{S|B} Soldat Bloodz / Full name - The Soldat Bloodz Familys
Leader - KwiK and Jem V.
Contacting Recruitment Leader - AIM: Kwik116 | Xfire: Kwik116 | Yahoo:
fakeokblue@yahoo.comHomepage -
http://www.freewebs.com/soldatbloodzClan age - "New" 1 Week.
Favorite Game modes - DM, CTF, TW, Realistic.
Equipment - None (working on seting up a channel)
Requirements - Must Have Good Skill. Must Be Cool and Love To Chill. All Races Excepted.
Tryouts - Always held by KwiK. Can be in any private or public server. Held during anytime besides Saturday.
Aims of Clan - We want to be the first Soldat gang. We love to compete in scrims and wars and just chill in servers and be cool, not stuck up and "always have to be professional" like most soldat clans.
Visit web page to get a taste of the clan. Add Kwik's AIM or Xfire immediatly if you want to join.