Clantag / /FN
- Clan leader (Fallen angel fn mx/ Squad leader(babykilla)
- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC)msn( Homepage (
- Clan age (Clan exists since 2006)
- Favourite gamemodes(ctf-inf-dt-tw)
- Equipement (just will of play)
- Requirements in skill and character(we are looking forĀ good rugers,deaserts,and a good miniguner,other players can aplly too)
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout?(contactme so i can make u the test or any of the fn members)
- Clan results,just 2 games we lost one and win the other
- Aims of the clan (become a powerfull clan in soldat and dominate the art of kill people in the game)
do u have what it takes to be a Fallen Angel??