Author Topic: DM_Cave2k7  (Read 2785 times)

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Offline Snow

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« on: September 18, 2007, 11:27:56 pm »
September 24 Update: Posted new revision. Waypointing is redone. Added extra scenery.

September 27 Update: Redid version 1 waypointing (imported version 2's waypointing). Out of both versions, despite being a bit empty (scenery-wise) I like the older layout. You can launch yourself better off the top left platform better on the older version. Now that I improved the waypointing of the original map, (Thank you for those valuable tips again Keron) I find it so much fun to play. I personally am not so pleased with version 2. And then again, this map was never supposed to be released, but since I'm having fun with it, why not share it. Those who are interested, go ahead and try out both versions.

I wasn't going to release this map as my first to post. I was playing on this one today and decided what the hell. I just don't want it to reflect poorly on me or my design skills. Plus it was one of my very first maps and everyones first map is never that great. I was inspired by the DM map Island2k5 (hence the 2k7) and decided to make a map based on a much larger layout design. This map is basically 40% of that larger layout.

I am in the process of making much more detailed and better designed maps, however that is very slow due to the factors of work, school and I'm very busy learning programming. At the same time I'm also designing and programming a 2d game engine. I'm pretty busy, but I love playing soldat and working on the maps. So, the only reason I'm posting this map is because I personally have a bit of fun on it. I can say I'm proud of the layout for such a small map, but the polygon placement sucks @#$# and @#@#$$@. I did manage to get "bouncies" to a minimum. The sole purpose of this map was to both learn how to make a map on an older map editor (Map Maker Plus) and to learn waypointing (which I still need to work on, it does ok in this map.. I wasn't able to improve it). I was only focusing on waypointing and the layout.. so being inspired by Island's poly placement, I just placed poly's almost random, according to edges. It was never meant to be complete, coloured or shaded. I do like the abstract look, but yeah. Those who want to try it, enjoy. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Map capacity: 3 to 4 players

Version 1 Overview
Version 2 Overview
Version 1 Download
Version 2 Download

P.S. I used the latest version of Rainrider's Map Packer, so there should be nothing missing.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 07:23:30 pm by Snow »
"Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb." - Dark Helmet

Offline Boxo

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2007, 11:43:38 pm »
ditch mm+, get polyworks, no questions, do it, if polyworks doesn't work for you upgrade your computer of forget maps

edit: lol nevermind i r blind, early-morning posting is no good
« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 08:30:41 am by Boxo »

Offline Laser Guy

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 01:07:04 am »
i think he is using polyworks :\
Text goes here...

Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 01:17:47 am »
I dunno. I guess I'm kind of attracted to defaultish maps that have messy poly placement that overlap each other and a lot of seemingly random shading.

While the map layout I like [a lot], the top-left platform shouldn't look too perfect. Like, make it lopsided and not look like a chalice without a foot. Make changes to that, and it'll look like the rest of the map. As long as the polys are bug-free, I find it charming, but feel the entire map should be 2x bigger.

Some of the tree sceneries need 60% opacity if they're in the back, and add a couple more trees.

And guys, he IS using polyworks. Look at the upper-left corner of his screenshot, it says "Soldat Polyworks".

Offline Snow

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 02:48:26 am »
Actually, yeah I was using Polyworks to touch up the map (fading the outsides to black and such). However, I do like the older map makers. Or rather, I dunno, just wanted the feel of the older editors.  I like the shading that MM+ can do.

But, I definitely do love Polyworks. My better maps are only possible in PW.

Quoting.... doesn't seem to want to work on my Mac atm. G4 macs drool. I need Intel now. Anyway.

Blue Ninja said:
>While the map layout I like [a lot],

Thank you. :) I appreciate that. The original layout actually took a bit to draw and plan out. Then when I made the map... for a crappy looking map, I sure did a lot of play testing to make sure that the tiny layout worked.

>the top-left platform shouldn't look too perfect. Like, make it lopsided and not look like a chalice >without a foot. Make changes to that, and it'll look like the rest of the map. As long as the polys >are bug-free, I find it charming, but feel the entire map should be 2x bigger.

Dunno if I'll change the shape of the platform.. I could try some different shading on it. I'll think about that. And yeah, the original design is roughly 2 times bigger. When I started modelling, I modelled a bit too small, but decided to keep it that way to test it out.

>Some of the tree sceneries need 60% opacity if they're in the back, and add a couple more trees.

Didn't think of depth.. may have to make a revision. A few more trees couldn't hurt.

Thanks for your feedback Ninja.
"Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb." - Dark Helmet

Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 04:01:19 am »
Hmm..modeling the correct scaling of a map takes some time, not just layouts. The layout making isn't the hard part. Making it the correct scale is.

If you turned on grids, you'll realize that a soldat character is roughly one big square high and a half-square wide. With that in mind, you can scale much more efficiently now, though when you make climbing maps, it's much more relevant. Beware of tight-fitting tunnels, like that neck on the left side of the default map, Shau.

Offline Keron Cyst

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 07:07:08 pm »
The colors look all right but it's too easy to be able to reconstruct your entire palette just by observing the map. Use Opacity while coloring and achieve different colors.

That lighting method is outdated; unless you were specifically copying htf_Desert, you'd be better off using transparent DC polygons. The lack of lianas kind of makes it a little odd since it's so otherwise rich in vegetation.


DOWN means CROUCH. If you want them to fall, don't set anything; gravity takes care of that. And don't EVER set a waypoint to have both Up and Jet; set the Jump wypt. right above the ground wypt., and THEN connect that one to a Jet Left/Right wypt. Do you jet while pressing Up? No, otherwise you start to jet off the ground with no powerful jump to support it. Study the default maps to see how it works.

Offline Snow

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2007, 01:26:23 pm »
Well, like I said, it wasn't meant to be coloured, however you are right, using opacity wouldn't hurt. As for the lighting method.. yeah I kinda like the outdated stuff too. Dunno, I guess I'm old fashioned lol.

As for lianas, I was going to do that, but at the time I made this map, I decided not to invest any more time on it since it was just supposed to be a test map. Since I'm going to make a revision, I'll see what it looks like.

Thank you very much for the tips on waypointing. I was pretty much learning waypointing from observing a handful of maps and mostly trying to figure it out myself. Setting the jump and jet waypoints wrong is probably why I couldn't improve the paths on the map. I'll make the revision tonight and put up a new link.

I'll slightly change the shape and shading of the upper left platform too so it all fits together.
"Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb." - Dark Helmet

Offline Blue-ninja

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2007, 08:49:35 pm »
I'll wait until the final release to download it, then.

When you do, try registering at to add your map to the collection. :)

Offline Snow

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Re: DM_Cave2k7
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2007, 02:24:20 am »
The revision has been posted. I also posted a new overview.

I completely redid the waypointing. I think it works way better. I prolly still suck at it though, but I'll improve. At least the bots jump over the top middle obstacle, make use of the lower left curve and sometimes slingshot out of it and onto the lower left platform and make use of the lower right and mid left open areas which are the two main areas that the fighting is. The top right acts more as an escape which is what I want and the bots follow along that too.

I am happy with the waypointing (for now), because even if it isn't perfect the map is so small and almost always the bots see eachother or you so they're constantly changing directions. Following a waypoint becomes almost secondary to just waiting for an enemy to come into line of sight.

I also added a bit more vegetation including some lianas (which I know looks kinda half-assed). It's prolly the best I'm going to get it. I made new lianas sceneries and tried different flora, but I found that more vegetation just made it look too lush or too cluttered, which distracted from the fighting. So this is where I'm going to leave it. Some of the rock should remain bare, as of course there is constant fragging, blood/guts splattering and explosions going on. So there's bound to be wear and tear lol.

Last, I'll leave the link to the overview of the first version. It'll just stay up, so that everyone can see my ultra crappy waypointing job (on the old version) and learn from it hehe. The new one is a definite improvement. I am still learning tho.

September 27 update: For the purpose of the map, even the old waypointing worked ok, but I decided to add version 2's waypointing to version 1.  I just still like the simplicity and original layout of version 1.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 07:25:31 pm by Snow »
"Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb." - Dark Helmet