2) Don't flame me/feel angry if you think Im an idiot for not getting what YOU mean, because thats YOU and I'm ME. =)
« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 04:51:32 am by ipwned »

Offline Zabijaka

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #149 on: August 28, 2007, 05:55:12 pm »
the reload magazine time is incredible short:/
rest is good

Offline O.R.I.O.N.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #150 on: August 30, 2007, 02:00:58 pm »
The Ruger is fine as it is. In the right hands, the gun can rack up headshots like nobody's buisness, and the 4-round clip is appropriate to it's power. Not to mention that it can be a pretty fun gun when used right. In short: No touchie mah Ruger.
To sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)
And we still don't know if dead guys can keep a stiffy.

Offline JonWood007

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #151 on: August 30, 2007, 08:48:03 pm »
Ok, after being around skilled players more I would definitely say the ruger is slightly too powerful. Its bullet strength is good, if it were any weaker Deagles would easily overpower it. Its accuracte/bink and all are appropriate. I think the ROF needs to be a little slower. Some people get 2 shots easily. People with guns like Mp5 or even Barrett often dont stand a chance. With its 2 bullets .5 seconds apart, it kills too fast. I would definitely say work on M79 and knife (yes I hate the knife) first, but the ruger is also a little overpowered.

Offline Supernaut

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #152 on: October 21, 2007, 06:28:18 pm »
I'd say give it a slightly lesser rate of fire. I think it would help balance things out as you would have to keep the enemy on distance (rush impossible). Right now it's overpowerness lies in ability to kill fast, maybe faster than most other weapons (excluding barret, m79, law, knife and saw ofc) so increasing this time would help a bit imo.

Offline Pie

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #153 on: October 21, 2007, 07:33:01 pm »
I'd say give it a slightly lesser rate of fire. I think it would help balance things out as you would have to keep the enemy on distance (rush impossible). Right now it's overpowerness lies in ability to kill fast, maybe faster than most other weapons (excluding barret, m79, law, knife and saw ofc) so increasing this time would help a bit imo.
It's rate of fire is quiet slow as it is... Compared to degals and some autos, or spas. Degals take 2 to 3 hits to kill someone, ruger takes 2 and Degals fire faster. I think the ruger is fine... it's hard to use, but fine.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #154 on: October 22, 2007, 05:57:14 am »
The problem I have with finding a working design for the ruger is that I can't bloody decide if it should lean more towards being a slow 3-hit kill, rapide 2-hit kill or somewhere inbetween. First if I know that I can do something about it.

So what's the general consensus.. if there is any. What do you all think? Faster than now with less power or the other way?

Offline Chakra

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #155 on: October 22, 2007, 06:22:30 am »
Well really the concern should be, what is its place?

Should it be able to take out autos quicker than an auto can take out another, providing the user has a reliable aim? If so or not, why?

If it's idea is to be long range domination, then perhaps it'd be best suited as a heavy damage dealer, but not a quick killer. Kind of like a 'lite' barret.
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Offline Ziem

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #156 on: October 22, 2007, 06:24:35 am »
The problem I have with finding a working design for the ruger is that I can't bloody decide if it should lean more towards being a slow 3-hit kill, rapide 2-hit kill or somewhere inbetween. First if I know that I can do something about it.

So what's the general consensus.. if there is any. What do you all think? Faster than now with less power or the other way?

I think that if ruger will be :
1) faster with less dmg - wow better deagles
2) slower with more dmg - always 2hit kill, even in legs ;E = omg.

Reload time doesn't matter ...
Bink ? (balancing weapons with moveacc sux)

Offline darkangel

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #157 on: October 27, 2007, 03:44:31 pm »
i think ruger sux is a backup weapon is just for getting lucky shots or low the people 50% of theyr life  that sux bad really i think ruger is overpowered and they need to slow the damage rate
redemption for the redemtion...cause I'I'ma Fallen Angel.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #158 on: October 27, 2007, 04:33:31 pm »
Darkangel. If you can write an explanation on 100 words or more in acceptable English, I'll nerf the sh-it out of ruger and rename it "darkangel rox."

Offline excruciator

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #159 on: October 27, 2007, 04:49:53 pm »
I'd say give it a slightly lesser rate of fire. I think it would help balance things out as you would have to keep the enemy on distance (rush impossible). Right now it's overpowerness lies in ability to kill fast, maybe faster than most other weapons (excluding barret, m79, law, knife and saw ofc) so increasing this time would help a bit imo.
It's rate of fire is quiet slow as it is... Compared to degals and some autos, or spas. Degals take 2 to 3 hits to kill someone, ruger takes 2 and Degals fire faster. I think the ruger is fine... it's hard to use, but fine.

...slow? slow?!?!?
I 1 on 1ed someone yesterday, it was really embarrassing. I was beaten 20-6. I say that I'm a pretty good steyr user yet I cannot deal enough damage in time for me to make a kill(and I hit 9/10 bullets). (turns out that the guy was Kzya, that was playing under the name of bobel :/)That is very very overpowered. Even iIf I could use an auto to its full potencial, it still cant beat the ruger, thats how overpowered it is.

Date Posted: October 27, 2007, 05:48:46 pm
Darkangel. If you can write an explanation on 100 words or more in acceptable English, I'll nerf the sh-it out of ruger and rename it "darkangel rox."

If I could do it for him would you still nerf the sh!t out of it?
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