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Also, in Soldat.ini...[NETWORK]JoinPort=23073so THIS is the port the player joins on? is this client-side?
Is it possible to have the confirm box appear BEFORE it removes them from the current server?
This could be cool for maps with buildings - have a separate sever running a map with the inside of that building.Just an idea
*blah blah blah*procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID:byte;Text:string);var X, Y, DoorX, DoorY: single;begin X:=round(GetPlayerStat(ID,'X')); Y:=round(GetPlayerStat(ID,'Y')); DoorX:=round(123.456); DoorY:=round(654.321); if (X > DoorX-50) and (X < DoorX+50) and (Y > DoorY-100) and (Y < DoorY+100) and (Text = '!enter') then begin  ForwardClient('123.456.78.90',23074,'123.456.78.90',23075); end;end;*blah blah blah*
Stats:Name - string ----- Server nameMap - string ----- Current map playingconnection - integer ----- 0 for LAN, 1 for internetPlayers - integer ----- Current playersMaxp - integer ----- max playersGpass - string ----- Game password, not admin passAPass - string ----- Returns asterics (*) for each letter in pass, doesn't return actual pass (maybe return pass if safe mode off?)Passworded - boolean ----- password needed?ClanMatch - boolean ----- clan match enabled?Greet1, Greet2, Greet3 - string ----- Greeting messagesBalance - boolean ----- balance teams?maxvote - single ----- vote percentminping - integer ----- minimum ping limitmaxping - integer ----- maximum ping limitDedicated - boolean ----- Dedicated server?Lobby - string ----- lobby registered in (ip or http string)Respawn - single ----- respawn timebonuses - string ----- bonuses allowed (string in 5 parts (F P B V C) inactive(0) or active(1))freq - integer ----- bonus frequency (1 to 5)bots - integer ----- number of botsFFire - boolean ----- friendly fire?loop - boolean ----- loop maps?style - integer ----- game mode (same as const's in default script "core")weapons - string ----- active weaps (same format as bonuses but 14 parts (DD HK AK SA SZ RG 79 BT MM MG US CK CS 72) 0 or 1)nades - integer ----- max nadeslimit - integer ----- score limitstatgun - boolean ----- stat guns?RSA - string ----- (same as weaps and bonuses, 3 parts (R S A) 0 or 1)Aamt - integer ----- Advance mode amount
My new password is secure as shit Mate, I am not sure Shit is even secured nowadays.