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Respawn(ID: byte) ...
I don't want to promote disabling the anti-hack.
procedure DisableWepKick(1,5,false); //disables player one from getting kicked for having spas 12beginend;
Can't be done server-side.
(the health part can already be done with GetPlayerStat(ID,'Health') = *)
WriteConsole(ID,'/logout Logs you out' + iif(LoggedIn[ID] = -1,'',' (' + Accounts[LoggedIn[ID]].Name + ')'),Color);
function A(C: byte): bytebegin Result := B(C) * 2;end;function B(C: byte): bytebegin if C < 100 then Result := A(C) else WriteLn('Finished at ' + InttoStr(C));end;
function OnCommand(ID:Byte;Text:string):boolean;begin result:=false; if Text = '/clear' then begin ClearText(0,'All'); //clears all text from all player's screens end;end;
When an invalid ID is specified for /kill #, it still calls OnPlayerKill when it shouldn't sense no1 got killed.Along the same lines, making it so when a player who is not in the game receives damage and dies, it doesn't call OnPlayerKill. (Tested through DoDamage, although bringing error, it still called OnPlayerKill when I set the damage to 4000)
What about DoDamage(id,damage,shooter) so you can write who did damage. Because elsewhere it's written as suicide.
Dont suggest: Adding/Changing new parameters to any functions/events
like in Drawtext, the scale sometimes makes the lettering go off screen, so if we could use percents, then the text would fitDrawText(0,'blahblahblah',2500,$332211,50%,200,420); makes 'blahblahblah' appear scaled to half of a window horizontaly (vertical scaling is relative to horizontal) on all players screens