Author Topic: How skilled are you with each of the weapons?  (Read 25441 times)

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Offline JonWood007

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How skilled are you with each of the weapons?
« on: August 19, 2007, 12:42:28 pm »
I'm just wondering what weapons people prefer and are best at and which ones they arent very good at. I'm using the 1-10 scale here with 1 being TERRIBLE, 10 being AWESOME, 5 being decent.

Deagles- 7.5/10. It's one of my better weapons.
MP5- 7/10. Again, one of my better weapons. I like the barrage of bullets you get although range isnt good.
AK74- 4.5/10. Meh. Kinda underpowered in this version IMO, I'm ok with it, but not great at all.
Steyr AUG- 8/10. I think it's my best weapon.
Spas 12- 5/10. I'm good with it in some situations, bad in others.
Ruger 77- 3/10. I'm terrible with it, but I get a lucky shot.
M79- 6/10. I'm decent when it registers.
Barrett M82A1- 3.5/10 Also bad with it, but slightly better than with ruger.
FN Minimi- 6.5/10. I'm ok with it. Its effective when camping in a tunnel.
XM214 Minigun- 2/10. Horrible weapon in general, not very good with it.
Grenades- 5/10. Kind of a steep arc, I end up blowing myself up a lot, but sometimes I hit and blow people away.
SOCOM- 7/10. I'm good with it, sometimes I fire a shot with a 1 hit kill weapon, miss and then kill 2-3 people with this.
Knife- 3/10. Due to my control scheme, I'm not good at throwing it.
Chainsaw- 1/10. I can't handle the point blank range and Im not good enough at maneuvering.
LAW- 6/10. While I currently prefer SOCOM, I used to use this in 1.3.1. in conjunction with an auto. I used to pull it out and shoot people up. Now I dont really use it because I save my secondary for desparate situations and socom is more reliable.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2008, 07:36:48 pm by SDFilm »

Offline Carlitos

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2007, 12:49:16 pm »
Eagles- normal
MP5- bad
AK74- bad
Steyr- good
Spas- normal
Ruger- excellent, my elite weapon
Barrett M92A1- good
FN Minimi- normal
XM214 Minigun- haha who the hell uses this? super bad
Grenades- very good
SOCOM- good
Knife- normal
Chainsaw- normal
LAW- bad
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Offline Outcast

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2007, 02:08:03 pm »
Eagles- About 6.5
MP5-  7 since it's easy allthough I almost never use it.
AK74- 7 since it's easy I seldomly use it.
Steyr- Hard not to be good with it : 8
Spas- about 6 probably
Ruger- 9.5 on a good day
m79 - around 8.5
Barrett M92A1- mostly around 8
FN Minimi- mm....7?
XM214 Minigun- Er.......I couldn't care less :Q
Grenades- 9
SOCOM- 9 I always use socom :P
Knife- 5
Chainsaw- 6
LAW- 5

These values change with time though as I switch primarys quite often.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2007, 02:11:25 pm by Outcast »

Offline Sexcells

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2007, 02:37:17 pm »
5 on all weapons... accept minigun. That a 10.

Offline Aquarius

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2007, 02:37:31 pm »
I'm a master of all weapons.

Offline Chariot

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2007, 02:41:05 pm »
Deagles - 5/10
MP5 - 6-10
AK74 - 8-10
Steyr AUG - 9-10
Spas 12 - 6.5/10
Ruger - 9/10
m79 - 7.5/10
Barrett M92A1 - 9/10
FN Minimi - 8/10
XM214 Minigun - 7.5/10

Grenade - 8/10 (when they register)
USSOCOM - 6/10
Knife - 7.5/10
Chainsaw - 5.5/10
LAW - 8.5/10
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2007, 03:16:35 pm »
Desert eagles: 4.9.
Not that great with it and don't use it much.

HK MP5: 6.8.
I use the AUG if I need a fast firing auto but I'm not terrible when I do decide to use this one.

AK-74: 7.2.
Not my most used weapon but I'm okay with it.

Steyr AUG: 8.3.
My best auto.

Spas 12: 3 to 9.5.
I have off days with this and range from craptastic to brutal.

Ruger: 4-8, mostly 4 though...
I'm really not in practice with this weapon and miss a lot.

M79: 8.
This weapon combined with Spas or AUG is my most most used combo. I've gotten to be a pretty good shot.

Barret M82A1: 3.4.
Used to be my best, but I suck with it now...

Minigun: -4.
Say what you want, this weapon is crap. Good when used tactically, you say? Bite me. Choosing a less craptastic weapon (like a secondary for example) is a better tactic.

And...I never really use any secondaries exept for the LAW, which I miss 1 out of 4 shots with.
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Offline Will

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2007, 03:26:09 pm »
Deagles- 8.5 as of 1.4.x It just became so good. Maybe it's just because of the bullet graphics but it's easier to hit with them

MP5- 7/10. I'd say I'm good with it, but not overly pro. I love taking advantage of the low speed on bumpy terrain, and I love getting up close and personal

AK74- 4/10. as of 1.4.x I have degraded in skill with this weapon, but I love the change nonetheless.

Steyr AUG- 6/10. Good in some situations

Spas 12- 8/10. Slightly better than the mp5. I can absolutely pwn any weapon with this. It's all about the speed, occasional nade boost to get to teh opponent quicker if there are any colliders

Ruger 77- 6/10. I can get off some pretty nice shot but I mostly use it in conjunction with spas

M79-2/10. I actually couldn't believe that any person can suck with m79 until I tried using it. I just don't love it because it gets my n00bish side out and then I actually don't have any fun or challenge because I'm just trading kills

Barrett M92A1- 6/10 I'm actually pretty confident with it. I try not to upset people with this gun much so I don't use it very often. But it comes in handy in certain situations

FN Minimi- 6.5/10. One of the better guns IMO. I don't care about people whining about it cause I can still use it fairly well. I find it better than the ak or the aug

XM214 Minigun- 0/10. I'm a sucker with this, I can only use it to piss snipers off if there are too many. m79 owns it tho
Grenades- 7/10.I use it more to lure people out of tunnels and holes than to kill. I usually throw two at a time to cover two exits or something

SOCOM- 5/10. good weapon, but a bad user. Comes in handy with the barret or minimi. Also for luring out opponents with it and then killing em with the sniper or ruger.

Knife- 4/10. I ussualy throw it even in point blank to secure a kill. I use it only if I play realistic. I used to use it alot more

Chainsaw- 5/10. Actually it's good if the opponent doesn't have an automatic weapon.

LAW- 4/10. I prefer this on bigger maps, and for clearing known camper places and choke pints

Offline Twistkill

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2007, 05:30:41 pm »
Deagles - 7.5/10. I use them more often, and I still miss quite a bit from predicting people's movements too early, but they're easier to use than 1.3.1. Good stuff.
MP5 - 5/10. I'm not too good with this gun anymore... since the damage decrease and longer reload, it's basically an AUG with half of the range. -_-
Ak - 8.5/10. I find it more fun to use than 1.3.1. It's one of my most used guns now.
AUG - 8/10. Great at mid-ranges, for maps like Jungle or HH. I love using it, and its default sound effect is cool to listen to.
Spas - 8/10. Still learning its limitations like its range, but otherwise, at close ranges, it is virtually unstoppable.
Ruger - 9/10. I'm missing more often than usual, but on certain days I can land more shots... guess it's just my ping/lag.
M79 - 7/10. I don't use it very often, but when I do, I'm fairly effective with it.
Barrett - 7/10. The movement acc and Bink really affect this gun more than ever... even if I stop holding down movement keys in mid-air, don't jet, and fire right at an enemy, it can be about an inch off. I don't understand how people can aim so well with it.
Minimi - 9/10. Although its new +2 movementacc kills it, I can still be effective with it on certain maps.
Minigun - 2/10. This gun is still a joke. It seriously needs more damage and a faster reload. I only see noobs use it, or skilled players who are just bored.


Socom - 7/10. I only equip this with M79 or Barrett. It's actually kills more effectively than the primaries sometimes... perhaps a longer reload or less damage? Either way, I wouldn't care too much, because I seldom use it.

Knife - 9.5/10. Probably my best weapon, aside from Minimi or Ruger. I can somehow miss very easy kills, and yet I can also occasionally pull off a 40 m throw with little health left. O_o

Chainsaw - 6/10. Eh, I only use it against bots on Arena 2 or Nvidia, combined with Spas. Otherwise, I almost never pick this weapon.

Law - 7/10. Not very difficult to use, but I don't equip it very often. It works well with the Spas.

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Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2007, 10:09:17 am »
Desert Eagles- About 6, I play really well with it sometimes but really crap with it other times.
MP5- 7 Easy to use, crazy firerate, ownage short range.
AK74- 6 I used to be great at ak, until I tried out the steyr and minimi
Steyr- 8, Teh pwnage wepzorz!
Spas- 6, Can't stand the slow moving bullets, but great as a def wep and in tunnels.
Ruger- 6.5 Hardly use it. 
m79 - 7, great for crazy shots.
Barrett M92A1- 8, first wep I ever used.
FN Minimi- 5, move acc... too... much!
XM214 Minigun- STFU CRAP WEP! lol great for surfing... 2
Grenades- 7.5
SOCOM- 7, hardly use it, but I'm good with it.
Knife- 8.5, knife ---> orgasm.
Chainsaw- 7
LAW- 3 Don't use it much...
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Offline andrelie

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2007, 10:19:42 am »
i would say I'm lying on 7 on most of the weapons (it depends on how my mod is!!!!)
Im sorry for the spamming...

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2007, 10:28:51 am »
degals 5, they suck so i don't waste time on them
any auto is basically the same so they all get a 7
exept minimi, it sucks, 4
Spas- 3 it farts bullets
ruger 6 BINK FFS Its great if they don't shoot back.
Barrett 8, just more powerful then the ruger, basically the same thing
minigun is shit 3
soccom 3 its like an auto if you spaz out on your mouse
knife 7, its a last resort.
chainsaw 3 its not really practical but its not hard to use
law 8 its pretty good in combination with AK.
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Offline Sotija

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2007, 10:37:09 am »
Deagles- 8/10 Umm i kill with these pretty awesome

MP5- 7/10.  Ugh i need to shoot so many bullets so im dead before he is

AK74- 9 /10 Im pretty good with it

Steyr AUG- 9/10 Fast reliable powerfull im best with this

Spas 12- 7/10 im kill if its close only

Ruger 77- 8/10 i think i can use this nice

M79- 8/10 im pretty good with this at nuubia

Barrett M82A1-  3/10 i suck with this

FN Minimi- 6.5/10. I'm ok with it.

XM214 Minigun- 2/10. Cant hit :P

Grenades- 7/10. I will Finish or damage people with these

SOCOM- 5/10 I never kill anybody with this.

Knife- 3/10.I'm not good at throwing it.

Chainsaw- 5/10. I can kill when im very close and when enemy is reloading

LAW- 6/10. Reliable secondary but i cant kill with it :(

Offline SDFilm

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2007, 10:53:55 am »
Deagles: 5/10 I'm really not much of a semi-auto kinda guy

MP5: 7/10. Get close'n'spray

AK74: 8 /10 Im pretty good with it

Steyr AUG: 7/10 I'm ok with it

Spas 12: 5/10 I'm ok but not so good at mid-range

Ruger 77: 6/10 I'm really not much of a semi-auto kinda guy

M79: 8/10 It's the M79

Barrett M82A1: 7/10 I can get some nice shots but I'm no pro

FN Minimi: 8/10. I am a knight of the Minimi Brotherhood!* I used to be 9 or 10/10, but only playing in public servers has made me rusty.

XM214 Minigun: 5/10. Meh

Grenades- 9/10. I love them!

SOCOM- 6/10 I'm ok at it

Knife- 7/10. Good but not great

Chainsaw- 9/10. I love charging down hills and generally terroising with it.

LAW- 4/10. I havn't used it in quite a while

*Theres very little serious Minimi users, so it's good to see anouther one if you can spot one.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2007, 04:06:20 pm by SDFilm »

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2007, 02:58:06 pm »
Deagles- Poor/Average

MP5- Average

AK74- Average

Steyr- Average

Spas- Above Average/Elite, I usually finish in the top 5 with this weapon

Ruger- Poor

M79- Average, I only use this if i pick it up in replacment for my secondary

Barrett M92A1- Poor

FN Minimi- Above Average

XM214 Minigun- Rarely Used/Average

Grenades- Average

SOCOM- Average

Knife- Need Practice

Chainsaw- Average

LAW- Rarely Used/Average

Offline BondJamesBond

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2007, 03:02:29 pm »
Deagles - 5
HK-MP5 - 7
Ak-74 - 9
Steyr - 9
Spas - 3
Ruger - 6
M79 - 2
Barret - 7
FN Minimi - 8
Grenades - 9
Socom - 9
Knife - 3
Chainsaw - 2
LAW - 7
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Offline mozzer

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2007, 03:31:27 pm »
Eagles- 8.5 - my main weapon on a good day
MP5- 7 - Use for fun and got pretty good
AK74- 7 - Use when struggling -.-
Steyr- 8 - 2nd main wep
Spas- 6 - hardly use, only on nuub
Ruger- 4 - i suck with it
Barrett M92A1- 6 - sometimes can do well with it
FN Minimi- 5 - because i never use it
XM214 Minigun- who cares
Grenades- 8 - i love them ;)
SOCOM- 5 - because i never use it
Knife- 8.5 - Almost always my 2nd, im pretty good, can c in my movie ;)
Chainsaw- 5 - because never use it
LAW- 7 - Only use it for doing ricochets when practice with friends

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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2007, 03:31:34 pm »
Deagles-           5/10
MP5-                 3/10
AK74-                7/10
Steyr AUG-        6/10
Spas 12-           9/10
Ruger 77-        10/10
M79-                 4/10
Barrett M82A1- 6/10
FN Minimi-         9/10
XM214 Minigun-2/10
Grenades-        1/10
SOCOM-            9/10
Knife-                3/10
Chainsaw-        8/10
LAW-                 9/10
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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2007, 04:53:47 pm »
Deagles- 8/10
MP5- 7/10
AK74- 6/10
Steyr AUG- 7/10
Spas 12- 6/10
Ruger 77- 9/10
M79- 7/10
Barrett M82A1- 3/10
FN Minimi- 10/10
XM214 Minigun-1/10
Grenades- 6/10
SOCOM- 6/10
Knife- 7/10
Chainsaw- 4/10
LAW- 5/10
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Re: How skilled are you with each of thr weapons?
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2007, 06:50:31 pm »
I'm exactly the same as P4R4D0X because I am P4R4D0X, I forgot my p/w and i use Blackout in game anyway, but just for the record:

 Deagles- Poor/Average

MP5- Average

AK74- Average

Steyr- Average

Spas- Above Average/Elite, I usually finish in the top 5 with this weapon

Ruger- Poor

M79- Average, I only use this if i pick it up in replacment for my secondary

Barrett M92A1- Poor

FN Minimi- Above Average

XM214 Minigun- Rarely Used/Average

Grenades- Average

SOCOM- Average

Knife- Need Practice

Chainsaw- Average

LAW- Rarely Used/Average
