Okay, first off, the map is hideous. The only good thing is the castles, which I like quite a bit. Those bright white ploygons need to be a different color to match the mood and color of the castles. That water is way to bright, and it's too blue. Try making it murkier. The background, is just the default ploworks background, that has to go. I would make it a sort of dark blue/gray/greenish color.
The scenery, is also really bad. The clouds are way to white. Reduce the opacity to something around 50%. Also, the moon should be centered, and you should use a different cloud scenery. I forget what exactly it's called, but it starts with amb_.
The layout is okay. It seems like it would be a great TM, or if there are flags, then a pretty good ctf.
I like the idea, but the execution was horrible. Try redoing the map, and then showing us then.
Good job with your first map. The castles were awesome, the rest was horrible.