Author Topic: Questions for Soldat players...  (Read 5330 times)

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Offline KingAto

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Questions for Soldat players...
« on: November 06, 2007, 05:34:19 am »

If you guys could take the time to answer some of these questions I would very much appreciate it.

1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?

4. What's your least favorite?


Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2007, 06:00:30 am »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?
Yes. It is my favourite game on my PC/console. In fact, it's the only game on my PC... and I'm bored of my crappy console games...

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?
No and no. Soldat > Any other game 2D game in the world.

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?
Everything.. It's just such a simple yet addictive game.

4. What's your least favorite?
Nothing much, I've learnt to deal with the idiotic players and just live with the bugs..
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Offline blackdevil0742

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2007, 06:16:18 am »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?
It's not my favourite. But it's one of the games that I've kept on my computer for a long time. It can hardly beat F.E.A.R., Crysis, etc but I play it when I'm bored or if I don't have enough time to start a big game.

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?
SideScrollers are way better that any top down shooters. I need gravity ;D

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?
The ability to join a battle fast.
Um and the Soldat community.

4. What's your least favorite?
The bloody resolution restriction for un registered players.


Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2007, 07:32:33 am »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not? Favorite? No, but it doesn't ever stay boring for long. It's pretty friggin close to favorite.

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice? Depends on the game. Overall, I think Soldat is better than most top down shooters, but I think it at least ties with Crimsonland. Thing is, Soldat has multiplayer...Yeah, it really does depend on the game...

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat? Pick-up-and-playability. No having to wait for anyone else to join.

4. What's your least favorite? You know those fucktards who kick you off a public server so they can 1v1? Yeah. Them.
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Offline X-Rayz

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2007, 08:19:53 am »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?

No, but it comes pretty close. Given the fact that its a small, free game that was made by only one guy, I find it pretty remarkable that I even like it at all. But I do, and I like it a lot.

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?

I don't play any top down shooters, and I don't see myself playing them in the near future. In fact, I think the only top down shooter i've ever played was the first Grand Theft Auto. I'd rather have a side-scroller.

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?

My favourite things about Soldat would be its simplicity, addictiveness and the need for skill. In soldat, the player with the most skill in the game is going to come out on top.

4. What's your least favorite?

Probably the default/ downloadable maps which have too much scenery. The new Airpirates doesn't appeal to me at all really. If soldat was a bunch of people shooting each other on bland arenas with no scenery, it wouldn't bug me. Such as the climbs with all the scenery. I'm there to climb. What the hecks the flashy lighting effects and stuff for?

I'm in my 400's of posts :D
« Last Edit: November 06, 2007, 08:21:37 am by X-Rayz »

Offline Rook_PL

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2007, 08:48:58 am »
1. Well, one of the most. But I'm sure it's the game that is on my hard disk for the longest time. I don't think it can be compared to "mainstream" games, as it is completely different.
2. No, I don't. No, I couldn't. Don't know, I've never seen ANY 2D game better than Soldat.
3. It's fast and uncomplicated. I can pay it even if I don't have much time. When I was starting, I liked that it is free (now I'm registered).
4. Um... M79?

Offline O.R.I.O.N.

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2007, 08:58:49 am »
1. Can't say I play favorites with my games. Sure, Soldat is fun, hella fun, but I don't get to play it that often. Not to mention I can't play many muliplayer games too often, so take that for what you will.
2. No. Just no.
3. It's just the way it feels. Not too insane, but just insane enough. Don't know how else to put it.
4. Ugh, can't remember the name of it, and I don't want to. Some crappy game about mech suits for the Xbox. Still makes me twitch when I think about it...
To sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)
And we still don't know if dead guys can keep a stiffy.

Offline KingAto

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2007, 01:55:11 pm »
The bloody resolution restriction for un registered players.

Why don't you register? Is it because you're not able to pay? Or not willing to pay?

Offline blackdevil0742

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2007, 02:38:32 pm »
I can pay for it now but I do not trust ze internet. Sending a check or money by mail isn't safe either. The only option I would use if there was one is if it was with a phone call/or SMS. Unfortunate there is no such option.


Offline O.R.I.O.N.

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2007, 02:57:32 pm »
I need to scrounge my old PC for my reg file. >_>
To sum up my point: We had a multipage debate about toilet padding. (Putting TP in the water so you don't get splashed.)
And we still don't know if dead guys can keep a stiffy.

Offline xtishereb

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2007, 05:19:54 pm »
1. Eh, sort-of. I've been playing it as my main game on and off for about 2 and a half years now. I play it mainly because my computer has 256 MB of RAM and I'm too lazy to go buy a PS2.
2. I've tried playing CS2D and a few clones. Meh. Very little else will run on my computer, as stated it has 256 MB of RAM. I'd go upgrade it, but I could just as easily spend that money on a PS2.
3. The mods. It's what's been keeping me playing for so long, I've got a folder filled of shortcuts on my desktop. Whenever I want to play, I randomly choose a mod and get ready to rock.
4. It takes about 2 minutes or so to load on my computer right now. I don't know what that's about, it's launched in about 10 seconds in earlier versions.
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Offline JonWood007

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2007, 07:12:03 pm »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?

A: When it comes to multiplayer games, yes. First of all, mainstream games are expensive. While I have many of them for consoles, I do not play them online because I am too cheap to buy XBL. I do not buy PC games because many of them do not work because my video card is a piece of crap. Of those that do work, many are inferior. For example, soldier front is a 3d military game, but it is FULL of bugs and cheaters. Many games just do not work very well again, because of my crappy video card.

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?

Dunno what topdown is.

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?

Lots of people, few cheaters, low system requirements.

4. What's your least favorite?

Weapon balance, and the fact that sometimes it glitches up and closes.

Offline bja888

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2007, 09:59:37 pm »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?
At the moment, no. Of all time, most likely.

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?
Not really

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?
How fast game play gets in larger servers.

4. What's your least favorite?
Limited api and lacking sandbox type abilities.

Offline jbigz

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2007, 02:51:12 am »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?

Yes, it is. It depends on my mood though, so I can't say I always prefer it over my Guitar Hero and Halo.

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?

I've once tried CS2D, and that sucked ass. So no, no top down shooters. SOLDAT is the better choice, period.

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?

Simple to pick up, hard to master. I sound like a cliche-bot, but it's true. It's amazing the strategy you can pack into this game.

4. What's your least favorite?

Mainly the people you play with can make it less fun. When everyone is calling you a hacker, it's no fun.

Offline Lord Frunkamunch

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2007, 08:29:44 am »
I've once tried CS2D, and that sucked ass. So no, no top down shooters. SOLDAT is the better choice, period.

CS2D? Pssh. THIS is a real topdown shooter.
I attend grammar school, last grade, and ignorance is all around me. Well, good for them. Ignorance is bliss.

Offline Snow

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2007, 08:39:33 pm »
My lovely screwed up mac... sigh ( can't cut and paste text for whatever reason... well it's actually an update thing.. anyway)

1. Is Soldat my favorite game over mainstream PC games? (Consoles don't count because PC blows any console out of the water)

Yes. Actually it happens to be my favorite multiplayer game. I even favor it above Team Fortress 2 - which I had been waiting on so long. It's my favorite because of the simplicity, the thousands of maps to play on, it takes 2 seconds to get on a server rather than 15 minutes and it's the wonderful physics system (taken from the paper on Advanced Character Physics by Jakobsen - er I think he wrote it, I have to check again).

Yeah getting used to the controls and manuevering took a bit of time, but you have different things that are affected by physics you can play with: Flying, using your gun (minigun) as an extra propellent force, throwing a nade, bouncing or rocketing off of the shockwave of an explosion (m79 for rocket-jump style boosts) and my new favorite skillfully throwing a knife and decapitating someone. It's also nice when you time your jumps correctly and increase your speed across land.

2. Do you play any top-down shooters? ... could you favor a top-down? Or is side-scroller a better choice?

I've played a few top-downs, but nothing in the 2d multiplayer world compares with Soldat for a shooter. I do however wish to change that. Never one-up Soldat... it will always remain a favorite. But I happen to be working on 3 top-down projects: 2 of which are experiments and a 3rd which will be built from the ground up. The 3rd game and most complex of the 3 may not be finished until 2009 or 2010 simply because I have a lot of programming yet to learn. It will be simplistic and incorporate physics and weaponry suited in a top-down environment. So about favoring... heck ya - mine lol. Actually, that would be biased. If there was a fun and well balanced top-down that could compete against Soldat, I think it would be equally favored, but not more. So to me, side-scroller and top-down depending on elements both have would be equal. I do hope people like my project when I can get it done, but NO one may play it also. The multiplayer arena is a tricky one.

What's your favorite thing about Soldat?

Tiny soldiers, controls, throwing knives and decapitating someone, physics and how quick a decent map can be made/the thousands of maps out there.

Least favorite?

Whiny, lamenting "veterans", those who look down upon newb mapmakers and call their maps crap, the weapons are still a bit unbalanced - the real noob weapons are the minimi and ak-47, the hardest to use are the barrett and m79 and I guess the lack of low ping pub servers.. but that could be because my location is Calgary, AB, Canada.
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Offline Daeho

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2007, 01:37:26 am »

1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?
2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?
GTA2 kinda sucked. Soldat kicks more than that did
3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?
It's addicting as hell
4. What's your least favorite?
It's addicting as hell

Offline Grimbad

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #17 on: November 08, 2007, 10:18:04 am »

If you guys could take the time to answer some of these questions I would very much appreciate it.

1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?

4. What's your least favorite?


1. Soldat is absolutely my favorite game.

2. I play the occasional top-down flash shooter on the web, but I think side-scroller is better as it provides altitude, and therefore makes you have to aim more to compensate for gravity.

3. I like how the communities are small enough that there are virtually always people you know on any server you tend to hang out on. I hang out in trenchwars servers in 1.4.2 (under a different name), and the survive mode servers in 1.3.1, and virtually any time I go into either of them I am recognized by someone.

4. As above, it's to addicting to get homework done. Also, people who don't get that hax, lag, glitches, exploits, and noobs aren't the only things that can kill them.

Offline mozzer

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2007, 11:36:32 am »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not? Yes, its the only game i play.

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?
FPS games like CS seem cool but i cant be arsed to pay £30 for them xD

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?
Fast paced and addictive

4. What's your least favorite?
When you have a bad day and every1 automatically thinks you suck.

Offline Aarni Valkea

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Re: Questions for Soldat players...
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2007, 02:30:04 pm »
1. Is Soldat your favorite game to play? I.e. do you prefer it over mainstream PC/console games? Why or why not?
- No, I prefer most nintendo games more. Soldat is just different so it's fun to play along. It isn't the best, but it lasts very long and is quite modifiable ;)

2. Do you also play any top-down shooters? Could you see yourself favoring a top-down shooter over Soldat if it was good enough? Or do you think a good side-scroller is always the better choice?
- Totally depends on my mood and the game. Some top-down shooters rock, but side-scrollers are usually my favorites. Crimsonland ftw!

3. What's your favorite thing about Soldat?

- It's so versatile and playing it is "plainly fun" (by gamespot :P). I like 'minigame' styled games which are big. The classy ones are quite rare, and soldat is one of them. So my answer is: It is not limited and has so many possibilities.

4. What's your least favorite?

- Sometimes I play very, very bad. The one thing about role-playing games is that you don't get worse ;)
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