Author Topic: Berserker Mod mapping request  (Read 1476 times)

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Offline Ttil_Np.csWoW

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  • The Berserkers Are Coming....
Berserker Mod mapping request
« on: August 16, 2007, 02:26:46 am »
At the moment i am looking for mappers to make new maps for my new mod please read this before offering and posting.

If you are keen please PM me saying you want to make maps before you do.

Here are the mapping details.....

1.Red team must be the only team that can finish
  put blue team in a box or somthing
2.No Hurt/heal pollys (as it wont work)
3.where you whant Berserkers to apear make a Berserker spawn
  (feel free to make heaps) (also put at diffrent hights 2 make diffrent speeds)
4.Dont forget onlyplayercollids pollys are easyest but ice can work to
5.feel free to make it as fancey with scenery as you like
6.Dont make it so hard that no one can do it please the start the Berserkers take a little time to spawn so make a starting obstical so waits time
  (^ if you whant)
8.when a player toches the blue flag they get a predator so they cannot get Berserkers for about 20sec
  so they could go where heaps of Berserkers are?
9.Make the game ctf please :)

Here is a overview of a map i made its prity much all onlyplayercollides this is just an example

as you can see my mapping skills are well quit.... sh..bad so i ask all keen mapers to please PM me
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 10:06:30 pm by Ttil_Np.csWoW »
I will be back to play soldat, just not now , but i will....... some day.