Author Topic: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?  (Read 5441 times)

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Offline The Bone Collector

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Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« on: September 19, 2007, 06:51:53 pm »
This was inspired by another thread, and is probably already been posted and dead...But I wanna know, Is there anything CLOSE to teamwork in this game?
The reason I ask, is because 99% of players are new to the game, or they all stick to one gun (usually being the M79 or the Barrett).
Other games like Soldiers of Fortune II, Counterstrike (dare I say it), and Swat 4 (more a team game than any other), have some kind of teamwork aspect to it, and require teamwork and stratergy to succeed. For instance, Swat 4 requires ALOT of tactical crap, and you need a clear head and a nack for following orders to come close to succeeding in winning the game.
Counterstrike (source, anyway) does require a good load of team players to get anywhere. When your not being slaughtered by AWP bearing bastards, your getting popped off by a scout! And if it ain't that, its an AK spraying prick making minced meat out of you. But, go to a server full of regs, and you will almost only get one or two AWPers or SCOUT users on a team, with the rest using weapons they are good with, and all with respectable jobs. Like, One guy throws a flashbang through a door, followed by somebody packing the SAW going in and laying down cover fire while the assault team comes in and gets the hostages. Fire team can go in the back way, with a sniper covering from the roof. This is an example of a (suprisingly) sucessful stratergy I used with some friends back when I played....
None of this appears in Soldat. Nobody takes a job and sticks to it. Basically its a teammatch, but with flags. Why can't we have tactics and teamwork? two guys go for the flag, one armed with the mp5, and another with the steyr/ak/ or (god forbid) the ruger. Fireteam, consisting of (at the most) 4 people, taking low route, with a barrett(er) covering them. Assault team takes middle route, possibly covered by a ruger bearer. Assault team will cover the flag capturers, while fire team comes in from behind and keeps the enemy busy...
Sorry, I'm getting offtopic here, but using examples like this, we develop a TEAM GAME. I'm sure clans do this all the time, but those playing pubs, just grab their guns and pop heads...with no other job. Nobody covers each others backs, and nobody gives the slightest of two craps about any other teammate except themselves.

Now, before I close...I go to my original question...

Is there anything resembling teamwork in Soldat?

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Offline LtKillroy

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 06:55:39 pm »
I have seen it before, people diving in front of M79's to save the EFC (that's fun). People laying down cover with minigun, enemy team can't hardly move, FFC gets an easy cap. Especially good at outpost- 2 snipers "scouting" and 3 others running around with AK's with their nice barret cover. But, alas, this almost never happens.
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Offline The Owls

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 07:20:04 pm »
You obviously seem to have never played clan wars or gathers.  Pubs do come down to a death match with flags, but gathers/scrims are a different story.  Tactics play a huge part in who wins scrims. 

Might I suggest MIRC and #sna.gather.

Offline Dr. Zombi3

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 08:18:14 pm »
Soldier of fourtune 2??? Lol good times my name was max the dog

well anyway, yes their is teamwork in the game, did you ever play tw, 2 people storming the building making sure theirs no baddies so you wont die... just for you, so i say yes, their is teamwork in the game
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Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 08:19:58 pm »
did you ever play tw, 2 people storming the building making sure theirs no baddies so you wont die... just for you, so i say yes, their is teamwork in the game
Played it a few times, but found the maps to be WAY to big, and the weapons balance to be favored towards LAW users and Ruger lovers.
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Offline Dr. Zombi3

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 08:28:57 pm »
did you ever play tw, 2 people storming the building making sure theirs no baddies so you wont die... just for you, so i say yes, their is teamwork in the game
Played it a few times, but found the maps to be WAY to big, and the weapons balance to be favored towards LAW users and Ruger lovers.
yeah sure for laws you can cover in buildings, and if theirs a ruger snipe him, its pretty simple
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Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 08:35:24 pm »
You say theres teamwork in Trenchwars? On a certain server (enEsCe's TW I think) I played, I found alot of "omg ruger noob" and other public behaivor....the kind of crap I'd expect to see in a Pub surver. There was NO team chat, sharing orders or anything like that...other than two teammates insulting each other....
Trenchwars does nothing to teamwork.
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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2007, 10:47:20 pm »
Thats why I have a clan...

There is no team chat in any server anymore, I remember in Soldat 1.3.1 everyone used to be like "EFC LOW" or "FFC HIGH" all the time in team chat, never see it now.
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Offline Graham

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2007, 11:03:55 pm »
Stop complaining and start telling people where the flagger is and how many are incoming. I don't have the reactions to do this usually. Most of what I do is say when the flag is loose. To drive my point home: Is teamwork waiting for people to tell you where to go? No, its telling the team the information you can and letting them handle it. I see teamwork in htf alot, people protect the flagger as much as they can.

Offline ~Niko~

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2007, 08:10:07 am »
I see teamwork in htf alot, people protect the flagger as much as they can.
Yea, but only in HTF is any kind of teamwork, i love it but i can't be in every server, you can play RSA or RS, TW or Cw's, you will find in a bit of strategy, the most part of the ppl got defaultish taunts so can't tell you effectively where is the damn enemy or if the flag was lost =/.

Teamwork is in HTF and these servers are down/too much ping to play in... and got noob players. If you find a HTF servers where you can join properly, you are very lucky.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2007, 08:37:14 am »
There is teamwork in Soldat, though it is not that important as having workign tactic in CTF game. Tactics are very simple, and wont necessarily need much team work, more work as an invidual player.

Once you die on 1v1 situation, the whole tactic can fukk up due to that. If you can not kill people in CW, you just suck, no tactics or teamwork is going to help you.
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Offline .Long-Range

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2007, 06:04:14 pm »
It sounds like you've only played one or two bad rounds of trenchwars and never played again. If you get a couple of [good] TW clanners in a server, you're going to see teamwork and a good balance of weapons.
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Offline LtKillroy

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2007, 06:12:50 pm »
There isn't a ton of teamwork, but if you do have teamwork you can turn any bunch of babbling idiots into a winning team in pubs. There are so many times in INF the previous game was 90-0 bravo, and the next 6 were 90-30(ish) Alpha out of sheer "Protect FC low" and "Inc sniper up". If you think teamwork is a problem, try and be the teamwork guy as much as possible, people usually start using some too.
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Offline Scorpian

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2007, 09:07:39 pm »
This is just another pubs vs. private server debate.

Pubs= rarely any teamwork.

Private servers (clans, gathers, etc)= alot of teamwork.

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #14 on: September 21, 2007, 01:39:53 pm »
I find that in Pub CTF matches the attitude i more "you scratch my back, I'll scratch your's" among the slightly more skilled players. If you take a kill for them or blast that guy who is about to kill them they often seem more inclined to do the same for you. Even cooperation between two players on a team in a pub can make all the difference. Before the long most of the team is doing it.

Offline Sotija

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2007, 02:05:44 pm »
Gathers = There is lots of teamwork

Bublics = Very low teamwork

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2007, 02:44:39 pm »
Gathers = There is lots of teamwork

Bublics = Very low teamwork
Generalizations abound!

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2007, 03:14:01 pm »
Off Topic: Bublics FtW

On Topic:

Clans and Gathers usually are where teamwork is located..
Pubs not so much unless a clan has 2 or 3 on one team and then they work together just as a team
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Offline JonWood007

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2007, 04:24:28 pm »
The teamwork in this game is ok. It is not very evident, and people are often stupid, but at least most people dont screw up the entire team in their stupidity. In SF, you dont even want to play with other people. If you do, you have n00bs who blind you with flashbangs and even people who run around teamkilling people. Not fun at all. I would not say people work together very often (some people have given me the flag when im charging straight into an enemy base and I do not even notice, WHY?!), and mistakes are made, but for the most part I would say it is neutral.

Offline KorrupT MerC

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Re: Teamwork: Is it in Soldat?
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2007, 08:48:03 pm »
ES trenchwars about 50/50 chance you will find teamwork, when people get into the game, the game can get serious and fun as well, almost feel like your at war, role playing you can say.

public CTF... now there isnt much teamwork here, although it would make the game funner, but i have seen some occasions where teams work together and storm the other base with almost everyone on their team, they all run towards the flag, blasting their guns, when one gets the flag, he runs back and the others stay and kamikaze taking as many as they can with them. Its very basic teamwork there, not as advanced tactics as you say, but it worked like a charm.

IMO, i would love to find games with teamwork, its why i recently joined a clan, because games get more in depth and you actually feel like your accomplishing something.

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