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Offline Field Marshal

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #60 on: August 06, 2006, 08:16:11 pm »
Haha, yeah.  It's pretty much like "You're a blasphemer and you're going to hell.  BUT, Jesus has died for your sins so you need not worry."

So I'm not worrying.

By the way, the evidence isn't there.  At least not in this video.  And they're telling you specifically not to research evolution because you obviously don't need to know anything about evolution to know that it's all phooey.  I don't know anything about Austrian or Chinese history before the 1800's, though, so none of that must have happened either.  It's all common sense, really.

They never said you couldn't see what evolution was about :s  And franky i would be very surprised if somone you talked to did not know about Evolution. It's taught in every public school in almost the entire world. So i don't realy see your point there

And I would realy suggest taking that test again and reading everything, and watching some more of the videos

Let me ask you this, if you were on a plane and somone said the plane was crashing and everyone was going to die but said there was a way to live by taking the  parachute he was holding and putting it on and you said "Well there's a parachute so i'm not worried about it" does that make much sense to you? I know you probably don't want to hear it but that's realy what you're doing.

BTW the offer still stands if you want to talk on AIM :)

Offline The Geologist

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #61 on: August 06, 2006, 08:26:27 pm »

The evidence is there, beleive if you see the truth, deny if you don't want to beleive it. Unfortunatly you'll be in for a rude awakening when you pass. And I don't mean this maliciously, i'm just stating a fact

BTW did you take the test that apears when the intro is done? (the box with the number 1 on it)

Excuse me?  You have no way to prove there's anything after death.  Please don't say it's fact; it's faith, and those two aren't necessarily the same thing.

I'm with Vijch on this one.  There's nothing there but laughable claims and adorable monkies.
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Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #62 on: August 06, 2006, 08:33:01 pm »
Eh, I editted my post and added more might want to look at that in case you missed it.

Evolution...It's taught in every public school in almost the entire world. So i don't realy see your point there

Really?  Last time I checked, it isn't.  Not even in the United States.  And even then, only in schools with knowledgeable teachers, only to the children who are really listening, and only to those listening children who aren't being told by their parents that this stuff is all fake -- public schools barely scratch the surface of evolution.  They rarely even teach the students that there's a difference between macroevolution and microevolution.

And yes, I just heard the whole parachute analogy, you don't need to repeat it again.  FMBM, there is a place after death that you go if you post on internet forums, it's a place of everlasting pain, and all you have to do to stop it is to believe that this guy named STAN will save you.  Are you going to believe that for yourself?  It's not like it's difficult or anything, and it really doesn't interfere with your Christianity.  So, how about it?

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Offline Field Marshal

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #63 on: August 06, 2006, 08:43:58 pm »

The evidence is there, beleive if you see the truth, deny if you don't want to beleive it. Unfortunatly you'll be in for a rude awakening when you pass. And I don't mean this maliciously, i'm just stating a fact

BTW did you take the test that apears when the intro is done? (the box with the number 1 on it)

Excuse me?  You have no way to prove there's anything after death.  Please don't say it's fact; it's faith, and those two aren't necessarily the same thing.

I'm with Vijch on this one.  There's nothing there but laughable claims and adorable monkies.

Well that's your choice then. Have you watched any of the other videos? I can prove that, God has revealed his existance through his beautifull intricate creation. As stated in the evolution video, charles Darwin himself said that to think the Eye were formed by natural selection is admittedly absurd. Now i don't know the rest of how he finished his thoughts on that, most likely somthing trying to prove natural selection but it doesn't matter. It goes against your own God given conscience, you have to force yourself to beleive it. It's harder to beleive in Evolution. Doesn't that send up a warning flag?
Even if not, this is the real question. Are you realy willing to bet an eternety, not a few days, not a few hours, not even a few months, but Forever of horrible, never ending torment in Hell seperated from God on that?
This isn't somthing small that you're betting here, this is you, your life and your eternal future.

Noone knowing what you know can go on without thinking about that one time or another. You will face Your creator God when you die whether you beleive it or not, God has told us that through the inspired word of those who wrote it down, whether you choose to beleive it or not. This is a bold clame i know, but it is true. And nothing I say will make you beleive exept the conviction of the Holy spirit and your realization that you are a sinner, bound for hell and that you cannot earn your own way. Only by beleiving that the Lord Jesus Christ took your punishment as a perfect sacrifice on the cross and making a consious decision to admit that and follow him forsaking the sins of this world will you escape the consequence of your sin and live forever, in paradise with God.

You know the truth now and it is up to you to decide. I will not look down upon you if you curse God and decide to not even think twice about this conversation. But i will be praying for you, because I do care about you. You may not beleive it and think i'm a religious nut, but i don't want you to go to hell, I don't want anyone to go to hell. I would not wish hell upon anyone, even if they murdered my own brother. It is not up to me to judge, only to tell the truth as it has been shown to me by the grace of God and pray for you.

Please consider these thoughts.


Just a quick edit to talk about a few things you said

FMBM, you're a smart guy.  Don't rely on videos like this that purposely spread misinformation

Well first thanks for the compliment (unless you were joking) either way thanks. But I do want to let you know, long before i even knew the website existed i beleived and knew everything on it. I'm simply using it to help me put to use that which i alredy know. Contrary to popular beleif i'm not a zombie following blindly :P

But that's all a matter of interpretation, where "most scholars agree" that "seven days" is really just a metaphor for a different length of time.

And most scholars don't agree on that, I havn't made any claims that all evolutionists agree about the big bang theorie for example. So i would appreciate if you weren't so. . .bold? about things you say  ;)

When the bible says seven days it clearly means seven days. "the gap theorie" as it is commonely known is just another one of man's myths

FMBM, there is a place after death that you go if you post on internet forums, it's a place of everlasting pain, and all you have to do to stop it is to believe that this guy named STAN will save you.  Are you going to believe that for yourself?  It's not like it's difficult or anything, and it really doesn't interfere with your Christianity.  So, how about it?

Please don't insult me, i havn' insulted your person with remarks like the above i would appreciate the same curtesy. And just to get you thinking, if Evolution is realy true then why have you lowered yourself to taking pot shots at my person instead of stating "scientific facts"?
just food for thought
« Last Edit: August 06, 2006, 08:53:01 pm by Field Marshal »

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #64 on: August 06, 2006, 09:14:06 pm »
I don't think you're a religious nut, I don't even think low of religion in general.  However, given a choice, I would prefer that people didn't rely on religion to guide them through life.  There isn't much rhyme or reason for this other than the fact that I believe religion is an archaic form of control.  It serves a great purpose in the world, but knowledge tends to be better than superstition (and humans aren't alone in having superstitions, interestingly enough).

I meant what I said: you are smart.  It's just that I feel that it's important to embrace science as opposed to shunning it because someone tells you that one minor piece of it can't be reconciled with a certain book.

And most scholars don't agree on that, I havn't made any claims that all evolutionists agree about the big bang theorie for example. So i would appreciate if you weren't so. . .bold? about things you say

You misunderstand me.  I was making a joke about what they said in the video, something to the effect of "most scientists agree that Lucy was really just a chimpanzee," which is outright false.  They don't, Lucy wasn't.

I am, however, curious how you know that when the bible says "seven days" it clearly means that.  How is it, then, that if I spread my seed like many people in the Bible did, they mysteriously become children?  Interesting how one thing can have different connotations in the Bible, yet another is absolutely indisputable.  But I'm sure I just don't understand these things.

And I did not insult you.  If I insulted you unintentionally, then I humbly ask for your forgiveness and, in return, ask that you stop continually insulting me in the same manner.

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #65 on: August 07, 2006, 03:58:15 am »
I don't know if this topic is still alive but.... On my old forums, the administrator  posted a topic about the New World Order.., And... It was a long story about, later in the future people are going to be injected with micro chips... Well I started saying, I'm not going to get injected... I rather kill myself than get injected..., These microchips can track you where ever you are, and don't be afraid of death.. Or when your going to die... Just forget it... Go on with life... Even I think about it when I'm dreaming... It freaks me out... I just want to know how life was made, the earth, people, and everything else... Thats why I have nightmares like this... I started saying, life is going to end like this.. My friends said that the New World Order was nothing but people who want to make the world better... But thats not true, I wish life would be a peaceful place... Don't you think the world would be better...?
So please... Forget it all... If you don't forget it, You'll regret it... Trust me... I thought about it this for a long time... Then.. I just forgot it sooner or later... Just go on with life... Oh and... The chips have a bar code on them also.. If theres christains here you might know this to.. The bar code is 666...

Offline Field Marshal

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #66 on: August 07, 2006, 08:42:52 am »
It freaks me out... I just want to know how life was made, the earth, people, and everything else...

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

So far I'm the only one here who can give you an absolute answer about the begining. And my answer doesn't change every few years with new theories. I may not have been there but i have a personal relationship with the God who did and I have a copy of his word. Use your common sense, do you beleive we came from an oozing puddle of slime? Or that we were intricately created by the limitless power of the creator of the universe. Consider the options, if we did evolve then there would be countless thousands of fossils of "transitional" animals. Thousands, not just a few hidden, but Every animal on earth supposedly evolved from somthing else into what they are now. That means thousands, possibly millions of these "transitional" animals. Why is it we havn't found a single one? Why do we only have apes, and humans, and none of these inbetween animals. It's beccause they simply never existed, they didn't just desolve or magicly disapear, they never existed in the first place. The fossile record backs inteligent design in every aspect. So, as the evolutionists with PHD's would say "look at the evidence". Well i've looked and found not one shred of evidence, not one, execpt "theories" about what happened. Which means you're trusting the word of so called "educated" men.

If it scares you and gave you nightmares then why would you forget it? Did you take a look at the site i posted on the previous page? If not i would suggest doing so.

Rev 13:16  And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:17  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Rev 13:18  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Sure sounds alot like a computer chip implanted in your right hand or forehead to me. That doesn't neccisarilly mean it does though, the computer age may have crashed by then :P
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 09:02:47 am by Field Marshal »

Offline Keron Cyst

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #67 on: August 07, 2006, 11:16:35 am »
Haha, yeah.  It's pretty much like "You're a blasphemer and you're going to hell.  BUT, Jesus has died for your sins so you need not worry."

So I'm not worrying.
You must take up your cross, man! Continuing the exact same things you're doing right now with the exact same motives isn't going to get you anywhere.

We know that evolution occurs -- just look at the way all of our antibiotics are failing one by one as bacteria evolves to circumvent the poisons we use to kill them.  Could this be a message from God telling us that evolution does exist right in front of our eyes?  Well, he works in mysterious ways, right?
He indeed is incomprehensible to man, but that is "evolution," not "Evolution" (note the caps ;)) That is also an issue, tho'. Although I honestly actually have not seen any (offline, anyways :P), I think more Christians are believing that God sparked the beginning of Evolution and 'let it drift freestyle from there' and then started "intervening" millions of years, once man was properly formed, or something along those lines

The only problem you face with evolution is where it interferes with the biblical idea of human history -- that we were all created as is and didn't slowly change over time to assume our present form.  But that's all a matter of interpretation, where "most scholars agree" that "seven days" is really just a metaphor for a different length of time.

True, FM(BM? What happened to the "BM?") and I must be the über-conservative ones ;)

To be ruthlessly honest, tho' I kinda agree with Vij' about the website; in three direct words, I'd say "it's kinda biased." Most big-organization websites are, like that; that's why I usually don't post them.

Quote from: Field Marshall
[Evolution] goes against your own God given conscience, you have to force yourself to beleive it. It's harder to beleive in Evolution. Doesn't that send up a warning flag?

Actually (this is directed to FM alone), contrary to that popular saying I think people find evolution easier to believe in because of their sinful nature. It's like a temptation, the feat of believing in Evolution (capital 'E'; evolution is true and you can't deny that as you see it happening daily like Vij' pointed out), and the deeper you dig into it, the harder it is to get out, especially with the 'facts' accompanying it.


Hm, a religious discussion at the Soldat forums?! Man, someone's definitely gonna pop in a sporadic, "LOL n00b" between two big-content posts :P

Quote from: Vijchtidoodah
... If I insulted you unintentionally, then I humbly ask for your forgiveness and, in return, ask that you stop continually insulting me in the same manner.

EDIT #2 @Thrax: I have heard of that. Nearly every bar code has three 6s in it, in the beginning, in the middle, and at the end; I think it's one of the fatter lines, but I'm not sure I remember correctly. It's easy to distinguish which it is if you can recognize it correctly.

Quote from: The Geologist
Excuse me?  You have no way to prove there's anything after death.  Please don't say it's fact; it's faith, and those two aren't necessarily the same thing....
Then I would like to know what you think of NDEs (Near Death Experiences) and how the people who went through them can tell people how they saw objects and events which were impossible for them to see given the location of their raw physical bodies (like, they talked about how they could see what a relative was wearing in the lobby room while during all the time there were walls and walls and different rooms an' stuff between the lobby and the operating room where the NDE patient was at, and thus impossible to explain, or that kind of stuff) ...
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 11:33:55 am by Keron Cyst »

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2006, 12:35:32 pm »
It freaks me out... I just want to know how life was made, the earth, people, and everything else...

Gen 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

So far I'm the only one here who can give you an absolute answer about the begining.

Ugh...stop with this "absolute" stuff.  Just because it's written down in an old book doesn't make it absolute.  You have no idea how the world began, you only have a belief as to how it began.  When it all comes down to it you have no means of proving anything except to stick by your faith.  Were you there when the world began?  No?  Then don't call anything absolute.  The same goes for myself in that I have my own belief.  The big bang says a lot about planetary formation and the beginnings of this solar system and others.  You say the theories are wrong because they constantly change, but you have no idea how complex a task it is to try and nail down something like the origins of the universe itself.  The physics change as we learn more and correct outrselves, but it doesn't make the original ideas wrong.  A big white guy in the sky is a very convenient out to this effect.  If he made it, we don't have to think for ourselves or look into anything.

Just because there is an incredibly elaborate design to this planet doesn't mean that someone had to make it, or that there's something for us after death.  Did you ever stop to think that many of the things we see are that way because that is the easiest state to maintain physically?  I don't know about every discipline, but that's the case with the Earth itself (rocks and minerals).  Their stability changes depending on where they're at, and what we see at the surface is related to thermodynamics and the ability to maintain certain physical states.  Their is an order in their growth down to the atomic level, which has been studied mind you, and we can observe them growing and changing right before our very eyes with a means to explain it all.

You like to talk about how you can't find any evidence, but you have none yourself.  No angels in the sky, no big hands coming down from the clouds - just faith.  For every person you claim has spoken with the word of god, there is another fraud who said the same thing.  We have found some of these "transitional animals" that you speak of, although they are hard to find.  Why?  Because not every animal dies and leaves nice, pretty fossil remains.  The odds of finding good fossil remains are fairly low; a result of certain climatic conditions to preserve the body.  This is assuming that nothing came along to eat the body, and it didn't get burned/crushed/otherwise destroyed.  Besides, we don't necessarily know just what animal we evolved from, although the ape is a fairly good choice.  Tiny tree hugging mammals have been proven to be ancient relatives to massive elephants, the vestigial organs of many sea going animals related to the remains of those we see on land.  It takes a long time to put the puzzle together, and we're well on our way.

You want to know why I choose not to believe?  At least in the majority sense.  Because so many of these so called "believers" act horribly and in such a biased manner that I think if there is a God, he would spit on them from the heavens in disgust.  This attitude of "believe me or be punished/killed" is totally backwards to the idea of a caring god.  But it's not just that - what about the innocents he lets die every day?  Is it just some twisted way to free them from the burdens of life?  If so, that's pretty f*cked up.

If there even is a higher power, and that's a very large if, then I believe he could have set things in motion and backed off to watch things progress.  But even then, why us?  We've done nothing to deserve it, acting like spoiled little children with the way humanity fights, dominating those we deem less than ourselves, raping the planet, and forcing our beliefs down the throats of others.

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #69 on: August 07, 2006, 01:26:46 pm »
If God really does exist, it doesn't matter if you believe in him or not, at the end of your life your path into heaven or hell is chosen by how you behaved in your life. It says so in the bible, I'm not quoting it.

The thing is, it doesn't matter if you follow Christianity or not, because if in your lifetime you act as a good person, then God will allow you into heaven. I know it doesn't say that in the bible, but it's true, people just take the bible too far sometimes, they follow it to the exact word. When really the whole thing just boils down to acting good (The good samaritan and so forth).

I don't follow Christianity, nor do I believe in God. And I don't believe that after death there is a heaven or hell or any 'higher plane'. But I'm not ignorant of the fact that people do believe in it, and it is their right to do so. If you want to believe in it, go ahead, but it's when you start letting it take control over your life, and stopping you from doing what you want that it is wrong. You should be able to enjoy your life how you want, without affecting others, because it's yours. And so long as you are a good person then it doesn't matter if there is, or isn't a god, because your doing the right thing either way.

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #70 on: August 07, 2006, 01:39:45 pm »
That's just it Panzer, and thank you for bringing that up.  I don't believe either, but I do think that so long as you try to be a good person in life and do the right thing then that is all that matters in the end.  I don't necessarily believe in a Heaven or Hell persay, and in many instances I find those concepts to be ways to get people to act a certain way - how better to shape up unrulely masses than to promise them bliss in the afterlife?

Certainly there aren't many who like the idea of being little more than wormfood after death.  But just as you said, making a positive mark while you're alive is what truely counts, regardless of what faith you choose or the lack there of.  If God is truely as wise as he/she/it is claimed to be, then those good actions will be seen.
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Offline Keron Cyst

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #71 on: August 07, 2006, 02:43:45 pm »
Quote from: The Geologist
what about the innocents he lets die every day?  Is it just some twisted way to free them from the burdens of life?
Ack, I knew the subject would eventually shift to that. I really hesitate to go into that because I fear I may portray it incorrectly. I'd probably need a heck of a lot of time to cover that issue alone.

It has to do with free will

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #72 on: August 07, 2006, 03:20:57 pm »
Haha, yeah.  It's pretty much like "You're a blasphemer and you're going to hell.  BUT, Jesus has died for your sins so you need not worry."

So I'm not worrying.
You wont listen to me because you dont like me... but im still going to say it.

Jesus' gift of life is a gift, like the necktie uncle Bill gave you. You could just throw it away like the ugly necktie and never think about it again for the rest of your life. you have to accept him and proudly display him on you through your actions/behaviour. Fortunantly jesus has a much better gift than uncle Bill.

A sunday school teacher told my friend that faith is like a chair, you have no idea weather the chair is going to hold you or not, but you just sit in the chair. that is total crap, faith is more like jumping off a clift trying to reach the other one, with only your own faith that something is going to keep you from falling.
That's just it Panzer, and thank you for bringing that up.  I don't believe either, but I do think that so long as you try to be a good person in life and do the right thing then that is all that matters in the end.  I don't necessarily believe in a Heaven or Hell persay, and in many instances I find those concepts to be ways to get people to act a certain way - how better to shape up unrulely masses than to promise them bliss in the afterlife?
this may seem like a last resort argument but Hitler was time magazine's man of the year in 1938 and by making a bad choice (a horrible choice) no amount of goodness could ever redeem you for a lifetime of sins. like right now if you where to type "I think there is no god" even if you where perfect in every other way, that would instantly condem you to hell.
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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #73 on: August 07, 2006, 03:59:57 pm »

this may seem like a last resort argument but Hitler was time magazine's man of the year in 1938 and by making a bad choice (a horrible choice) no amount of goodness could ever redeem you for a lifetime of sins. like right now if you where to type "I think there is no god" even if you where perfect in every other way, that would instantly condem you to hell.

What the heck?  Where did you draw that tangent from, seriously.  I'm talking about living a good life, which Hitler obviously did not.

Oh, and I think there is no god, at least not the kind of god that condems everyone but a select few.  But I also think there is no hell, no satan, and none of the other stuff either.  Such a loving god that one, the instant you don't believe you're supposedly condemed to a life in hell.  Love everlasting there.

Edit: This topic has gone way off track.  Interesting to argue about, but I'm done with it for now.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 04:25:05 pm by The Geologist »
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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #74 on: August 07, 2006, 04:12:58 pm »
Ditto, I'm retiring to mine bed.

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #75 on: August 07, 2006, 05:41:52 pm »
Consider the options, if we did evolve then there would be countless thousands of fossils of "transitional" animals. Thousands, not just a few hidden, but Every animal on earth supposedly evolved from somthing else into what they are now. That means thousands, possibly millions of these "transitional" animals.

Actually, saying that there are [this many] transitional animal fossils is misleading -- Every fossil we've ever found is of a transitional animal.  Evolution doesn't progress in steps, it concerns the genes of entire populations at a time, random changes that take monumental stretches of time to be even remotely noticeable even in the quickest of evolutionary leaps.

What we're really looking for are these "missing links," so-called because they are, in fact, missing.  Does that disprove evolution?  Absolutely not, but it does leave some doubt.  So you could go either way -- on one hand, we decide that evolution never existed in the first place and give up looking; on the other, we realize that most animals don't wait around for mudslides and other geological events to be buried in the earth's crust in areas that won't change for millions of years and that are readily accessible to humans at the right time -- and thus, finding fossils of most animals is an extreme rarity.

So you can give up and decide not to pursue a scientific venue just because your specific interpretation of a very old book tells you so, or you can allow for a little leg-room and suppose that these "missing links" might just be found given time -- such as the newly discovered missing link between fish and land animals, the possible missing link between Homo erectus and modern humans, the countless missing links between different species of bacteria, archaebacteria, and other non-newsworthy animals every day (just buy yourself a biology journal or two), or the missing links that we have already found but that opponents of evolution just seem to miss.

But I'm sure those are all part of God's plan to trick and deceive us, right?  Carbon dating doesn't really work and the dinosaurs must have walked with humans, yes?  That's fine, I'm willing to believe that, if you concede that if there is a God, and if that God has a path for everyone, then even evolutionists must have been purposely placed on that path -- and how can you say that one interpretation of these occurrences isn't that God wanted people to use their minds and show others that the Bible is full of metaphor and interpretation, just like my seed example that you seem to have glossed over.

Well i've looked and found not one shred of evidence, not one, execpt "theories" about what happened. Which means you're trusting the word of so called "educated" men.

Would you rather I trusted the words of uneducated men?  Or the words of men who compiled a bunch of stories that attempt to explain the world in a time before science into the book we know as the Torah and later The Bible?

By all means -- go for it.  Go out and trust the uneducated people who claim that they can create machines of perpetual motion, who claim that the Earth is flat, and who claim that the Sun revolves around the Earth, and then see where that gets you in life. 

Remember that throughout history, scientists are always persecuted for believing what they can prove until the general public finally realizes that reason is correct more often than belief.  Evolution is no different -- in fact, scientists have already won the battle of truth (it was enough to show that humans didn't appear until modern times and that dinosaurs did not), they just have to wait a few generations for the hardcore believers to die off and the young progeny to realize that science, once again, is right, and that even then they can trust their scientific beliefs while only changing their interpretation of their holy books, and keep their faith.

"“The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr”"

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #76 on: August 07, 2006, 09:15:29 pm »
Evolution is confirmed. Evolution did not cause the creation of the world, that would be crazy and illogical. Evolution is adapting to an enviornment to survive.

and Geologist: I tried to explain what I believe by using the most extreme example I could come up with, any single sin can never be made up for, whatever standard you have "good" as.
If we hit the bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. -Zapp Brannigan

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #77 on: August 07, 2006, 11:23:54 pm »
I watched some of that "Hell's Best Kept Secret" thing on that website. I lol'd.

The thing is, if you want to be happy in life then the best thing to do is NOT worry about the future. NOT worry about how you got here and what ifs. If you believe in your own self in knowing that Evolution is correct and that religions were made up to control the lawless, then move on. It's time for people to enjoy their life without having to worry about what "God" thinks. The Christians tried to stop people from "sinning" only because the weak minded could not control it themselves. In this day and age MOST people are able to control themselves. They can choose what is right for THEM. Not what the Church thinks is right for YOU/OTHERS.
It is man's carnal instinct to indulge in the sins, why deny yourself of that? Why restrict yourself from something you truely want if your only justification is in a book created freakin' ages ago. They didn't know what was best for them then so why would that still apply now?

The left hand path is for you to control your own life. To seek self improvement and self empowerment through  yourself. Motivation and doing is more powerful than prayer and waiting. No ones prayers ever come true. The people that succeed in life are those who relied on only themselves to become a success. If someone wants something, as long as they are truely trying, they can achieve it. They teach that in primary school ffs, why people ignore that in later life is beyond me.

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #78 on: August 08, 2006, 01:56:50 am »
Well i've looked and found not one shred of evidence, not one, execpt "theories" about what happened.
I can't find evidence for creationism, except one "theory" in some really old book, so it mustn't have happened.

Offline n00bface

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Re: Scared.. not knowing of what to do..
« Reply #79 on: August 08, 2006, 02:19:15 am »
The thing is, if you want to be happy in life then the best thing to do is NOT worry about the future
Because we all know that you are so happy with your life.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2006, 02:42:41 am by n00bface »