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Haha, yeah. It's pretty much like "You're a blasphemer and you're going to hell. BUT, Jesus has died for your sins so you need not worry."So I'm not worrying.By the way, the evidence isn't there. At least not in this video. And they're telling you specifically not to research evolution because you obviously don't need to know anything about evolution to know that it's all phooey. I don't know anything about Austrian or Chinese history before the 1800's, though, so none of that must have happened either. It's all common sense, really.
The evidence is there, beleive if you see the truth, deny if you don't want to beleive it. Unfortunatly you'll be in for a rude awakening when you pass. And I don't mean this maliciously, i'm just stating a factBTW did you take the test that apears when the intro is done? (the box with the number 1 on it)
Evolution...It's taught in every public school in almost the entire world. So i don't realy see your point there
Quote from: Field Marshal on August 06, 2006, 07:44:47 pmThe evidence is there, beleive if you see the truth, deny if you don't want to beleive it. Unfortunatly you'll be in for a rude awakening when you pass. And I don't mean this maliciously, i'm just stating a factBTW did you take the test that apears when the intro is done? (the box with the number 1 on it)Excuse me? You have no way to prove there's anything after death. Please don't say it's fact; it's faith, and those two aren't necessarily the same thing.I'm with Vijch on this one. There's nothing there but laughable claims and adorable monkies.
FMBM, you're a smart guy. Don't rely on videos like this that purposely spread misinformation
But that's all a matter of interpretation, where "most scholars agree" that "seven days" is really just a metaphor for a different length of time.
FMBM, there is a place after death that you go if you post on internet forums, it's a place of everlasting pain, and all you have to do to stop it is to believe that this guy named STAN will save you. Are you going to believe that for yourself? It's not like it's difficult or anything, and it really doesn't interfere with your Christianity. So, how about it?
And most scholars don't agree on that, I havn't made any claims that all evolutionists agree about the big bang theorie for example. So i would appreciate if you weren't so. . .bold? about things you say
It freaks me out... I just want to know how life was made, the earth, people, and everything else...
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Haha, yeah. It's pretty much like "You're a blasphemer and you're going to hell. BUT, Jesus has died for your sins so you need not worry."So I'm not worrying.
We know that evolution occurs -- just look at the way all of our antibiotics are failing one by one as bacteria evolves to circumvent the poisons we use to kill them. Could this be a message from God telling us that evolution does exist right in front of our eyes? Well, he works in mysterious ways, right?
The only problem you face with evolution is where it interferes with the biblical idea of human history -- that we were all created as is and didn't slowly change over time to assume our present form. But that's all a matter of interpretation, where "most scholars agree" that "seven days" is really just a metaphor for a different length of time.
[Evolution] goes against your own God given conscience, you have to force yourself to beleive it. It's harder to beleive in Evolution. Doesn't that send up a warning flag?
... If I insulted you unintentionally, then I humbly ask for your forgiveness and, in return, ask that you stop continually insulting me in the same manner.
Excuse me? You have no way to prove there's anything after death. Please don't say it's fact; it's faith, and those two aren't necessarily the same thing....
QuoteIt freaks me out... I just want to know how life was made, the earth, people, and everything else...Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. So far I'm the only one here who can give you an absolute answer about the begining.
what about the innocents he lets die every day? Is it just some twisted way to free them from the burdens of life?
That's just it Panzer, and thank you for bringing that up. I don't believe either, but I do think that so long as you try to be a good person in life and do the right thing then that is all that matters in the end. I don't necessarily believe in a Heaven or Hell persay, and in many instances I find those concepts to be ways to get people to act a certain way - how better to shape up unrulely masses than to promise them bliss in the afterlife?
this may seem like a last resort argument but Hitler was time magazine's man of the year in 1938 and by making a bad choice (a horrible choice) no amount of goodness could ever redeem you for a lifetime of sins. like right now if you where to type "I think there is no god" even if you where perfect in every other way, that would instantly condem you to hell.
Consider the options, if we did evolve then there would be countless thousands of fossils of "transitional" animals. Thousands, not just a few hidden, but Every animal on earth supposedly evolved from somthing else into what they are now. That means thousands, possibly millions of these "transitional" animals.
Well i've looked and found not one shred of evidence, not one, execpt "theories" about what happened. Which means you're trusting the word of so called "educated" men.
Well i've looked and found not one shred of evidence, not one, execpt "theories" about what happened.
The thing is, if you want to be happy in life then the best thing to do is NOT worry about the future