Author Topic: Nades  (Read 5980 times)

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Offline JonWood007

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« on: September 27, 2007, 08:03:32 pm »
Is it just me or are nades just way too powerful? Im talking about big games in particular. I was just playing a game where the other guys won just by nadespamming the crap out of us. We were knocked down, we couldnt avoid them, and people would rush at us and kill with them like an M79er would. IMO, I think it would be good if nades were limited in some way. Make it where they you don;t spawn with them or something. Its just that theyre too much. People get 1 hit kills with them and IMO it makes guns less important. I spray people and they turn around and nade the crap out of me. Im just saying that it with nades the way they are its getting a little out of hand IMO.

Offline LtKillroy

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Re: Nades
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 08:05:50 pm »
This topic comes up from time to time. Your nades are limited. Learn to use nades yourself, they are the most useful thing in the game.
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Offline mar77a

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Re: Nades
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 08:14:28 pm »

Offline excruciator

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Re: Nades
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2007, 08:36:47 pm »
Nades are good and we all love them

that shows exactly how overpowered they are...

There is already a thread about nades, you are right, nade are indeed too powerful. But those nade lovers aka. Soldat Beta Testers will not do anything about it...(I think)

Also only noobs that cant gun spam nadez!

This topic comes up from time to time. Your nades are limited. Learn to use nades yourself, they are the most useful thing in the game.

somehow you fit into the category....  :-\
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Offline ElGato

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Re: Nades
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2007, 08:44:23 pm »
Let me show you the way....

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Offline LtKillroy

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Re: Nades
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2007, 08:55:50 pm »
Course nades get tons of kills, most good people don't spam them becuase they would be nadeless. They are great for finishing people or getting out of a tight situation. They almost never do the whole job, they just get the kill. And plus you get five tops, usually only 2-3. I think they are fine.
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Offline excruciator

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Re: Nades
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2007, 09:07:19 pm »
Indeed good players dont spam, but the problem is that when you pick up a pack, you get 3 nades, that would mean 3 kills, so 3 kill for every death, that seems pretty reasonable...So everyone does it because its worth to them

also a smart nade user would throw a nade then burst 3-5 round, that will always result a kill
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Offline LtKillroy

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Re: Nades
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2007, 02:38:07 pm »
That is slightly false, the three kills part. Becuase people will also being doing it back to you. Coming out on top 3 times in a row on a regular basis is very hard. This is another reason I don't think they are overpowered, everyone has them.
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Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Nades
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2007, 09:32:18 pm »

     You don't get it?

     Nades have the most kills on  that list not because they're overpowered, but because, no matter what weapon you choose, EVERYONE has nades.
     For example, say 100 people get 1 out of every 8 kills with nades, with 11 people using each primary and 1 moron using the steaming pile of shi-...I mean, minigun. Nades will still be the most used, simply because whereas people choose different primaries, your nades stay the same; everyone uses them.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Avkon

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Re: Nades
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2007, 02:18:11 am »
Nades are only as effective as you use them.
If someone nade-spammed your base, it should have been easy to avoid them - nades are only useful in long, narrow corridors or in mid-flight at close range (against experienced players, that is.... only n00bs get caught in the explosion radius all the time).
Also, don't forget the delay - nades never explode immediately unless it hits a player.
I've jumped over free grenades on the ground so many times, with the chances of it actually exploding at the exact time I'm over it about 1 in 12.
And they're extremely useful to scatter groups of players.
That's about it - nades are useful and are not over-powered in the slightest.

P.S. On my servers, I set the grenades to a maximum of 3. Player spawns with 1, and can get 2 more through the pickups.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2007, 02:29:57 am by Avkon »

Offline mozzer

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Re: Nades
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2007, 04:33:25 am »
Indeed good players dont spam, but the problem is that when you pick up a pack, you get 3 nades, that would mean 3 kills, so 3 kill for every death, that seems pretty reasonable...So everyone does it because its worth to them

also a smart nade user would throw a nade then burst 3-5 round, that will always result a kill
Yes, but does EVERY single nade kill in the 1 shot? no, most of the time lag stops kills and im sure that most people dont use 1 nade for each kill, but for more tactical things like boosting.

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Nades
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2007, 07:44:53 am »
Yeah, it's next to impossible to get a 1-hit-kill footshot by nadespamming. And spamming 'em in a spawn is almost completely ineffective. Everyone will just jump as they spawn, and you're left without nades, plus if they've timed it right (or if you've timed your throws wrong) they can get the boost while still invincible.

No, the best and most common way to use nades as actually aiming them, and given their range they're useful, but far from overpowered.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline excruciator

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Re: Nades
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2007, 09:46:33 am »
if you use it too much in kills you grow dependent to em. that way I never use nades.
players that throw a well aimed nade then burst usually has no skill in how to fire the gun itself.
Also soldat is a shooter, no matter how many nade people has, the gun should still be the primary killer.

Im I the only one that hates nades?
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Offline JonWood007

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Re: Nades
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2007, 02:38:16 pm »
Ok, if you want to know what I mean by spam, I just played a ctf game. It was one of those levels where there is a path underneath the map (I think it was kampf). Basically a guy with a virtually limitless supply of nades would just keep spamming them down into the tunnel therefore preventing us from EVER getting out. It is one thing to just put a nade down into a tunnel to exterminate rushers. It is eve ok to throw a couple down. However, when youre stuck down there because you cant possibly get up without being naded, that is the problem. one guy with nades can stop an entire team from getting to the flag.

Also, say youre playing DM. You shoot the crap out of a guy, but then he nades you. Either that a guy spawns and before you can even fire he nades you and shoots you with 1 MP5 bullet. Heck I do stuff like this too. I just think it is grossly overpowered sometimes. I downloaded a program that tells me how often i die or kill with different weapons, etc. Since I got the program, Ive died 3967 times. 604 of them are nades. That is almost twice more than with any other individual weapon. 2nd place would be with the M79 with 391, and then the ruger with 371. But look at the difference. Look at how so many people hate the m79 because they die so much from it, then look at nades.

Offline jbigz

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Re: Nades
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2007, 02:11:16 am »
Nades are fine, I don't think they are overpowered.
You have limited nades, but unlimited bullets.
Does that put it in perspective?


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Re: Nades
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2007, 07:24:56 am »
The nades does not represent a too large portion of the total amount of kills. Although if there is a problem it lies with lag and the partially random damage algorithm

Offline Ziem

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Re: Nades
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2007, 01:20:43 pm »
You have nades. Opp's have nades. What's wrong? Someone has more skill and gets more kills with nades than others? ;Q

Offline JonWood007

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Re: Nades
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2007, 07:44:38 pm »
I would disagree with that. As I said, I've died far more by nades than any single weapon. And not just by a little bit. I have around 600 deaths by other people's nades and like 400 for the most used gun. That is a considerable gap.

Offline Madchal

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Re: Nades
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2007, 05:30:46 am »

     You don't get it?

     Nades have the most kills on  that list not because they're overpowered, but because, no matter what weapon you choose, EVERYONE has nades.
     For example, say 100 people get 1 out of every 8 kills with nades, with 11 people using each primary and 1 moron using the steaming pile of shi-...I mean, minigun. Nades will still be the most used, simply because whereas people choose different primaries, your nades stay the same; everyone uses them.

I was gonna say something similar in this thread, but noticed it had already been said. so... ^what he said.

offcourse nades will have most kills, because _everyone_ has them. No matter what primary or secondary you use, you will have nades, and so will your opponents.

Offline excruciator

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Re: Nades
« Reply #19 on: October 02, 2007, 03:57:12 pm »
you have unlimited bullets, yet, with only 3 nades in disposal nades has more recorded kills than guns?
answer: "cause everyone has nades"
well 90% of gather players has knife but I dont see knife in the first 5 positions... and knife is 1 hit kill..
its overpowered..
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 03:58:58 pm by excruciator »
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Offline Ziem

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Re: Nades
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2007, 11:18:05 am »
you have unlimited bullets, yet, with only 3 nades in disposal nades has more recorded kills than guns?
answer: "cause everyone has nades"
well 90% of gather players has knife but I dont see knife in the first 5 positions... and knife is 1 hit kill..
its overpowered..

You won't shoot forever with those, in cw/gather situations you'll shoot like 1-3 clips and you'll be dead (sad fact)

Yeaaaaah. Knife is overpowered because its 1hit kill. <lolled>
Oh, you got owned by knifer... are we supposed to feel sorry about this?

Nades aren't overpowered, they are always used by everyone.
Huh, ok, lets explain :
You'll take any weapon.
1/3 of kills are nades. (hahah just 1/3 for example - its often more xD)

6 players.
9 (i don't count minigun) weapons
ok... 3 players will take same weapon it will be the same as nades 'kill count'

1/3 * 6 players = 2
2/3 * 3 players(those who took same weapon) = 2

Sorry, I just counted primaries.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2007, 11:19:49 am by Ziem »