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amzing program - thank you annajus a note tho - ^ where it says "[Updated 09/03/06]" - - > that date hasn't happened yet
Silly americans.I had one small suggestion for you Ania. I'd like to be able to resize/move the mapmaker window using my mouse, so i can tailor it to suit my needs. I wonder if that's possible. As of now i can only choose to make it fullscreen or half size centered.
Private Type TCustomVertex  X As Single  Y As Single  Z As Single  rhw As Single  Color As Long  tu As Single  tv As SingleEnd TypePrivate Type TPolygon  vertex(1 To 3) As TCustomVertexEnd TypePrivate Type TVertexData  vertex(1 To 3) As Byte  polyType As ByteEnd TypePrivate Type TScenery  Style    As Integer  Translation As D3DVECTOR2  rotation  As Single  Scaling   As D3DVECTOR2  Alpha    As Byte  Color    As Long  level    As Byte  selected  As Byte  screenTr  As D3DVECTOR2End TypePrivate Type TSpawnPoint  active As Long  X As Long  Y As Long  Team As LongEnd TypePrivate Type TCollider  active As Long  X    As Single  Y    As Single  radius As SingleEnd TypePrivate Type TWaypoint  tempIndex As Integer  selected As Boolean  X As Single  Y As Single  wayType(0 To 4) As Boolean  special As Byte  pathNum As Byte  numConnections As ByteEnd TypePrivate Type TConnection  Point1 As Integer  Point2 As IntegerEnd Type
I've also decided to post some impruvment ideas for PolyWorks (maybe something allready have been said, , but anyway):1. Separate displaying of Back, Middle and Front Scenery - I guess this will be very helpfull while working on maps with great number of sceneries...