Author Topic: What's your Style?  (Read 11253 times)

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Offline adadqgg

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2007, 12:40:09 pm »
I just take either a Minimi or Steyr, then choose LAW as secondary.

if I run out of ammo, Ill pwn with the law.

if the EFC is getting away, LAW...

if I see sniper bullet, I calculate where he is then... LAW.

after I shoot the LAW, I take cover and reload it.

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Offline viceroy

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #41 on: October 20, 2007, 09:31:21 pm »
I love fighting guys who use the law correctly. My ass gets firmly kicked.

My secondary is 90 percent of the time a knife, 8 percent socom, 2 percent saw. I havent used a law in months.
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Offline theSTATWHORE

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #42 on: December 25, 2007, 08:25:05 pm »
Mostly I run fast, fire off my shots and nade hoping to bink some rifle users.

Offline M.rSnow

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #43 on: April 21, 2008, 01:38:32 pm »
Depends totaly on the map. Trying to get my team to the flag. And in CS maps im just sneaking and knifeing everyone i see. Nades are for making people fly. Or pushing them to the ground so they die..... I use Aug

The law is for recocheting those damn nasty corners.
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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #44 on: April 21, 2008, 01:48:30 pm »
Scenery camping with either Ruger 77 or Barrett M82A1.  The only time I ever leave the spot is when the flag is missing and I try to retrieve it.

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2008, 01:55:04 pm »
Same for me as Spec; I'll usually hang back and snipe whenever possible. If I need to do some charging, I'll usually pack an AK or Minimi, and try to take the guy out from range. Keep in mind I'm a realistic-only type of guy.
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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #46 on: April 21, 2008, 02:49:15 pm »
Hmm... generally all our play styles are map and event specific.

Note: I'm a normal-mode only player.

Generally, I am a player who likes to stay in the air. I have a tendency to try and deceive my opponents, and I always plan something. I only genuinely lose if I am caught off-guard and cannot come up with an alternate plan. I would normally charge at an opponent and start shooting. If there is a long delay before I can fire again (M79, Barret, reloading etc), I will either start to flee, take out my ussocom, or in some scenarios, I may still continue to charge forward while holding my current gun and waiting for the delay to end. I never use any secondary except USSOCOM, and I hate picking up Flamers. So I'm quite deadly with my USSOCOM.

My best and typical weapon is the MP5. I'm almost always staying in the air and charging at opponents, but I may also keep a distance (especially if I know that the enemy has a chainsaw or a knife). Generally I'd hold down the shoot button to do as much damage as possible by making use the MP5's incredible firing rate, but I may occasionally tap or fire in short bursts if I'm trying to get some definite hits in from some distances away.

If I find that the MP5 isn't helpful in my given situation, I'll switch to my AK-74 for its incredible damage, high ammo and higher bullet speed, though fully aware that it has slight movement inaccuracy. I may also switch to DEs instead since I'm quite used to the MP5's arc, which is similar to the DE's (but my aim isn't that good). If I find that I'd always get pinned down all too fast, I'll take out my M79 or Barrett and take him down as quickly as possible. There are times when I would use a minigun for the fun of it.

Notice that I'm on the extreme ends of either Damage, Speed or Power.

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #47 on: April 21, 2008, 02:55:20 pm »
I'm pretty strictly a Clan/Gather player, Normal Mode.  I'm a pure Deagle user, and I rush like a madman. I use Knife and Law (law for bigger maps). Not much to my style really.

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #48 on: April 21, 2008, 03:32:16 pm »
i try mostly to rush with, trying to learn to use my deagles.

Offline Gortaak

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #49 on: April 21, 2008, 06:39:44 pm »
If its a pub, I usually grab a rett and move REALLY REALLY SLOWLY while sniping/camping. Occasionally ill m79 rush, or auto. Rarely in pubs cause I just like to piss people off with my barrett.

In clan wars, it depends on the map, how good the other team is, how good we are doing, how much time is left and scores. For the most part, I rush with an auto. I also play a bit of defence while waiting for my back up on main route(which, on laos, consists of sprejing into the enemy base for free kills). Snakebite I play defense with an auto, preferable the ak or minimi, and hang back in base, for height advantage and nade spam. Ash Ill usually rush high, unless we need caps really bad, then ill rush low to m79 boost back high. Ruins I rush low with the spas to get easy caps low while my team defends mid.

My style is all about adapting to the situation at hand. If I notice something is needed, I tend to fill that gap. I dont blind rush, because if you are dead, you are useless to your team. I try to help keep as much pressure on the other teams base by boosting myself, and my team as possible. Keeping the other team on the defensive means they will eventually give up a cap. Someone gets lucky and gets a triple kill and GTFO's. You cant cap if you cant get out of your base.
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Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #50 on: April 21, 2008, 08:53:52 pm »
Grish (Gortaak), made me remember another thing, adaptation. Since I am a PURE Deagler, I literally will not touch another primary. So I have to learn how to overcome everything. Its quite fun.

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2008, 09:14:19 pm »
I used to always play DM with meh minimi, but I recently started playing realistic CTF, which I've found to be much more fun. I mainly SPAS the hell outa people, and use the LAW when they're just too far away D:
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Offline adadqgg

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #52 on: April 21, 2008, 09:41:11 pm »
Snipe and Knife... and Aether...

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Offline DragonSlayer

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2008, 01:38:48 pm »
Well, I'll explain how I play in clan wars because on publics and gathers I tend to just chill around.

I suppose I'm a bit of a quarterback kind of player. I really, really switch my playstyle a lot depending on the situation and the map. It's like, basing on when you last saw your teammates or your opponents, you have this feeling where they are and when you don't see them, you know there's something going on like they are hiding somewhere, defending, using some different route and usually I think I have a pretty good eye for these situations and I can tell where someone is coming from and I'll change my playstyle according to that, plus I tend to talk about every little piece of information on vent and that's how our teamplay is formed. In normal clan wars people usually just follow their routine tactic but I feel like my playstyle is a bit more irregular. I really do base almost all my actions based on reading the game and do some irregular actions based on game instinct. When you and your clan can pull it off well, you can easily surprise the enemy and that can sometimes be a big help or even the key to victory as clan wars are often about good timing.

I suppose I'm an all-around player since I don't think any single playstyle really fits me. I know I'm more offensive than defensive though, because I have hard time staying still in defense, which is why I tend to be pretty agressive even while defending.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2008, 01:40:46 pm by DragonSlayer »


Offline $niper

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2008, 03:11:18 am »
I grab a barrett and attack as if im using an mp5 only instead of running into enemys with my finger stuck to the mouse, i try to get as high as possible then hit x to go prone, apply some boosters then dive down onto people from a distance while blowing off their head before i touch the ground.

The only way for me to survive is to keep moving, rolling and flipping out of the way of incoming bullets untill i reload again and then when ive reloaded i try to get airborne and create some good angles for me to fire at the enemy again so that i hit them without getting shot.

Its kinda like playing a fighter pilot simulation, constantly trying to get higher then the other person so his bullets miss you and creating angles that give you the advantage over him in order to hit him cleanly with 1 shot.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2008, 03:19:22 am by $niper »

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #55 on: April 26, 2008, 04:46:15 am »
in R/S: I'm a ranged ruger, who sometimes rushes to backstab the enemy. or saying very defensive taking the enemies down while fleeing.

in Normal: I'm ussualy the bait, trying to get the opponent killed as late as possible preferably in the base to make it possible to cap the flag, or if I have a teammate with me, give him the flag and boost him. and as the team spawns I try to be as annoying as possible.

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2008, 01:35:56 pm »
in order of frequency: Rush, Sweep, and Assassinate.

I absolutely love to rush in CTF using the m79.  Although thanks to reload time of that thing, moving any slower will just get you killed (more).

So it's rush in, frag a defender or two, get the flag, and boost out.

More and more, I find myself playing "sweeper" using the AUG and picking off enemies mid field.  My chief problem there has been MP5s and SPAS players tearing me apart before I can reload.

On a rare occasion, I'll go "assassin mode" target the other team's MVP if it's clear that there's a severe skill disparity between them and the rest.  Not that I'm any good at that, but it's a less talked-about strategy when it comes to CTF.   The way I see it: every second they're trying to get me off of their tail, is another second they're not making a cap.

Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake.  Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big old storm right in the eye and says, "Give me your best shot. I can take it."

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #57 on: April 26, 2008, 04:18:31 pm »
I try to resemble John Rambo as much as possible. Kill EVERYONE, without changing my expression what so ever

and the minigun isn't a proper gun

Offline Lone-Wolf

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #58 on: April 30, 2008, 07:18:30 pm »
I first set Daft Punk HARDER BETTER FASTER STRONGER on an infinite loop. Then maybe take some cough syrups, a little of some of that and this................ up to the point I'm mumbling to myself, yelling in pain whenever my Soldat sprite bleeds, having swelling red concentrating eyeballs and bulging balls....... oh yeah.

Then I run around like a little girl, executing the best possible moves with any weapon equipped with strategy and try to get 0 deaths with no.1. The higher the goals you set, even though it is almost impossible, the more you perform better. :D

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Re: What's your Style?
« Reply #59 on: May 01, 2008, 01:59:40 am »
Hide, Set up my tent poles, put a cover over the top. And wait.

Camping - Its a legitimate strategy.
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