Firstly i want to say hello comrades,
Our mod is growing fast..But we are still in need of help.Please assist us.
At the moment we need gosteks the most.We need 1 Russian gostek and 1 US gostek.
I request assitance from you.
Our list of needs:
-Maps(It is ok if there is not but it will be better,so please
-Reinforcement about weapons,helping etc.
An interface.Weapons list:
-PK 7.62 Machine Gun/Or/M60
-RPG-7 Rocket Propelled Grenade/Or/Carl Gustav Launcher(For m79)
-M16A2 Assault Rifle/Or/Ak74 Assault Rifles are completely done.
-XM177E2/Or/Aks74U SMG's are completely done.
-Colt 1911/Or/MR-445 Pistols are completely done.
-Mossberg 500/Or/Saiga 12Shotguns are completely done.
-LAW 80 Light Anti-Tank Weapon/Or/RPG-29 Rocket Launcher Rocket Launchers are completely done.
-Red Army Knife/Or/U.S Army KnifeKnives are completely done.
-M21 Sniper Rifle/Or/Druganov Sniper Rifle
Snipers are completely done.
-Flamer Flamer is completely done.
For the stable guns:
M60 Bipod/Or/RPD Stable Guns are completely done.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
For mother union!
--------------------The Team--------------------
-Gingerspam,our mate,is in a time for collecting back his skills.He is rehabilitating.If anyone says any bad thing to him,i RAPE him/her or make him/her get raped.
-Website has been made./January 5,2008,03:31 AM.(You can imagine how much i want to sleep..)
-Weapons list has been refreshed again/January 4,2008,23:22/
-SlayerDZ has joined the team/January 4,2008/
-Lads!We got some good news for you!Finally,we found our interface,thanks to the Days of War Modification Team.We decised to use DoW Interface on CWC.I hope this decision will be nice for the future of both mods./January 4,2008/
-The Weapon List Has Renewed/November 11,2007/
-No fans yet
Many of us made all of their work by MS Paint.So there is no need of hundred bucks priced programs.
this was a social message