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varkill : boolean;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;beginresult:=false;if Text='/killon' then begin DrawText(0,'LET THE BLOOD BATH BEGIN!!!',300,RGB(255,255,255),0.15,40,240); Command('/say SLAUGHTER THE OTHER TEAM!!!'); kill:=true;end else if Text='/killoff' then begin DrawText(0,'KILLING WILL RESULT IN DEATH!!!',300,RGB(255,255,255),0.15,40,240); Command('/say You better not kill, or me, the server, will kill you!!!'); kill:=false; end;end;procedure OnJoinGame(ID, Team: byte);beginif kill=false then DrawText(ID,'NO KILLING, OR YOU DIE!!! ',300,RGB(255,255,255),0.15,40,240)else if kill=true then DrawText(ID,'Kill All You like!!!',300,RGB(255,255,255),0.15,40,240);end;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte; Weapon: string);beginif kill=false then begin Command('/kill ' + inttostr(Killer)); Command('/say KILLING IS BAD!'); Command('/say THAT MEANS YOU, ' + GetPlayerStat(Killer,'name') + '!'); end;end;
whats an invalid number of paremeters?
Make shure to put it in a code box
varkill:boolean;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;beginIf text='/killon' then begincommand('/say KILL AWAY!!!');Result kill :=trueend;if Text='/killoff' then begincommand('/say NO KILLING!!!');Result kill:=falseend;end;procedure OnJoinGame(ID, Team: byte);beginif kill=false then begincommand(ID, '/say This Server Uses 1221995s aka Chuck Ps kill on off script. DO NOT KILL OR YOU WILL DIE!!!');end;if kill=true then begincommand(ID, '/say This Server Uses 1221995s aka Chuck Ps kill on off script. Killing is allowed for now');end;end;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte;Weapon: string);beginif kill=false then begincommand(killer, '/say HOW DARE YOU KILL!!! DIE, DIE, DIE!!!');command(killer, '/kill');command(killer, '/kill');command(killer, '/kill');End;End;
varkill:boolean;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;beginif Text='/killon' then begin Command('/say KILL AWAY!!!'); kill:=true;end else if Text='/killoff' then begin Command('/say NO KILLING!!!'); kill:=false end;end;procedure OnJoinGame(ID, Team: byte);beginif kill=false then SayToPlayer(ID,'This Server Uses 1221995s aka Chuck Ps kill on off script. DO NOT KILL OR YOU WILL DIE!!!')else SayToPlayer(ID,'This Server Uses 1221995s aka Chuck Ps kill on off script. Killing is allowed for now');end;procedure OnPlayerKill(Killer, Victim: byte;Weapon: string);beginif kill=false then begin SayToPlayer(Killer,'/say HOW DARE YOU KILL!!! DIE, DIE, DIE!!!'); //Yes, I've removed the 3 kills in a row, because they -wouldn't make any sense to have-. Command('/kill '+inttostr(Killer)); end;end;