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Author Topic: Stop Cursor Scouting!  (Read 3778 times)

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Offline X-Rayz

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Re: Stop Cursor Scouting!
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2006, 05:30:31 am »
to me this is just a whining thread. who cares?
if your camping you should be prepared for anything. your not man enough to go in. so just camp there with your little barret and kill them when they pop over the cliff. or if you die, you just learned a lesson. STANDING STILL IN WAR IS NOT ALL THAT SMART.
Isn't the barret supposed to be for... sniping? I don't think real snipers run straight at the enemy like idiots. They use TACTICS (what unskilled players on Soldat call camping) and do their job, which is to eliminate the enemy without being seen. A sniper rifle wouldn't stand a chance against an assault rifle at close range since it's bolt action. Real life doesn't work like Counter-Strike does.

This is a game not real life. A skilled player would not camp in one spot for ages because if he were skilled then he wouldnt stay there would he? If he stayed there he'd be dead after 2 kills. People would know sooner or later where hes hiding and they would take him out. And a good player knows this so skilled players dont camp. So no, i don't support this because somebody sprinting along is hardly going to notice their cursor going red for a split second unless they have played the game long enough to be aware of this happening.

Offline 2big4u

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Re: Stop Cursor Scouting!
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2006, 03:34:48 pm »
I dont really care, if there is a guy in the bushes, nade him. not that hard. all you do is shoot at the bush , if he dies good, if there is no death, then you might wanna watch out behind you.