Elite CTF had 10 new servers donated by Maryleaf, hosted by eC.
(All servers are 10 slots)TW Assault
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Both flags are reversed, which means you have to take enemies flag to there base to cap, while trying to return your flag on the way.
TW Domination #1
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Domination script is added. Which means, throughout the game it calculates which team is actually winning by: kills, deaths, caps, and current position on the map. "Mines" are also added. To obtain them you have to either: cap or get 8 kills, then to use them you must type /mine (As a command).
TW Domination #2
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Domination script is added. Which means, throughout the game it calculates which team is actually winning by: kills, deaths, caps, and current position on the map. "Mines" are also added. To obtain them you have to either: cap or get 8 kills, then to use them you must type /mine (As a command).
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Regular Trenchwars, nothing changed.
CS (Real)
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Counter-strike maps, with only realistic mode turned on.
CS (R/S)
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Counter-strike maps, with realistic and survival mode turned on.
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Megamod script is running on this server. I cant really tell you what each weapon does, but its a fun mod.
CTF (Priv)
IP: server1.enesce.com
Password: legend
Description : Used for CW's.
CS / TW (Priv)
IP: server1.enesce.com
Password: legend
Description : Both TW and CS maps are on this server. Used for CW's.
CTF (Pub)
IP: server1.enesce.com
Description : Public CTF, no scripts or mods. Basic.
Feel free to join any server and head to our official website for more news and further discussion.Â