Author Topic: gun worse than any other gun.  (Read 28571 times)

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Offline panda_bear_smoking

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #80 on: December 01, 2007, 06:49:05 am »
There is one gun that is an awful choice for any situation, a gun that needs a boost, badly.

The MP5 is so sucktastic, that you are actually better off using a ruger than the mp5 in short-range.

Almost any weapon would be better than the mp5 at close range, where the mp5 is supposed to excel.

A damage boost would be the easiest/best way to balance the weapon, it just does not have the damage to be a viable choice.

i would have to disagree with you on this point i find that the mp5 with its high fire rate low blink and fast reload is a devastating weapon the mp5 is perfect the way it is in fact i prefer to use the ak because i feel that the mp5 is almost overpowered when all aspects are taking into mind

fook you barry
« Last Edit: December 01, 2007, 07:45:04 am by panda_bear_smoking »
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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #81 on: December 01, 2007, 07:19:43 am »

...As for being on topic, I rarely reload my Minimi (I play R/S)...wait, that was offtopic.
As for trying to be on topic again, I think the MP5 could use a little more damage.

Offline Magic Odd Effect

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #82 on: December 13, 2007, 10:56:29 am »
I also think it could use maybe, just a bit, teensy bit, more damage. Maybe 2 or 3 more.

I'll give my story on the weapon. I have been a Barrett user in Trenchwars as long as I have been playing.

Before, I had tried rushing, and sucked at it. I tried the Minimi, the Ruger, D'eagles, MP5, AK-74, Steyr, just about everything. Even the one-hit Ruger and Spas weren't good enough.

Then, about a week ago...I found my combination for rushing.

The MP5 somehow appealed to me, with its okay range and high rate of fire. I had heard that it had been nerfed, but I saw no harm in trying to rush again.

It somehow was...good. I got kills with it. I got 2:1 ratios with it. I got double and triple kills with it. Combined with the LAW, I became a dual personality: a rusher with the little black SMG that could, and a sniper with the .50 rip-you-apart-with-one-shot Barrett.

I do find the MP5 hard to use, though, in close range against the Spas and Ruger. I can defeat all else with a bit of work (or ease), but those two make me back up and shoot a LAW.
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Offline FearTheReaper

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #83 on: December 13, 2007, 10:25:08 pm »
I have used the 5 a little, and I find it a bit underpowered. Not a huge amount, just a bit. If it had a smidge more damage, I would use it all the time, because the fire rate and reload are so good. It's a bullet hose.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2007, 01:16:58 am »
The truth.

Wtf, sure ruger beats Mp5, thats how it HAS to be. ALWAYS.  ... Auto>1shot>semi-auto>auto>1shot ...

Is there a weapon which Ruger does NOT beat in 1v1? ;)
"Oh barrett is one and m79!" Oh come hit me w/ them!
"Oh I take AUG and bink u!" Oh ruger has 10 bink so you think I would even notice if you shot me with minigun?

Mp5's problem is the bullet spread. The bullets spread WAY too much over range. ;|
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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #85 on: December 14, 2007, 01:31:44 am »
The truth.

Wtf, sure ruger beats Mp5, thats how it HAS to be. ALWAYS.  ... Auto>1shot>semi-auto>auto>1shot ...

Is there a weapon which Ruger does NOT beat in 1v1? ;)
"Oh barrett is one and m79!" Oh come hit me w/ them!
"Oh I take AUG and bink u!" Oh ruger has 10 bink so you think I would even notice if you shot me with minigun?

Mp5's problem is the bullet spread. The bullets spread WAY too much over range. ;|
According to that the minigun kills quicker then almost anyother gun. Which is utter bullfeck. Lies i tell you LIES!
Lol, internets.

Offline Clawbug

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #86 on: December 14, 2007, 01:34:02 am »
The truth.

Wtf, sure ruger beats Mp5, thats how it HAS to be. ALWAYS.  ... Auto>1shot>semi-auto>auto>1shot ...

Is there a weapon which Ruger does NOT beat in 1v1? ;)
"Oh barrett is one and m79!" Oh come hit me w/ them!
"Oh I take AUG and bink u!" Oh ruger has 10 bink so you think I would even notice if you shot me with minigun?

Mp5's problem is the bullet spread. The bullets spread WAY too much over range. ;|
According to that the minigun kills quicker then almost anyother gun. Which is utter bullfeck. Lies i tell you LIES!
That is because minigun bullets spread over distance, and the bullets are created randomly to prevent lag. Minigun is fine, actually very overpowered, but the random bullets feck the things up greatly.

But it is true that the table has alot of mistakes. The equations I used aren't the most accurate, and for example the "Damage Per Bullet" is calculated with some other formula than (damage/100)*speed.
Oh, and that gives the actual damage, but Soldat actually has 150 health, instead of 100, so one might want to multiply that actual damage by 1.5 to get damage in % of health.

E: After re-checking the DPB, it seems it is completely correct.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 04:55:40 am by Clawbug »
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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #87 on: December 14, 2007, 02:18:08 am »
I still have no clue what that table is for

Offline Clawbug

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #88 on: December 14, 2007, 04:52:58 am »
I still have no clue what that table is for
Quite much tells you which weapon deals the most damage. Thats what it is all about afterall.

No matter what one says, its ALL about the damage dealt on the enemy. The table shows the damage weapon can deal. If all the weapons have same DPS @ point-blank range, that would mean that the weapons are balanced. THOUGH, in practise there are so many external variables that we just can't make DPS the same on all weapons.

But actually we AIM to make the practical DPS same on all the weapons. The DPS which player can deal. Inaccuracy lowers the practical DPS, but keeps theoretical DPS the same.

For example Ruger's practical DPS is one of the highest. NOT the highest, however, as ruger is quite accurate once you know HOW to aim with it, and you can land +~80% of bullets, Ruger becomes powerful. Actually VERY powerful. The 10 bink isn't really slowing it down. Only deagles can beat Ruger, in theory. Too bad deagles lose so much damage due to speed loss over range that Ruger will beat it it everything. Ruger is easier. Ruger is more powerful. Why the feck should one prefer deagles over Ruger?

Then, lets take classical AK vs. AUG debate. Though, gotta warn that in this case DPS can't be the only variable to judge. AUG deals more damage. AUG loses less damage over distance than AK does. New AK is hella more inaccurate compared to the old one. Actually only reason to prefer AK over AUG is the big clip. That really DOES help when it comes to DM with +6 people.  Not to mention that AK needs more precise aiming than AUG, making it more skill dependant in 1v1 situations. Basicly one could say that if he/she is aiming too up, or too down from the bullets. This doesn't really apply anymore. Not for AUG either, thanks to great bullet spread.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 04:55:28 am by Clawbug »
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Offline Darkslide

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #89 on: December 14, 2007, 08:27:19 am »
I like the Mp5 as it is, and tbh I dont think it needs anymore improvement.
But whats pissing me off is the Spas, Soldat is not a racing game for christ's sake. (Sorry for OT)
To get back to the Mp5, it is ok as it is and if it would get a higher dmg or something like that you would have to balance some other weapons aswell then more and so on and so on...
Please dont screw around with it...
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Offline Twistkill

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #90 on: December 14, 2007, 11:12:28 am »
I like the Mp5 as it is, and tbh I dont think it needs anymore improvement.
But whats pissing me off is the Spas, Soldat is not a racing game for christ's sake. (Sorry for OT)
To get back to the Mp5, it is ok as it is and if it would get a higher dmg or something like that you would have to balance some other weapons aswell then more and so on and so on...
Please dont screw around with it...
Actually, the MP5 was weakened from the last version. The damage was reduced by 3 points and the reload time was lengthened... in exchange for being able to hold down the mouse button down for an extra second while fring it full auto.

That was a completely fair nerf and I see nothing wrong with it... :|

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #91 on: December 14, 2007, 12:03:04 pm »
after looking at the table, socom is way too powerful. A secondary should never be better than a primary.
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #92 on: December 14, 2007, 12:11:45 pm »
I have no clue how accurate/inaccurate it might be, but it isnt 100% accurate at least. At least not with RDPS and RSTK. DPS should be 100% accurate at least. I will make new one tonight. After further investigations it seems that the tabe IS completely correct. I checked and rechecked all the formulas and equations, and it seems it is correct. All of them make complete sense for me.

Here they are:

Shots Per Second = 1(Fireinterval/60).
Damage Per Bullet = Damage * speed / 150000 * 100.
Seconds To Kill = 100/Damage Per Second.
Damage Per Second = Damage Per Bullet * Bullets Per Second.
Real Damage Per Second = Damage Per Second * Damage Per Bullet.
Real Seconds To Kill = 100/Real Damage Per Second.
Hits To Kill = 1((Damage Per Second/Shots Per Second)/100) (Should always be rounded upwards!).

Any flaws?
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 12:35:50 pm by Clawbug »
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Offline excruciator

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #93 on: December 14, 2007, 12:16:50 pm »
I have no clue how accurate/inaccurate it might be, but it isnt 100% accurate at least. At least not with RDPS and RSTK. DPS should be 100% accurate at least. I will make new one tonight.

your table should be made stickeh. They are very useful as references and for people to make a conscious decision on what weapon to use.

(luckly for me I made the right picks :))
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #94 on: December 14, 2007, 12:37:26 pm »
I have no clue how accurate/inaccurate it might be, but it isnt 100% accurate at least. At least not with RDPS and RSTK. DPS should be 100% accurate at least. I will make new one tonight.

your table should be made stickeh. They are very useful as references and for people to make a conscious decision on what weapon to use.

(luckly for me I made the right picks :))
I just updated my post.

People shouldn't use weapons by their stats, but rather by how they feel with them. For example I have always loved intense DM, thats why I liked AK. It provided decent damage, good accuracy and clip never let me down, no matter what.
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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #95 on: December 14, 2007, 05:23:33 pm »
I have no problem with the mp5 most of the time but a lot of the time i really think it could use a good boost.
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #96 on: December 15, 2007, 04:25:06 am »
SO basicly you have no problem, and think it could use a good boost?

Define a good boost.
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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #97 on: December 15, 2007, 07:05:13 am »
i bit more damage  :)
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Offline Clawbug

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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #98 on: December 15, 2007, 07:07:52 am »
i bit more damage  :)
Define a bit. Is it 1 or 2 units? Maybe 4? 10?

Tell the damage boost in %. ;)
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Re: gun worse than any other gun.
« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2007, 07:19:26 am »
hmm i would say about 5-15%
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