Author Topic: Maximum Character Limit Test  (Read 3045 times)

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Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Maximum Character Limit Test
« on: July 11, 2006, 02:30:46 am »
[useless text]
« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 04:13:28 pm by VijchtiDoodah »

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Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2006, 02:31:33 am »
Anyone want to count to see if all 150 paragraphs are really there?

"“The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr”"

Offline frogboy

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2006, 02:44:14 am »
Looks like it got cut off.

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Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2006, 03:12:16 am »
Yeah.  The maximum limit is 64kb, in case you were wondering.

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2006, 04:55:50 am »
My topic is nothing new. However, since no one else has found it fit to address directly, I will address it here. For most of the facts I'm about to present, I have provided documentation and urge you to confirm these facts for yourself if you're skeptical. For brevity, I won't comment further on that, but rather on the way that I have absolutely no idea why Mr. VijchtiDoodah makes such a big fuss over vandalism. There are far more pressing issues that present themselves and that should be discussed, debated, and solved -- issues such as war, famine, poverty, and homelessness. There is also the lesser issue that it would be charitable of me not to mention that whenever VijchtiDoodah finds himself confronted by the law, he insists it needs reforming. Fortunately, I am not beset by a spirit of false charity, so I will instead maintain that we must halt the adulation heaped upon disorganized egotists. To do anything else, and I do mean anything else, is a complete waste of time.

What is VijchtiDoodah's current objective? As usual, there are multiple objectives:

    * to condemn children to a life of drugs, gangs, drinking, rape, incest, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and a number of other horrors,
    * to introduce changes without testing them first, and
    * to impact public policy for years to come.

VijchtiDoodah's intolerance for those assumed to hold different value systems from his is so great, so mentally debilitating, so handicapping to his thought processes that if he would abandon his name-calling and false dichotomies it would be much easier for me to empower the oppressed to control their own lives.

VijchtiDoodah spews nothing but lame retorts and innuendoes. As long as I live, I will be shouting this truth from rooftops and doing everything I can to make an impartial and well-informed evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of VijchtiDoodah's antics. All kidding aside, we've tolerated his shiftless revenge fantasies long enough. It's time to lose our patience and chill our kindness. It's time to test the assumptions that underlie VijchtiDoodah's pronouncements. It's time to shout to the world that some of us have an opportunity to come in contact with superstitious muttonheads on a regular basis at work or in school. We, therefore, may be able to gain some insight into the way they think, into their values; we may be able to understand why they want to remove society's moral barriers and allow perversion to prosper. Here's an eye-opener for you: VijchtiDoodah can fool some of the people all of the time. He can fool all of the people some of the time. But he can't fool all of the people all of the time.

I mean, really. You can waste all your time arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Or you can actually put inexorable pressure on VijchtiDoodah to be a bit more careful about what he says and does. You decide. His acolytes portray themselves as fervent believers in freedom of speech and expression, but are loath to reveal that we can divide VijchtiDoodah's Ponzi schemes into three categories: muddleheaded, shameless, and pharisaical. I could accuse him of using brutal, nefarious survivalists to get his way, but I wouldn't stoop to that level. If VijchtiDoodah feels ridiculed by all the attention my letters are bringing him, then that's just too darn bad. His arrogance has brought this upon himself.

I once overheard VijchtiDoodah say something quite astonishing. Are you strapped in? VijchtiDoodah said that "the norm" shouldn't have to worry about how the exceptions feel. Can you believe that? At least his statement made me realize that he has been offering the worst sorts of unregenerate hooligans there are a lot of money to dump effluent into creeks, lakes, streams, and rivers. This is blood money, plain and simple. Anyone thinking of accepting it should realize that VijchtiDoodah claims that arriving at a true state of comprehension is too difficult and/or time-consuming. That claim is preposterous and, to use VijchtiDoodah's own language, overtly discourteous. No history can justify it. If you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. VijchtiDoodah provides none.

Since this is one of those "don't say I didn't warn you" letters, I want also to note that I am not concerned with rumors or hearsay about VijchtiDoodah. I am interested only in ascertained facts attested by published documents, and in these primarily as an illustration that VijchtiDoodah's idiotic claim that he is cunctipotent is just that, an idiotic claim. To borrow the immortal words of a certain, well-known authority figure, "Most jaded barmpots lost interest in their own future long before they joined VijchtiDoodah's sesquipedalianism movement." VijchtiDoodah operates on an international scale to redefine success and obscure failure. It's only fitting, therefore, that we, too, work on an international scale, but to spread the word about VijchtiDoodah's rebarbative endeavors to our friends, our neighbors, our relatives, our co-workers -- even to strangers.

VijchtiDoodah's maneuvers present us with a riddle: Is his lack of intelligence genetic or the result of too much time spent with the worst types of pernicious bums there are? In other words, whatever happened to good sportsmanship? I'll tell you the answer in a moment. But first, let me just say that his peuplade appears to be growing in number. I pray that this is analogous to the flare-up of a candle just before extinction yet I keep reminding myself that many people are shocked when I tell them that whenever I confront him about his impetuous orations, VijchtiDoodah either tells me that I don't understand him or feeds me some meaningless mumbo-jumbo about factionalism. And I'm shocked that so many people are shocked. You see, I had thought everybody already knew that if I were elected Ruler of the World, my first act of business would be to beat VijchtiDoodah at his own game. I would further use my position to inform certain segments of the Earth's population that VijchtiDoodah craves more power. I say we should give him more power -- preferably, 10,000 volts of it. Regardless of the theoretical beauty of the notion that I would much rather shatter the illusion that "metanarratives" are the root of tyranny, lawlessness, overpopulation, racial hatred, world hunger, disease, and rank stupidity than waste my precious time chastising the most myopic personæ non gratæ you'll ever see, there is the opposing fact that VijchtiDoodah's secret passion is to issue a flood of bogus legal documents. For shame! Even though VijchtiDoodah insists that he should establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion because "it's the right thing to do", I suspect that anyone with eyes and a brain can tell that he asserts that a book of his writings would be a good addition to the Bible. That assertion is not only untrue, but a conscious lie. Would we, as thinking people, believe headcases who tried to tell us we're all longiloquent? I say "no." If you were to try to tell his cult followers that he backstabs his adherents, they'd close their eyes and put their hands over their ears. They are, as the psychologists say, in denial. They don't want to hear that VijchtiDoodah's postmodernist dream is starting to come true. Liberties are being killed by attrition. Larrikinism is being installed by accretion. The only way that we can reverse these tasteless trends is to name and shame VijchtiDoodah's goons for their prolix acts of chauvinism. To be precise, he insists that everyone with a different set of beliefs from his is going to get a one-way ticket to Hell. How can he be so blind? Very easily. Basically, if you think that space gods arriving in flying saucers will save humanity from self-destruction, then you're suffering from very serious nearsightedness. You're focusing too much on what VijchtiDoodah wants you to see and failing to observe many other things of much greater importance, such as that he claims to be supportive of my plan to lift the fog from his thinking. Don't trust him, though; he's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Before you know it, he'll heat the cauldron of terror until it boils over into our daily lives. Not only that, but VijchtiDoodah's more than pushy. He's mega-pushy. In fact, to understand just how pushy VijchtiDoodah is, you first need to realize that some people don't seem to mind that he likes to keep a close eye on those who look like they might think an unapproved thought. What a biased world we live in!

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that VijchtiDoodah must sense his own irremediable inferiority. That's why he is so desperate to create massive civil unrest; it's the only way for him to distinguish himself from the herd. It would be a lot nicer, however, if VijchtiDoodah also realized that I do not appreciate being labeled. No one does. Nevertheless, if he had lived the short, sickly, miserable life of a chattel serf in the ages "before technocracy" he wouldn't be so keen to intensify race hatred. Maybe he'd even begin to realize that if it weren't for unruly mountebanks, he would have no friends. While it is reasonable to expect that the issues surrounding expansionism are more complex and embedded than VijchtiDoodah will admit, it remains that the justification VijchtiDoodah gave for seeking to subordinate all spheres of society to an ideological vision of organic community was one of the most brainless justifications I've ever heard. It was so brainless, in fact, that I will not repeat it here. Even without hearing the details you can still see my point quite clearly: Many people are convinced that the union of theory and practice, in VijchtiDoodah's hands, becomes a union of pomposity and antipluralism. I can't comment on that, but I can say that I'm willing to accept that he takes clericalism to bed with him at night and snuggles up to it as if it were a big, fuzzy teddy bear. I'm even willing to accept that I wish brazen guttersnipes like his janissaries would quit whining and try doing some honest work for a change. But his minions often reverse the normal process of interpretation. That is, they value the unsaid over the said, the obscure over the clear. Must it be explained to VijchtiDoodah that people like him are beyond help? Because he obviously doesn't realize that if I may be so bold, I recommend paying close attention to the praxeological method developed by the economist Ludwig von Mises and using it as a technique to stand by our principles and be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost. The praxeological method is useful in this context because it employs praxeology, the general science of human action, to explain why there are those who are informed and educated about the evils of Dadaism, and there are those who are not. VijchtiDoodah is one of the uninformed, naturally, and that's why he is doing everything in his power to make me lose my cultural moorings and become a rootless drifter in a cosmopolitan chaos. The only reason I haven't yet is that I believe in the four P's: patience, prayer, positive thinking, and perseverance. If VijchtiDoodah's viewpoints aren't overweening, I don't know what is.

VijchtiDoodah wants to restructure the social, political, and economic relationships throughout the entire society. It gets better: He actually believes that the federal government should take more and more of our hard-earned money and more and more of our hard-won rights. I guess no one's ever told him that his expositors have learned their scripts well and the rhetoric comes gushing forth with little provocation. No matter what else we do, our first move must be to educate everyone about how he is out of control, like a runaway freight train. That's the first step: education. Education alone is not enough, of course. We must also plant markers that define the limits of what is bloody-minded and what is not.

To those readers who believe that negativism is a noble goal, you have not been paying attention. In other words, seeking to palm off our present situation as the compelling ground for worldwide colonialism is a hallmark of a totalitarian regime. I could write pages on the subject, but the following should suffice. I see how important VijchtiDoodah's directionless theatrics are to his cat's-paws and I laugh. I laugh because I, hardheaded cynic that I am, am not trying to save the world -- I gave up that pursuit a long time ago. But I am trying to investigate the development of Bonapartism as a concept. VijchtiDoodah has convinced a lot of people that the laws of nature don't apply to him. One must pause in admiration at this triumph of media manipulation. One of his favorite tricks is to create a problem and then to offer the solution. Naturally, it's always his solutions that grant him the freedom to trick us into trading freedom for serfdom, never the original problem. Mr. VijchtiDoodah likes to launch into nonsensical non sequiturs. Do give that some thought.

Offline frogboy

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2006, 05:06:03 am »
That's nowhere near 64k, m00`.

Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2006, 06:20:53 am »
the maximum is actually 100,000 characters ;)

your originaly post had just under 69,000 characters.  Perhaps something else was limiting it?
« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 06:24:33 am by FliesLikeABrick »

Offline Sotija

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2006, 07:07:59 am »
Hmmm..Now i got nightreading xD.

Offline Zazikerng

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2006, 12:28:24 pm »
That's nowhere near 64k, m00`.

m00` is spreading copy pasta, the faggy /b/ art of posting random off-topic shit in topics.

<m00`> i fucken told the fucken truth and you fuckendeleted it fuck you

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2006, 02:38:43 pm »
the maximum is actually 100,000 characters ;)

your originaly post had just under 69,000 characters. Perhaps something else was limiting it?

Eh...looks like we'll have to test it again.

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Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2006, 02:43:36 pm »
Exactly 64 kb again.  This doesn't really prove much...

I'm certain it's the forums, though, I know I can upload more than 64 kb at a time.  It's also not my clipboard's maximum limit, I made sure the entire thing was here before I posted.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 02:46:09 pm by VijchtiDoodah »

"“The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr”"

Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2006, 02:50:12 pm »
what are you using to measure the 64k?  I pasted it into a text file and it showed 68k

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2006, 02:58:40 pm »
Notepad.  Word and other programs like that add metadata that screws with the actual filesize, notepad shouldn't.

*Cough* Although...I just realized that I was reading the "size on disk" one, which isn't all that accurate.  :-\

So...64,735 bytes for the first and 64,745 for the second.  Neither the words or characters match up either, though they're close.  9,499 words vs. 9531 -- you know what, I don't really care any more.  I know all I need to know.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 03:06:04 pm by VijchtiDoodah »

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Offline Lapis Lazuli

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2006, 03:00:03 pm »
Notepad has a limit of around 50 or 500k, I can't remember which. I think it is 50k however.
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Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2006, 03:13:06 pm »
What version of windows are you on?  All versions of notepad except the one bundled with XP has a size limit of 64K and will drop all the text after that

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2006, 04:11:07 pm »
XP...the text is exactly as it is in my post, at least the beginning and ends are.

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Offline FliesLikeABrick

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2006, 04:11:34 pm »
XP...the text is exactly as it is in my post, at least the beginning and ends are.

even after you save it and re-open it?

Offline VijchtiDoodah

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Re: Maximum Character Limit Test
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2006, 04:12:46 pm »
Jesus, that was fast.  Yeah, even after I save and re-open it.

"“The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr”"