indeed, i have the same problem.
my commandbox: - i deleted stuff like ---player management-- cuz i thought maybe it caused the error.
# This is the Command Box file for ARSSE
# The commands are loaded from this file to the Command Box
# You can add your own commands to this list.
# You can do this by the following sytnax:
# Command Name
# { (this is the opening bracket, it's a must)
# /soldatcommand1 (this is a soldat command. you can use any)
# } (closing bracket, this is a must)
# Lines starting with # are comments, and left out from parsing.
# There are built-in functions, which will help you make your
# commands more flexible, more custom. These are the following:
# $INPUT('Caption','Question')
# $CONFIRM('Question')
# $TOGGLE('Caption','Question')
# $INPUT() will ask for a specific input. You can set the window
# caption and the Question to ask. You can use it anywhere
# in your command.
# You must use the above syntax. You must make sure that it
# ends with ') otherwise it will fail to work.
# The following examples show you how to use it:
# Correct:
# /say $INPUT ( 'Server Message' , 'What do you want to say?')
# /say $INPUT ( 'Server Message' , 'What do you want to say?' )
# Notice that the only difference is at the end.
# $INPUT can have the following addons at it's end:
# This will open a window with the default Bot names (check botlist.txt)
# This will open a window with the default maps (check maplist.txt)
# It will show only maps for the current game mode
# This will open a window with the banned names' list (if any)
# Actually it is the contents of bannames.txt
# You can use these addons with $INPUT() only in the syntax below:
# $INPUT('Caption','Question'):$LOADXXX
# $CONFIRM() will ask you a question, if you press Ok, the commands
# after it will be executed, if you press Cancel, the command will abort.
# The syntax is pretty much the same as $INPUT().
# $TOGGLE() asks you a question with buttons 'On' and 'Off'. If you press
# 'On', it will insert a 1, if you press 'Off', it will insert 0 where
# $TOGGLE() is. You can alternatively press Cancel to abort the command.
# $TEAMSELECT will let you select a team, and insert the team number in
# place of the function. It acts different in each gamemode:
# In DM, PM, RM it doesn't show at all
# In CTF, INF and HTF it lets you select Alpha and Bravo
# In TM it lets you select all teams (except Spectator)
# $JOINSOLDAT simply starts Soldat and joins the actual server.
# Soldat must be properly installed for this to work.
# (it uses the
soldat://server:port method to run Soldat)
Join Game
Make Private
$CONFIRM('Kick everyone and set password?')
/password $INPUT('Make Private' , 'Enter new password:')
Add Bot
/addbot$TEAMSELECT $INPUT('Select Bot to add','Enter Bot name:'):$LOADBOTS
Add remote admin
/admip $INPUT('Add remote admin','Enter IP address of remote admin:')
Remove remote admin
/unadm $INPUT('Add remote admin','Enter IP address of remote admin:')
Ban IP
/banip $INPUT( 'Ban Player IP' , 'Enter IP address to ban:')
Unban IP
/unban $INPUT( 'Unban Player IP' , 'Enter IP address to unban:')
Ban Name
/banname $INPUT( 'Ban Name' , 'Enter name to ban:')
Unban Name
/unbanname $INPUT('Unban Name' , 'Enter name to unban:'):$LOADBANS
Set vote percentage
/vote% $INPUT('Set new vote percentage','Enter vote percentage (0-100)')
Set bonus frequency
/bonus $INPUT('Set bonus frequency','Enter new frequency: 0-none, 5-lots')
Set Advance mode
/advance $TOGGLE('Set advance mode','Turn advance mode...')
Set Realistic mode
/realistic $TOGGLE('Set realistic mode','Turn realistic mode...')
Set Survival mode
/survival $TOGGLE('Set survival mode','Turn survival mode...')
Change Game Mode
/gamemode $INPUT('Set new gamemode','0-DM, 1-PM, 2-TDM, 3-CTF, 4-RM, 5-INF, 6-HTF')
Register in Lobby