Author Topic: Nicknames?  (Read 3037 times)

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Offline Henito Kisou

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« on: September 11, 2007, 02:41:54 pm »
Simple idea.

1. How your nick resemble your personality, why you chose it.
2. What describe you better in this nickname than long info about you/characteristic.
3. Do you, with this nickname are different than in real world, so you create second virtual life, avatar existence?
4. What really means (in personal feeling).
5. Do you have alternative nicknames (real life, internet, in-game), which and how many?
1. This nick resemble my personality because I am  mostly isolated, alienated, outside the reality, sometimes ascetic, intolerant, no-sexual, only one style and form of thinkig, traditionalist, spiritual, psychotic fanatic without any mercy, love, faith but...
From other side I am very materialist, pervert, tolerant, have many, many forms of thinking and styles, true chameleon with empathy, can be everyone, hard realist,
I chose it because because is all-in one about me, so no boring blogs, no discovering real secrets about me.
2. It's describe me in various versions, someone can think and imagine most truth about me without personal meeting/knowing me.
3. Yes, but not exactly. In real life can nothing, on the web I can be everywhere, can control more people than is possible in reality, in better way.
4. Henito Kisou is crossover by words: Hentai, Kiseake, Kiss, You.
Random sentence: Hentai kiss you... similiar to japanese or asian name.
5. Male, female and random/strange names, some of them:
Henito Kisou (Henito, Henito K), Psycheo, Kinao Seiman, Dekada, Kilistishroma, Random Girl, Template, Avatar, Neo Dark, Imagination, Alternate World, Nightmare Of Ninth Generation, Spirit Hunter, Dream Hunter, Juggernaut, Nemesis, Bold, Delilah, Wizard, Cursed Mind, Spider, Hentai, Alnoe Toake, Image Demon.

Offline PaFel

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 02:51:52 pm »
1. Because my name is Paul and PaFel is little changed "light" version of my name.
2. Don't understand good. It just make everyone know my real name.
3. No. I'm trying to be "normal".
4. Look at 1.
5. Yes - PaFel, PaFelcio (mainly 'cause Pafcio was already taken.)

Offline Flamingo

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2007, 02:54:23 pm »
1. /me points at custom title
2. /me points at 1
3. I'm not really gay ;]
4. Errrr.... Flamingo?
5. FlamingOstrich.

Offline a-4-year-old

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2007, 02:56:19 pm »
You wouldn't understand how Evil Tribble relates to my personality.
I don't know what you mean by the second question so I will just say that I think most if not all of your nicknames suck/are not at all unique.
What? I do not have some internet alter ego... or do i?
Hmm, what does Evil Tribble mean? gee its pretty straight forward.
Of course I do, most of them are funny, almost none of them have any "real" or "deep" meaning. I usually mean exactly what I say.
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Offline Domokun

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2007, 02:57:22 pm »
1. /me points at flamingo's custom title
2. w00t?
3. No and Yes.
4. Nothing. Its just cool.
5. No , but i changed my ingame nickname to : Madsen , but i dont want to make new acocunt Madsen in this commiunity so i stay with Domokun
Ingame Nick : ~FaF |F~ Madsen
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Offline Psycho

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2007, 03:03:13 pm »
1. I got this nick a long time ago. I was at a friend, and we LANed delta force. It was the first time I had to choose a nick, so I chose Psycho. Guess I was inspired by my Psycho cowboy shirt.
Some people call me by my nick in real life too. Mainly people I play alot of games with, but also because I did some crazy stuff a while back. Its a pretty common nick on the internet, but I dont care.

2. I never chose this nick to describe myself, so I wouldnt know.

3. Well I know alot of people that only know me over the internet by my nick, but I also know alot of people in real life that doesent know my nick.

4. It refers to a psycopath. I am not one though ;P

5. I've had Decoy, Pimpy_mcFish and Smrprty.
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Offline Laser Guy

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2007, 03:23:07 pm »
ok, when i was registering on these forums, instead of putting my nick i use now, I put my old nick instead... So really I should've been Light Sniper not Laser Guy... anyway, Light Sniper cuz i like sniper rifles and I am usually a sniper while ingame... and light because laser sniper rifle would be awsome, so I try to find mods with laser sniper rifles... oh, and light cuz a sniper should take just enough (not too much) so he can change position freely and with short amount to time...
Text goes here...

Offline Dascoo

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2007, 03:25:16 pm »
Dascoo doesn't relate to me because it's something I made up in grade 4.

Offline Iron Man

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2007, 04:13:39 pm »
1. i like classic metal. 60-70s metal is best, 80s is ok, so yeah. iron man.
2. doesnt really describe me.. im carbon, not iron.. and im a teen, not a man.
3. hmm.. no. not really. except i do physical embarresing stuff instead of vocal/typing..
4. black sabbath song- IRON MAN
5. curly by my soccer team.. gir by this random girl from church.. mat2 from some friends from church... lots others

Offline SDFilm

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2007, 06:45:18 pm »
1. I used to be called 'Shadow Dragon' or 'SDragon', but I wanted a change because it sounds way common and nerdy, like a typical D&D name. So I put the initials together and added 'Film' onto the end because I love producing films at collage. The 'SD' doesn't stand for Shadow Dragon anymore, it's just...SD. I also like it because the sdf and ilm keys are quick to type on the keyboard.
2. As I said, I love making films.
3.I'm a bit more chatty on the internet, but other than that, I don't act differently or use this as a kind of secret identity kept away from my friends. Not that I let my friends see this flithy forum or call myself 'SDFilm' in real live XD
4. See #1
5. Real-life: not really, some people might call me 'dave' (for David, of course). Internet: not really, only 'SDragon' from my pre-SDFilm days. In-game: Aun'va or Tachikoma.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 06:49:03 pm by SDFilm »

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Offline Carlitos

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2007, 06:50:19 pm »
Im Carlitos cause thats my name
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Offline Graham

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2007, 06:56:15 pm »
1. My name is a cross, some people say its actually a dagger but I have never seen this character in any font that made me think "dagger". I am a born again Christian, plus it was just something different.

3. I talk a bit more with random people online. I like to keep quiet and listen in real life.

5. Jazzy Joe, Graham, One Gram, Teddy, Patty, I guess thats it.

Offline ds dude

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2007, 06:57:28 pm »
My name is Ds Dude because thats just who I am; and it won't change.

Ds Dude *ehem* I'm a Nintendo lover ( I have a ds :P).
« Last Edit: September 11, 2007, 07:01:23 pm by ds dude »
This signature was borked. Now it is not.

Offline Mitak

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2007, 07:02:00 pm »
Mitak is my small name.
Lol many people in Soldat think I'm polish coz it ends on ak.
But the truth is I'm bulgarian. Eh so what, slavic brothers :D

Offline Brock

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2007, 08:29:14 pm »
1. Brock - my real name
2. Huh?
3. Sure?
5. StrykeR - my soldat nicky, Dilo22 - my username on most sites, Bat - my initials (First middle last), B - my dad calls me this, Beast - variation of B, Brocolli, Brockazoid, Brizzzzzock, Brockavich, Batty, Prongter.  [retard]
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Offline Bunney

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2007, 10:02:31 am »
1. Bunney. cuz im cute.
2. read 1. and cuz im friendly ^^
3. not that muck different.
4. A animal written in my way (*.*)
5. My friends call me Big Mick (cuz im big, but cute :P) Geurrilla (used that name for years) Bunney and Sacron (my name on WoW)

Offline jrgp

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2007, 10:58:05 am »
1. jrgp is an acronym that stands for my initials with a 'p' for productions at the end. I couldn't think of anything else when I chose it back in 2004.
2. This nickname says absolutely nothing about any of my characteristics, except that I should have products.
3. Yes, in real life I am a very quiet geeky person who gets strait A's. On the internet with my jrgp nick, I can be as loud as I want and do whatever I want but usually wouldn't in real life.
4. For the past three years I have thought of jrgp as my alter eggo.
5. My only other nick name is ingame any game which is Grenade Juggler Joe. I chose it because I find grenades interesting and because of an Al Pacino movie where the protagonist, played by Al Pacino, loses his sight from his grenade juggling act when some prick pulled one of the pins out.
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Offline {LAW} Gamer_2k4

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2007, 12:28:33 pm »
1. At the time (late 2003), I was quite the gamer.  It began as Ripper_2k4, but I started playing chess online and needed a better nickname.
2. Um, say again?
3. Nope, no virtual existence.  I act the same behind the nickname as I do without it.
4. Dude.  It's Gamer_2k4.  It's not very deep.
4. Well, there's Scitri, for whatever MMORPGing I feel like doing.  There's Crytar, which is the name of a dragon in the RPG I'm making.  I use that instead of Scitri sometimes, but generally in a fantasy setting.  But those are gradually going out of use, because Gamer_2k4 is just so much more generic.

Only anime shows I've felt any interest in over the years are Pokemon (original TV series) and various hentai.
so clearly jgrp is a goddamn anime connoisseur. his opinion might as well be law here.

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Offline -Skykanden-

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2007, 12:38:20 pm »
1- I think yes
2- Sky/Kanden: Sky: i don't know, err i like the war planes?
                         Kanden: My favorite character on mph
3- Errrr... I don't know
4- Nothing, i think
5- The people in real life, call me, Caste, my full name is Mark Castellanos

Offline xtishereb

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Re: Nicknames?
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2007, 12:40:04 pm »
1. xwd is what appears to be three random letters. xtishereb, my old version, is what appears to be eight random letters. Ever since I've been on the internet, I've basically been pretty much random.
To be totally honest, xwd is my first three initials with one of the letters replaced to look cooler. The "ishere" part of xtishereb is really "is here" and the "b" is a "b" because I stole that name from my dad's old Diablo 2 account.
2. Nothing. It's a totally cryptic thing you need to ask about. The -ishere and -isaway stuff I use in IRC only makes it that much harder to understand.
3. In real life, I have a tendency to say things without thinking. Since I'm able to quickly go over what I've written on the internet before I send it, I usually wind up seeming like less of an idiot and more of a quiet, polite, smart guy. Except for the times when I'm stupid.
4. As I stated earlier, xwd is my first three initials with one of the letters replaced to make it look cooler.
5. Clearly, there's xtishereb which I used to use until about a year ago, xwdishere when xwd won't be as cool, and my old Soldat name "DJ C-Rap" which I dropped when I left an old clan. Sometimes I use "DjHerron" for things which I don't want to easily be remembered for. Since there's no phonetic pronunciation for "xwd", kinda like "xkcd" coincidently, I usually get called "x" in Ventrillo. Well, Taz calls me "letterman" or "letters".
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