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procedure OnPlayerSpeak(ID: byte; Text: string);beginif (Text = '!boom') and (antispam = 0) then beginCreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x'), GetPlayerStat(ID,'y'), 0, 0,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x') - 75, GetPlayerStat(ID,'y'), -50, 0,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x') + 75, GetPlayerStat(ID,'y'), 50, 0,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x'), GetPlayerStat(ID,'y') - 75, 0, -50,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x') - 75, GetPlayerStat(ID,'y') - 75, -50, -50,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x') + 75, GetPlayerStat(ID,'y') + 75, 50, 50,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x'), GetPlayerStat(ID,'y') + 75, 0, 50,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x') - 75, GetPlayerStat(ID,'y') + 75, -50, 50,100, 4, ID);CreateBullet(GetPlayerStat(ID,'x') + 75, GetPlayerStat(ID,'y') - 75, 50, -50,100, 4, ID);DoDamage(ID,149);beginSayToPlayer(ID,'50 second cooldown started ');end; antispam:=50;end;if (Text = '!heal') and (antispam = 0) then beginDoDamage(ID,-150);beginSayToPlayer(ID,'60 second cooldown started ');end; antispam:=60;end;