Author Topic: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2.7] (build 14)  (Read 230212 times)

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Offline Mistercharles

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #80 on: August 31, 2006, 08:03:14 pm »
Is there a sleep function?

Edit: And do wildcards work in if $MESSAGE = 's?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 08:14:14 pm by Mistercharles »
shoutout to m'boyz eagles_arrows, echo_trail, wraithlike, sadistatheart, chakapoko maker, jrgp, aznblood, chakra, keron cyst, et al, miss you, let's '#gather some day

Offline KeFear

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #81 on: September 16, 2006, 07:31:44 am »
yes, wildcards (* and ?) work in scripts

what do you mean by sleep function?

Date Posted: 2006-09-01, 18:38:53
I finally got some freetime, so after a long time a new beta is released. v1.2.5b is out.

beta changelog since last official release:

-fixed auto-connect bug: server showed disconnected
-fixed Connect on Startup showed false information
-fixed reconnected when clicked "Disconnect" and Auto-Retry was on
-fixed !admin command resized the main window
-fixed pressing Tab on password box takes you to Connect button
-fixed Team scores, Avarage Ping, Avarage/Total Score, Avarage/Total Deaths refreshed with delay on Tab change
-fixed !rate sometimes show 10-14 digits for K:D rate, now it shows in a 0.00 format
-added option to hide "Registering Server.." messages
-added option to hide kill messages
-added hotkeys: z will send PM to the player selected in Player List, / will immediately focus on command line
-added Join Game function to Command Box - starts Soldat and joins the actual server
-added right-click menu to Command Box
-added OnRefresh event
-added pressing CTRL key in Password box shows the password
-modified Command Box: commands are loaded from CommandBox.txt
-modified Command Box: custom commands can be added
-modified connected servers are now displayed in black, disconnected servers are in gray
-modified command line played a "beep" on pressing "Enter", now it's silent
-modified server name is changed if clicked anywhere, hitting ESC cancels renaming
-modified pings are displayed in color depending on value in Player List
-modified main window's layout: version info and 'by RiA|KeFear' is now displayed in title
-modified Spectators' score, death and ratio are replaced with N/A
-modified scrolling mechanism of main console
-modified structure and name of configuration ini file (now arsse.ini) not compatible with previous versions
-modified settings and events are now separated for each server
-removed 'automatically scroll to the end of the message box' from Settings


if you find any bugs, feel free to report them.

Offline BombSki

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #82 on: September 16, 2006, 08:02:45 am »
Yeah i guess i found a bug
after installing this it, nothing works anymore :x

its says the commandsbox isnt loaded, and it wont connect to a server. also i lost all my settings besides fav servers.

* BombSki goes to find download link of previous version :x

btw, why:
-removed 'automatically scroll to the end of the message box' from Settings
i used to turn it off, because if someone is join-flooding the server (the server is full, yet he requests the game 10x every second) i wanna ban him. the only way to do that is to copy his IP.. which is kinda hard if the lines are going 10 lines a second..

Offline KeFear

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #83 on: September 16, 2006, 10:58:02 am »
Oh, yeah.. it's my fault. i left some code commented out.


And scrolling was removed for purpose. The main console window method was changed, so it's not necessary to scroll to the end. The back side is that you have to scroll down the first time it reaches the bottom. After that it will scroll down automatically, but if you scroll back a bit it stops scrolling to the bottom
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 11:27:49 am by KeFear »


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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #84 on: September 16, 2006, 05:49:30 pm »
v1.2.5b wowww!
I luv you KeFear...

Offline BombSki

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #85 on: September 16, 2006, 06:16:36 pm »
Ok, at least it works now ;)

only making new script files doesnt seem to work  ( cannot create script - invalid path )
edit: the seperate settings are kinda messed i think :s i dont want to set settings for each server.. also this seems to cause the error.. 2 servers cant have the same scriptfile.
maybe you should make only the team-balance and server message server-specific?

the IRC support didnt really increase, did it?
it has more events, but as far as i can tell there isnt much added to the script. it would be nice to get some identifiers like $SERVER(server#,setting) like: $SERVER(2,MAP), $SERVER(1,TIMELEFT)
$CALC would also be very nice (total players, total players in all servers, total kills etc)

and of course you'd need $2 or something similar for advanced IRC admining, like !kill playernum -> /kill $2 (and $3 $4 etc ;) )

it would be great to see such things implented
« Last Edit: September 16, 2006, 08:50:05 pm by BombSki »

Offline KeFear

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #86 on: September 17, 2006, 01:24:56 am »
IRC part wasn't touched yet.

i will exemine the separated-scripts problem today.

I did make a try, and it worked perfectly for 2 servers with different/same script files (tried OnPlayerSpeak event)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 01:30:42 am by KeFear »

Offline Leo

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #87 on: September 17, 2006, 01:55:38 am »
It seems the auto-messages do not work.

Offline BombSki

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #88 on: September 17, 2006, 05:44:23 am »
hmm.. weird KeFear..
i tried it with the OnIRCMessage event..
ill have another look into it o.o

edit: another thing.. I edited the CommandBox.txt, i deleted a lot of commands (i dont use them all so i dont want them in the menu..)
anyway after i changed it, i restarted arsse and it says 'commandbox not exists"
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 05:48:58 am by BombSki »

Offline KeFear

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #89 on: September 17, 2006, 06:25:56 am »
Leo: it may happen. Fixing it...

Bombski: Oh, yeah, the OnIRCMessage event.. will look at that, fix that.
About CommandBox.txt: maybe you deleted something important or similar. Show me your CommandBox.txt which won't work. Anyway, built-in command editor will be available in next release. It already has this, but won't save your changes yet. (Try right-clicking on the commands)

Offline BattouKen

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #90 on: September 17, 2006, 08:43:59 am »
compatibility with servers 2.4.9 it's posible in arsse v1.2.x future version?

sorry for my english... only speak spanish >_<

Offline KeFear

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #91 on: September 17, 2006, 09:12:09 am »
well, no, currently ARSSE supports only server versions supporting REFRESHX

anyway, the autosay is fixed now for seperate servers.

Offline Leo

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #92 on: September 17, 2006, 09:21:48 am »
It doesn't save it. Whenever I restart ARSSE the auto-message is gone. :(

Offline BombSki

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #93 on: September 17, 2006, 09:32:57 am »
indeed, i have the same problem.

my commandbox: - i deleted stuff like ---player management-- cuz i thought maybe it caused the error.
# This is the Command Box file for ARSSE
# The commands are loaded from this file to the Command Box
# You can add your own commands to this list.
# You can do this by the following sytnax:
# Command Name
# {         (this is the opening bracket, it's a must)
# /soldatcommand1   (this is a soldat command. you can use any)
# }         (closing bracket, this is a must)
# Lines starting with # are comments, and left out from parsing.
# There are built-in functions, which will help you make your
# commands more flexible, more custom. These are the following:
# $INPUT('Caption','Question')
# $CONFIRM('Question')
# $TOGGLE('Caption','Question')
# $INPUT() will ask for a specific input. You can set the window
# caption and the Question to ask. You can use it anywhere
# in your command.
# You must use the above syntax. You must make sure that it
# ends with ') otherwise it will fail to work.
# The following examples show you how to use it:
# Correct:
# /say $INPUT ( 'Server Message' , 'What do you want to say?')
# /say $INPUT ( 'Server Message' , 'What do you want to say?'  )
# Notice that the only difference is at the end.
# $INPUT can have the following addons at it's end:
# This will open a window with the default Bot names (check botlist.txt)
# This will open a window with the default maps (check maplist.txt)
# It will show only maps for the current game mode
# This will open a window with the banned names' list (if any)
# Actually it is the contents of bannames.txt
# You can use these addons with $INPUT() only in the syntax below:
# $INPUT('Caption','Question'):$LOADXXX
# $CONFIRM() will ask you a question, if you press Ok, the commands
# after it will be executed, if you press Cancel, the command will abort.
# The syntax is pretty much the same as $INPUT().
# $TOGGLE() asks you a question with buttons 'On' and 'Off'. If you press
# 'On', it will insert a 1, if you press 'Off', it will insert 0 where
# $TOGGLE() is. You can alternatively press Cancel to abort the command.
# $TEAMSELECT will let you select a team, and insert the team number in
# place of the function. It acts different in each gamemode:
# In DM, PM, RM it doesn't show at all
# In CTF, INF and HTF it lets you select Alpha and Bravo
# In TM it lets you select all teams (except Spectator)
# $JOINSOLDAT simply starts Soldat and joins the actual server.
# Soldat must be properly installed for this to work.
# (it uses the soldat://server:port method to run Soldat)

Join Game

Make Private
$CONFIRM('Kick everyone and set password?')
/password $INPUT('Make Private'  ,  'Enter new password:')

Add Bot
/addbot$TEAMSELECT $INPUT('Select Bot to add','Enter Bot name:'):$LOADBOTS

Add remote admin
/admip $INPUT('Add remote admin','Enter IP address of remote admin:')

Remove remote admin
/unadm $INPUT('Add remote admin','Enter IP address of remote admin:')

Ban IP
/banip $INPUT( 'Ban Player IP' , 'Enter IP address to ban:')

Unban IP
/unban $INPUT( 'Unban Player IP' , 'Enter IP address to unban:')

Ban Name
/banname $INPUT( 'Ban Name' , 'Enter name to ban:')

Unban Name
/unbanname $INPUT('Unban Name' , 'Enter name to unban:'):$LOADBANS

Set vote percentage
/vote% $INPUT('Set new vote percentage','Enter vote percentage (0-100)')

Set bonus frequency
/bonus $INPUT('Set bonus frequency','Enter new frequency: 0-none, 5-lots')

Set Advance mode
/advance $TOGGLE('Set advance mode','Turn advance mode...')

Set Realistic mode
/realistic $TOGGLE('Set realistic mode','Turn realistic mode...')

Set Survival mode
/survival $TOGGLE('Set survival mode','Turn survival mode...')

Change Game Mode
/gamemode $INPUT('Set new gamemode','0-DM, 1-PM, 2-TDM, 3-CTF, 4-RM, 5-INF, 6-HTF')

Register in Lobby
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 09:39:34 am by BombSki »

Offline KeFear

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #94 on: September 17, 2006, 11:59:10 am »
Try to re-download the beta now. It should save the auto message.... at least it does for me.

BombSki: your CommandBox.txt should work fine - it works for me. Make sure it's in the same folder as ARSSE.exe

Offline BombSki

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2006, 12:46:21 pm »
hmm.. it is.. well, ill redownload the new version and hope it works. if not ill drop by on irc

- server msg works, gj
- commandbox still doesnt work though.. and im sure its in the same folder :/
- where can i find u on irc?

- somehow im still getting errors when i try to save a script. even if the script is only used by 1 sever.. if i select it in the Events menu, and then press OK i get the INvALID DIR error.. and when i de-select it again, and press ok, i get the same error. kinda weird :| this is for several events (havent tested them all but i assume so..)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2006, 02:50:30 pm by BombSki »

Offline Leo

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #96 on: September 18, 2006, 01:21:55 am »
How I use the "write" variable ? I would like to write the bans in a file. Is it possible ?

Offline BombSki

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #97 on: September 18, 2006, 04:22:40 am »
eh, there already is a file with banned ips. banned.txt is on the server.
but i agree making lists would be nice.. how about a gmute list?
its too easy now to avoid the gmute, someone changes team and the gmute is already gone.  A gmute list for names and/or IP would really be nice.

Offline KeFear

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #98 on: September 19, 2006, 01:29:03 pm »
Leo: the WRITE function adds a line to the server's console window (only in ARSSE). It's good for displaying messages if needed. I will add some more functions for this, like the long ago requested teamkillers.ini parser.

i will also add functions to write to external files and others. The problem is, i have to leave my home for 2 days to work and after that i'm busy enough till sunday...

BombSki: i have no idea about your commandbox.txt... maybe a screenshot would help to solve.
same goes with the strange event-errors.

Offline BombSki

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Re: Advanced Remote Soldat Server Enchanter [v1.2 beta]
« Reply #99 on: September 20, 2006, 12:28:55 pm »

event error:

it means  "system cant find the path"

I was thinking.. Maybe arsse 'thinks' its installed in the wrong or another directory. this could explain both of the errors im getting. The path on the 2nd error is the right one though.

I fixed the scripting-events thing. I simply had to use an existing txt file in another directory than the arsse dir.

Date Posted: September 19, 2006, 04:04:47 PM
Yay... i think i found the error.
If i start arsse by browsing to the dir and double-clicking on ARSSE.exe, it works fine..
but normally i use a mirc script to run arsse (alias arsse { run D:soldatARSSEARSSE.exe } (new path))

if i do it through mirc.. the commandbox isnt loaded. doesnt really make sense..