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did u SEE the movie it interviewed people in free health care places they all said u dont wait a long time plus doctors in france can afford million dollar houses with socialized medicine
With free health care you get longer waits and poor service. At least with our current system you can get that necessary surgery right now, even if you have to pay for it...
I am not saying our system is perfect or anything like that. I am just saying Moore needs to shut up and let someone who can state their case without extremes or bias go at it, I just can't stand Moore is all I am saying.
With free health care you get longer waits and poor service. At least with our current system you can get that necessary surgery right now, even if you have to pay for it. I do believe there is a good number of people that come from countries with free health care to America to get the surgery done even though they pay for it. I heard that doctors from other countries come to America as well but I have nothing to back that up.
Quote from: † on July 18, 2007, 08:34:47 pmWith free health care you get longer waits and poor service. At least with our current system you can get that necessary surgery right now, even if you have to pay for it. I do believe there is a good number of people that come from countries with free health care to America to get the surgery done even though they pay for it. I heard that doctors from other countries come to America as well but I have nothing to back that up.Yeah, if you think the U.S's health care system would be anything like other countries health care systems. I'd assume the Richest country in the world would put more money into there health care system then Canada which does not really have such a health care system.Also, OF COURSE DOCTORS MOVE TO THE U.S, THEY GET PAID MORE!HELL! Some of the money spent on the military could be re-directed to pay for Health care and make it even better!
even Cuba has free health care! the terrotrists being held at guantanamo bay get free health care! we as one of the richest western countries are the ONLY western counrty without socialized meidicine.
Edit: I need to clarify why his bias doesn't currently matter. As a person who reads science journals regularly, I can tell you that each article is very frequently biased and for good reason. The authors don't have time to explain every side of every argument and they expect you to do the research on your own -- it's a scientific audience, this is what they do. Furthermore, if they're putting forth a new idea, it pays to acknowledge the other side and then give your counter-arguments.
Quote from: Red_Dawn on July 19, 2007, 08:23:42 ameven Cuba has free health care! the terrotrists being held at guantanamo bay get free health care! we as one of the richest western countries are the ONLY western counrty without socialized meidicine. Free does not mean good.
Quote from: a-4-year-old on July 19, 2007, 08:43:32 amFree does not mean good.Yes it does if you put enough money into it.
Free does not mean good.
Quote from: jrgp on September 30, 2010, 03:36:50 pmOnly anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.
Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
Best Admin: jrgp, he's like the forum mom and a pet dog rolled into one.
Sure, but where does the money come from? Taxes. So basically, you're paying extra taxes to provide medical care for someone who shot himself with a crossbow, held a firework too long, smoked to the point of emphysema, or has some other completely preventable condition that you shouldn't be held accountable for.As for the rest, like illness, that's why we have insurance.
You know the United States spends almost as much money on it's military as every other country in the world put togethers? Taxpayers would not have to pay more money if the military budget is cut and some money is directed towards healthcare.