Author Topic: opinions on the ruger  (Read 54482 times)

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Offline excruciator

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #200 on: January 09, 2008, 06:47:28 pm »
Dont forget theres way more skilled/pro auto users then semi. Autos have been the dominant in terms of player for player weapon usage for a reason. Excluding the m79/barret addiction all (most) newer players are doomed to pick up.

the kind of pro you are thinking are those who can nade 75% of the health away, then finish them with a burst of 3 bullets. thats not pro, they are just good with the nades, not gun. In fact, I haven't seen many that are very capable with guns. The only ones that really capable with em are the oldies such as DSlayer and sneaky, kzya, VX] psycho, r7 stryder, chariot, ryan ( and others that I havent played with) and some relatively new but underrated players, that hasn't been blinded by the simplicity of nading, such as RE sarge, mafia' Korrupt, drought(hes also quite capable)and maybe, me  8) ( :o what?!? )

I'm also tired of you complaining about the grenade, and people who use them to kill you.  It's a matter of if you're given the ability to kill someone in half the time, why wouldn't you?  Just because they use a grenade for a kill, doesn't mean they have bad aim, it means they're taking full advantage of their weapons. 

maybe because...its cheap and easy and boring and annoying? I mean sure nade's are great, but if you over use it, is no fun, its also a nuisances to other players. Show some "sports"manship.
also if you rely on nade that much, I dont think you are going to be great at gunnin, unless you are a vet.
Most of us aren't

Anyway, most people who hit most of the grenades have just as good, if not better aim with guns.
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Offline Twistkill

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #201 on: January 09, 2008, 07:06:26 pm »
Ruger's archenemies are m79...
Please tell me you're joking, buddy. The Ruger rapes the M79 in virtually every map except for really small ones like Nuubia or Kampf.

...the deagles are quite an equal match the ruger- it has more bullets in magazine's and it does ~half the damage the ruger rifle does. Basically the ruger is a rather balanced weap.
You're leaving out the fact that the Ruger has an easier time hitting targets even at the edge of the screen compared to the Deagles because of its speed...

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #202 on: January 09, 2008, 11:47:58 pm »
-it has the potential to kill 2 people per clip <assuming you can aim properly>

I Lold at this. It can kill 5 People if you Lucky.
4 With good aim
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #203 on: January 10, 2008, 01:14:12 am »
Minimi can kill some 100 people with one clip if you just know what yo are doing. This doesn't mean it is better than Ruger.
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #204 on: January 10, 2008, 09:02:18 am »
Dont forget theres way more skilled/pro auto users then semi. Autos have been the dominant in terms of player for player weapon usage for a reason. Excluding the m79/barret addiction all (most) newer players are doomed to pick up.
DON'T BE DONE! Have a chat with me.

Don't forget the fact that Ruger will kill in 2 shots from close-mid -range. This means that IF the auto had 100% accuracy, Ruger would STILL beat it. Do you know anyone who can pull 100% accuracy for an automatic weapon?

Those 2 shot kills are quite common in all ranges, unless hit once to the legs over long range. Don't forget that Ruger is one of the easiest weapon in the whole game, it is just point&click afterall.

What does this sound? Let's make AUG to kill in 0.67 seconds after the first bullet hits. Then lets also add another feature, if the enemy has less than 50% health, he will die when one AUG bullet hits him. Does that sound good?

Tell us a solution to fix the Ruger and we will.
Can you deny the fact that Ruger is so damn easy to use, once you get used to it? Can you deny the fact that it will be one shot killer agasinst those who have less than 50% health, meaning that if they have semi-Auto/auto, they have no chance against Ruger, since they can barely react?
Can you deny the fact that 10 of bink is quite useless, meaning that you can't even bink a Ruger properly?

So, bring it on, what to do with fireinterval? What to do with damage? What to do with bink? MovementAcc? Reload?
We are here to HELP afterall, and fix flaws, and IMO, the Ruger alone is one big flaw in the WB atm. It kills too fast in a hands of a pro, no other weapon can do this.

You certainly don't really know what is it to make, test and fine tune a WB. It takes alot of time. I am that new tester that I haven't really participated in these "sessions", other than this summer, but hell, I can tell that it is VERY hard to be sure which is overpowered and which is not, in less than 3 hours of testing that particular WB. Then add varying opinions, amount of total opinions, limited resources (manpower, time, even servers) and you get the idea.

As I said, you you are willing to help us, provide us perfect statistics how Ruger should be in this version. And remember, Ruger kills too fast atm.

Your obviously inexpierenced with it because if you werent youd know not even the best ruger users have two hit kills constantly. It just dont happen. Name one or five dominant/pro ruger players aside from Mancer. Now name the dominant/pro aug, ak, users you know. If Ruger was so easy youd see way more of it. In the heavyer competition clan scene you just dont see it and you dont for a reason. I (and others) who have been around longer then a year or two or three  tried to expain and "help" before but its useless because you guys proved youll do what you want anyway. So I really dont care enough to and I really dont care what happens to Ruger anymore cus ill just use aug, ak, or minimi more then I already am now. I dont want an unbalanced balance but its inevitable.

good luck..
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 09:05:58 am by GAMEOVER »

Offline .Ryan.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #205 on: January 10, 2008, 09:48:01 am »
If you get above your opponent it's hard not to atchually kill in 2 hits with the ruger, but if your low, your slightly screwed. Ruger is strong when both players are of an even level, too.

Every weapon is better fired from height, DOWN into your opponents skull.

You will die if you don't get the positional advantage and keep it, especially when playing a ruger'r.
A good ruger user will sometimes force you to use barrett or indeed another ruger to stand a chance. It's hard to beat a good rugertard when they keep getting above you.  >:(

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #206 on: January 10, 2008, 12:00:15 pm »

I am inexperienced? Well, thats true. The only experience I erally have had is that I have played 20 minutes with it in publics, went to CW with it and hit some 90% of time. As I said, it shoots straight, and thats what you need to learn. How come can you not hit if you learn to shoot straight, and do that 80% of time while playing Soldat 3 hours a day? The only thing is the movementacc, which you can workaround by not pressing WASD/jetting. With this in mind, players like you, Mancer, Zearth, other pro Rugerers have some 90% aim as long as the movementacc doesn't fuck it up, which happens quite rarely if you just workaround it. Sure one can worm/dance/whatever, but that means they won't hit really either.

As I said, Ruger is easy. Ruger kills faster than other weapons, Ruger is 1 shot killer for those who have less than 50 % Health. Can you honestyl say that it is balanced? And how the fuck can you talk about autos and compare them, telling that they are somehow better? The only thing they are better at is spray, ammo and the fact that they are very reliable because they always deal damage. They maximum potential is far behind when compared to Rugers maximum potential. And incase you forget; Rugers maximum potential is to hit 4 times. Auto's maximum potential is to hit 30-50 times, wich with selfbink, slower bullet speed and bullet spread is impossible in practise.

In practise Good AK/AUG/Minimi will hit some 85-90% of bullets in optimal situation, in practise Ruger will hit same amount. Though, if Ruger gets 2 shots to land, Autos have no chance, not even with zero range + 100% accuracy.

Then lets compare Ruger to Deagles. Why would one use Deagles when you have easier and more powerful weapon for LONG range?
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Offline teh_ham

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #207 on: January 10, 2008, 05:12:29 pm »
The Deagles and Ruger are used for different situations - Comparing them both for long range will give an obvious winner (Ruger)

Deagles are better for close combat, and if used correctly can kill in 2 shots - although I have found this hard to do over longer ranges. Deagles also have very little bink/movement acc. So you can move around while firing them and still be accurate enough to kill.

Ryan is absolutely true about your position when compared to your targets. The bullets slow down their advance towards you and the gravity adds extra damage to the bullets you fire.

A rugertard is one of the worst things in Soldat, but they hardly ever pop up.

The worst thing about the ruger is that it has more than enough chances to kill you. You're given 4 bullets, 2 is enough to kill but if you miss the headshot then 3 is enough. So if there is going to be a nerf, I think it should be in the magazine capacity area.

Offline The Owls

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #208 on: January 10, 2008, 07:40:47 pm »
You can't possibly expect them to lower the already laughable clip size for the ruger.  Sure it takes two shots to kill, but its a must to have the extra two shots as backup, because no matter how good you are, you'll miss eventually. 

I think, though, that a fast firing ruger would actually work.  Lower the damage so that three shots kill, maybe increase the rate of fire a tiny bit, and tack on a few extra shots so it has 5 maybe 6 shots.  The only problem is, it'd be fairly similar to the deagles at this point. 

Of course if you take the other route of decreasing the rate of fire it would be an ok nerf, but semi's are already underused, even if they are overpowered a bit.  An idea I thought of though, is to keep with the damage ratio, it works out fairly well right now, decrease the rate of fire, and bring its ammo up to 5.  (and probably increase the reload by a bit)  I'm not exactly sure, it may even need maybe 1 damage less to even it out a bit considering the extra shot. 

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #209 on: January 10, 2008, 07:41:01 pm »
Ruger needs NO headshot to kill in 2 shots.

Deagles killing in two shots? Thats a lie, unless you rush against rushing enemies and hit to the head, which is just luck, and VERY rare. For deagles, it takes 3 shots to kill someone. For Ruger, it takes 2. Ruger shoots those 2 shots faster than deagles shoot their 3, assuming that those 2 shots by Ruger are hits.

Considering that deagles are very much harder to handle, due to the arc, and the delay it takes for bullet to travel across the screen, it should be so that deagles > Ruger. Another one shoots where your cursor is, or some 1cm lower. (Just about the height of Soldat). Another has great delay and even greater arc, and bullets loose alot more damage over distance.
Ruger with 2 first shots hitting is unstopable, which is the serious problem.

IF Ruger and Deagles get into a firefight, and both miss their first shot, Deagles have a chance to survive by hitting 3 times. Ruger has no chance, unless the distance is great enough to slow deagle bullets down and to let Ruger hit twice. Yet again, Deagles are ALOT harder to use in this situation.

When comparing Deagles' maximum potential against Rugers maximum potential, it is clear that Ruger is more powerful. Well, that alone really isn't a problem, but the problem lies when you compare how much harder, and more limited it is to use Deagles. Ruger does fine from close-mid-long ranges, Deagles do fine close-mid ranges. I really see no point in using Deagles against Ruger, harder, more limited, and less effective.

It is true that semis are underused compared to autos, but Ruger is very much overused when compared to Spas/Deagles.

I have been thinkong those two ways aswell, either increase damage AND fireinterval, or decrease both. IMO 2 shot Ruger is way too good in 1v1 matches, when Ruger has to step out from behind the polygon twice. Or once, and use Socom and run away. Barrett won't solve this, as the Ruger will step out, barretard will react AFTER the Rugertard shot, and by time barrett is ready to shoot, the Rugertard is behind the polygon again. It is VERY desperate fight to go against good, defensive Ruger which makes sure he can hide any given moment, whch basically can be done in almost any DM maps, if moved accordingly, ability to hide kept in mind. Though, this same "strategy" somewhat applies to Barrett aswell, and M79.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 07:47:12 pm by Clawbug »
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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #210 on: January 10, 2008, 07:51:27 pm »
ruger causes about 44% damage per shot.  2 hits and just about any spray will kill you. degals takes 3 shots to kill but due to lag sometimes degals have the diss-advantage.

TY for thoes #'s
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 08:00:14 pm by MRH »
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #211 on: January 10, 2008, 07:55:37 pm »
ruger causes about 46% damage per shot.  2 hits and just about any spray will kill you. degals takes 3shots to kill but due
Ruger causes 55,44 % damage per shot.
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Offline excruciator

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #212 on: January 10, 2008, 08:42:32 pm »
You can't possibly expect them to lower the already laughable clip size for the ruger.  Sure it takes two shots to kill, but its a must to have the extra two shots as backup, because no matter how good you are, you'll miss eventually. 
I actually like the idea of lowering the clip size, to 2, and make the rate staying the same.
so make it harder to use, pro would still be good with it, but noobs would have to reload so often that they will abandon it.

I think, though, that a fast firing ruger would actually work.  Lower the damage so that three shots kill, maybe increase the rate of fire a tiny bit, and tack on a few extra shots so it has 5 maybe 6 shots.  The only problem is, it'd be fairly similar to the deagles at this point. 

I would like to see some diversity.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 08:45:37 pm by excruciator »
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #213 on: January 10, 2008, 08:48:09 pm »
As I said, Rugers maximum potential is way too high, and way too easy to achieve.
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Offline excruciator

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #214 on: January 11, 2008, 08:24:37 am »
cutting the clip size would lower the maximum potential by a lot.
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #215 on: January 11, 2008, 09:58:43 am »
cutting the clip size would lower the maximum potential by a lot.
Not really. It would still kill as fast.
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Offline .Ryan.

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #216 on: January 11, 2008, 10:06:56 am »
It's a difficult weapon to balance, I doubt you would achieve perfect balance or anything, i would think the rugers biggest weakness is superman/prone in mid air. Insane spraying can also put off a lot of rugerers. Dunno, maybe a small damage decrease? i really can't say

Offline The Owls

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #217 on: January 11, 2008, 10:34:29 am »
The only other thing I can think of for the ruger, that wouldn't be to drastic, is to bring back the 1.3.1 one in a way.  Lower the damage so 3 shots are common, and 2 shot kills are rare.  But lower the movement accuracy, and bink by a lot.  It still gives that quick two hit kill to players who can land 2 head shots (or whatever it was), but gives it a nerf to the point where if they don't land a head shot, autos and other semi's have a chance.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #218 on: January 11, 2008, 11:01:17 am »
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Offline excruciator

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Re: opinions on the ruger
« Reply #219 on: January 11, 2008, 11:55:32 am »
cutting the clip size would lower the maximum potential by a lot.
Not really. It would still kill as fast.

but the guy can only kill 1 at time now. + there would leave no room for errors. So its like a barrett,  hit or die.

Date Posted: January 11, 2008, 11:54:55 am
The only other thing I can think of for the ruger, that wouldn't be to drastic, is to bring back the 1.3.1 one in a way. Lower the damage so 3 shots are common, and 2 shot kills are rare. But lower the movement accuracy, and bink by a lot. It still gives that quick two hit kill to players who can land 2 head shots (or whatever it was), but gives it a nerf to the point where if they don't land a head shot, autos and other semi's have a chance.

that would work too, wonderfully even
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