Author Topic: Spas 12  (Read 15885 times)

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Offline LtKillroy

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2007, 01:41:14 pm »
Yeah ok, the spas is fine, why would we make a gun that is all purpose? The point of you choosing the guns you want is they are balanced for certain situations, if you want a long range gun, use a long gun, if you want a cave gun, use a cave gun. Simple really.
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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2007, 06:06:45 pm »
Yeah ok, the spas is fine, why would we make a gun that is all purpose? The point of you choosing the guns you want is they are balanced for certain situations, if you want a long range gun, use a long gun, if you want a cave gun, use a cave gun. Simple really.
yeah but you see most of the other weapons are useful anywhere, so this one is hit or miss at best.
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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2007, 06:39:13 pm »
Spas is so ineffective in in a wide range combat. For distance it takes 3-4 shots to kill someone. In close combat it takes 2. I think it needs to be slightly increased interval.
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Offline Evillight

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2007, 08:59:31 pm »
I've been able to use the Spas at a medium range to a certain degree (it's still much better in close quarters) but I'm always killed by the guy with the chainsaw.

Offline ChromedGun

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2007, 02:41:12 am »
Try using it in realistic. It's godlike.

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Offline Shivorken

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2007, 04:50:12 am »
Spas = hax gun

I love it =] But sometimes its better to use the baz or the aug.

Offline JonWood007

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2007, 11:44:15 am »
the spaz is like the m79 in the sense that if you get killed by it, it was probably a poor judgement in tactics. If you stay far away then the spas sucks, if you get cornered then the map sucks, and if they can ever get any kills with it then they are either playing with total noobs or they have some kind of surprise tactic.

yeah but you see most of the other weapons are useful anywhere, so this one is hit or miss at best.

I put these two quotes together because both are from 4 year old. I agree completely which is why I think the SPAS needs to be changed. The MP5 is a cavegun but can be used outside of a cave. It is too limited. Other weapons are useful in situations other than their specialties (again, like the MP5), but the SPAS is nearly useless. Obviously if you have MP5 vs AUG long range, AUG will probably win. MP5 has its specialties, but also its weaknesses. The SPAS has 1 specialty and loads of weaknesses. Unless you are in maps like Nuubia or several of the tiny DM maps, the SPAS is a useless gun which is completely overpowered by any other gun except for possibly the minigun.

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I've been able to use the Spas at a medium range to a certain degree (it's still much better in close quarters) but I'm always killed by the guy with the chainsaw. 

Ive been able to too, but I can use the MP5 far better at medium range. I keep comparing spas and MP5 because theyre both supposed to be useful for about the same things (close range tunnels). In situations where the SPAS rocks, you might as well use chainsaw (unless you stink with the chainsaw like I do).

Try using it in realistic. It's godlike.

My suggestions are about regular mode. I dont play realistic enough and even when I do I dont use the spas enough to make a judgement.

Offline waynechriss

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2007, 08:25:49 am »
I suck with the Spas, so I pass on the decision to use it all the time. For close range battles, I choose the mp5 because of the fast rate of fire. But I see people use the Spas amazingly in air jumps and everything, so I can't complain on those skills.

Offline excruciator

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2007, 09:39:47 pm »
spas = pure awesomeness
- excels in both close range and mid range, MP5 is no match for Spas
- Nade + Spas combo simply owns
- single shell reload makes the opponent seems that you dont reload at all
- very useful push back for either accelerating or push ppl away from a loose flag

not so good at long range. But then again, 80% of the fights are mids and closes, who cares about the other 20%

Overall it rocks a bit too much, so I think the range can go back to that of 1.3.1 and increase the dmg
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Offline popsofctown

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2007, 08:21:55 am »
I always thought the spas and mp5 were too much alike in their roles.  now they seem even closer... i think i would agree with puppeteer, so that the two guns could be come more unique.  mp5-mid to close.  spas-close to closer.

i'd like to see a spas that makes people compare it to a saw or knife with slightly more range.
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Offline jbigz

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #30 on: September 14, 2007, 12:11:02 am »
The downside to Spas is the range, you say, but are excluding the fact that a lot of people use their secondaries in unison with their primaries, therefore changing the combined "usefullness" of them. If you choose Spas/Chain, you want to feel the blood on your face. If you choose Spas/LAW, you are being slightly conservative and upping your range to close-medium. If you use Spas/Socom, you are upping your range to medium and playing it smart.
What I'm trying to say is that: In the areas your primary fails, choose the secondary to compliment it.

Offline KorrupT MerC

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #31 on: September 14, 2007, 04:06:14 pm »
What?, mp5 cant match with a spass unless the guy misses alot

2 close shots from the spass and youre dead

The spas got wayy too much of a boost in 1.4. Nobody complained about it, why was it changed? Spas will beat the mp5 all the time, it kills you in 2 hits. With the mp5, its almost a full clip of bullets before the other guys dead.


I have to disagree, i've been put against a spas plenty with myself having an mp5. Now maybe i didnt win all the time but i didn't get noob-knocked around either.

Depending on your aim, you can kill a guy with maybe 7, 8, 9 bullets from mp5, headshots do count.

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Offline Sytrus

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2007, 08:13:41 am »
The spas does pwn on close range, so stay away from it. If you go like this you might say "Deagles pwn at mid range, Mp5 at short range, AK at mid-long range..." etc, leading to a whole worked over balance.

Offline Supernaut

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #33 on: October 21, 2007, 06:55:03 pm »
It's easy to get kill at close range but why should it be different?

It's much harder on mid to long ranges and that's why it is good. Is it spass vs mp5 ?

Offline D_J_S_

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2007, 09:46:18 am »
I use the spass as a non-strategy gun: *single clip reload* *1-3 hits to kill* and *i cant think of any strategy's for it*. I find the spass kinda like the standard weapon.

Nade + Spas combo simply owns

excels in both close range and mid range, MP5 is no match for Spas
i disagree, i most cases the mp5 has a advantage, when you have spass and are over the enemy EASY KILL(or so you think), however when you are caught under you have no other choice but to flee leaving nades behind, mp5 is good in both cases mainly because of its quick reload time, they can spray you easily

Insert Quote 
Spas is so ineffective in in a wide range combat. For distance it takes 3-4 shots to kill someone. In close combat it takes 2. I think it needs to be slightly increased interval. 
11, I'll edit this when i remember why i disagreed

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Offline Supernaut

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2007, 04:13:50 pm »
the spaz is like the m79 in the sense that if you get killed by it, it was probably a poor judgement in tactics. If you stay far away then the spas sucks, if you get cornered then the map sucks, and if they can ever get any kills with it then they are either playing with total noobs or they have some kind of surprise tactic.
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Offline Despair

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2007, 02:01:51 pm »
spas = pure awesomeness
- excels in both close range and mid range, MP5 is no match for Spas
- Nade + Spas combo simply owns
- single shell reload makes the opponent seems that you dont reload at all
- very useful push back for either accelerating or push ppl away from a loose flag

not so good at long range. But then again, 80% of the fights are mids and closes, who cares about the other 20%

Overall it rocks a bit too much, so I think the range can go back to that of 1.3.1 and increase the dmg
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Offline Funny Bunny

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #37 on: October 23, 2007, 07:35:33 pm »

We could always give the spas a little more ranged capabilities while taking the selective reload option off oO. Unfortunately, either way the spas is godly in realistic when there are claustrophobic scenarios =/. I don't think that the spas can be easily tweaked without changing the identity of the weapon.

As long as the spas remains a shotgun type weapon, it shouldn't come too close to the behavior of the MP5. The MP5 is capable of spray and continuous prolonged fire - atleast compared to the spas.

Offline tehsnipah

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #38 on: January 15, 2008, 08:35:55 am »
Indeed. Many people think that SPAS is overpowered, but try to shoot somebody from 1/2 screen. He won't die even on Real. mode ON. SPAS is percetly balanced.
yep, SPAS is not overpowered. if you play other games wit shotgun in it, try, they're all the same. i first thought SPAS is overpowered, but i noticed that they really sucked at long range
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Offline TiReD

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Re: Spas 12
« Reply #39 on: January 15, 2008, 12:58:10 pm »
Depending on your aim, you can kill a guy with maybe 7, 8, 9 bullets from mp5, headshots do count.
No, you cant.