Author Topic: INF-the banned subject?  (Read 10760 times)

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Offline Coconutmilk

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INF-the banned subject?
« on: November 11, 2007, 12:03:56 am »
First off let me introduce myself,
My real life name is Patrick and my soldat name is Coconutmilk.
I have been playing for 8 months, on and off. Recently getting really active 2 months ago. When I first started my favorite weapon was the minigun. I soon realized that was considered "nooby". I switched to deagles and LAW and begin to always to use that combo. After I joined <3*, I switched to ruger/styer/barret and knife combo and has always been that way ever since. The first game server was a INF server named u13 INF. I saved it to soldat and began to always go on that server and play. After awhile when i found the room empty i saw a new server that i saw named u13 CTF. I went in and was not impressed. People where screaming noob at each other as well as "camper""HaX0r""wow what a noob". After that I always tried to find a INF server to go to rather than a CTF one. I met my first friend on INF and the rest as the say is history.

My views on CTF were changed and I begin to like it as much as INF.
But I have always wondered why INF was CLAN inactive.
I mean let’s look at a INF scrim

Clan 1 picks a map
Clan 2 picks what side they want to fight on first
They fight
Switch sides
Clan 2 picks a map
Clan 1 picks a side
Etc. on how many rounds (maps) you want to go.

My point is it’s just as fun as CTF and is not hard to get used to it.
Now let’s list some INF clans and teams,
^Re/(my clan)
<3*(team)(also the team that I am in)

This is what I ask of the soldat community.
I ask:
That some CTF clans try INF and ask some inf clans for some scrims.
That some people work with me to help and try to revive and make INF popular again.
That people ask me questions.
That people try INF.
That we might and try to create some kind of INF league to compete in.

This is a bold statement and a unexpected one I know.
But hopefully some good will come from this.

I accept Constructive Criticism.
If you want to contact me or ask me any questions:
Post it on this thread
Pm me

Thank you for reading.
Move if needed

« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 10:43:07 am by Coconutmilk »

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2007, 12:13:10 am »
Please clans out there help get INF Active.
Its a really cool mode that used to be really popular.
Its worth visiting for a quick round or two.
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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2007, 12:14:38 am »
The sad thing about this is that CTF is now so popular and so nooblet-ized that noone can go anywhere else, I mean look at Trenchwars, only 8 good clans total. There could be TONS more considering how fun the game is. INF is the same thing, I love playing INF when I'm bored but theres just no games.....

Offline V Commander

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2007, 10:41:16 am »
What I believe the problem might be is that theres lots of new people coming to soldat ( not that its a bad thing but they think lots of people with years of experience and good skills hack ).

Also I've seen that CTF is somewhat the most popular... Maybe thats cuz many people prefer a game where you don't need much of a teamwork as you do on INF and TW. I still believe those two can become more active and better if added some cool scripts, like in TW when you kill someone you get money which you can use to buy stuff like predator, vest, nades, and health.

Not only that but there's an anti-camper script that on eC TW #1-2 ( not trying to advertise sorry if it sounds like that ) where if someone is camping on the same spot for a while he will be attacked from out of nowhere by a server bot with flaming arrows ( I find it funny XD ) not only that but also airstrikes which are areal attacks which fall on the team with the most kills.

As for INF I've heard there's one with mines which can be planted and blow up your enemy without notice. 

I would like to encourage other clans to give it a shot cuz belive me those clan that support it are friendly and also will give a good match.

Offline Scorpian

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2007, 10:45:09 am »
I honestly haven't played INF in a long while, because there are rarely any servers. CTF has really become the alpha male here, not only because people find it fun, but because so many sub-gamemodes have been made off of it (TW and climbing, for example).

I'd really like to play INF again, some day.

Offline .Long-Range

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2007, 11:19:32 am »
Yup, I've always found INF to be one of those sparse game modes, hard to find on the lobby list. If one reliable INF server was set-up to run 24/7, I think the gamemode would slowly grow in popularity. That's what happened with TW, climbing, and zombie. They all started with one server and slowly grew into multiple servers over time.
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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2007, 12:12:21 pm »
You know, clans that want to do INF should just ask other clans to do an INF scrim for fun as much as possible. I like to play inf because it really does take a lot of strategy to play right and can be as fun as ctf.

Why not start asking clan members/leaders about INF and try getting them to try it in their CWs?

Offline amb2010

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2007, 12:22:55 pm »
Graveyard INF||

That is a good server and is also up 24/7. New players that join a CTF game know what they are suppose to do because CTF is on many other games. But with INF not many games have a mode like it, and sense most people don't bother to read the manual they don't know what to do and often when they ask what they are suppose to do, someone does something stupid like "you hit alt-f4".
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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2007, 03:36:14 pm »
It's too bad SteAker's against competition. He's all for kicking random people's asses, though.

I think the main problem is that Fracs INF is down. For some reason, it keeps freezing up whenever it goes to inf_Outpost. I could blame Chibi, but that's neither nice nor effective.

Personally, the game mode I think INF is closest to is Unreal Tournament's Assault mode. One team attacks, one team defends. The map is set up to give the defenders an advantage.
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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2007, 07:12:34 pm »
I really don't think that INF will become a major gamemode. It is a good way to practice attacking and defending though. Those two perfected = perfect CTF clan.

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2007, 10:25:01 pm »
I totally support INF!

People should try it... Like I have an INF clan, and a CTF clan, its totally fine, since its 2 different gamemodes. Try itttt

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2007, 10:24:46 pm »
You know you have the The Gravedigger's support. If you're really serious, you're gonna need a site though.

Offline Jæson

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2007, 12:28:55 am »
Graveyard INF is keeping strong on the INF scene lately, I still stop there from time to time. I wish it was like the old days if anyone even remembers that time anymore. I support this idea, spread the word to INF! Make something beautiful become noticed yet again. Cheers!
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Offline Coconutmilk

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2007, 12:36:10 am »
I really don't think that INF will become a major gamemode. It is a good way to practice attacking and defending though. Those two perfected = perfect CTF clan.
It is easier to give you a example,
Lets say you are alpha on a 3 v 3 cw
on this map

your clan leader tells you to go low while he and your clanmate go high
your leader and team8 die to flag campers right near the flag
you go in with your AK(lets just say) kill the campers and get the flag run and get the cap.

it takes alot more skill and communication to do inf but that's not saying that any ctf clan cant do it

You know you have the The Gravedigger's support. If you're really serious, you're gonna need a site though.
Yes getting a site is perhaps the biggest problem.

thanks to any1 who posted

Offline ElGato

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2007, 01:29:58 am »
I really don't think that INF will become a major gamemode. It is a good way to practice attacking and defending though. Those two perfected = perfect CTF clan.
It is easier to give you a example,
Lets say you are alpha on a 3 v 3 cw
on this map

your clan leader tells you to go low while he and your clanmate go high
your leader and team8 die to flag campers right near the flag
you go in with your AK(lets just say) kill the campers and get the flag run and get the cap.

it takes alot more skill and communication to do inf but that's not saying that any ctf clan cant do it

You know you have the The Gravedigger's support. If you're really serious, you're gonna need a site though.
Yes getting a site is perhaps the biggest problem.

thanks to any1 who posted

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Offline §hinobi

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2007, 07:26:18 pm »
I'm all for INF Gathers and whatnot. I think it'd be a nice experience. Someone can even make something like !EliteCTF has done with CTF, which is tweaked modes of CTF that give a somewhat different experience to the gamemode, but sticks relatively to the basic plan. Just do that with INF. Create a community that has tweaked servers to give a unique run at an INF game. :P Alas, that'd be sorta troublesome if there wasn't also a good regular INF community... I think Graveyard and all the other INF servers I don't know of control that nicely, however.

The problem is, for clans anyways, INF CWs can take a long time to do. Usually the maps will end through time, at least in my little experience playing in INF CWs. And I'm told that each map is played twice, with each team switching sides so that they both get a crack at being Bravo and Alpha on the map. Then you do a second, and possibly third map. Isn't that quite time consuming? Or is there perhaps another, more regular and less time consuming method?

I really do hope INF grows. Mainly since it is a nice way to play, and it is basically CTF, just with one side guarding full-time, instead of having the burden of worrying about capping. It feels about the same whenever I play INF, anyways. Lots of mayhem and bullets, but just a different concept to go by. And, just like with TW, change is good! I think a lot of CTF'ers would like INF if they gave it a good chance. We need to inform those who are ignorant of the fun dealing with INF! Git dem CTFers to play INF! Yes indeedy. Now, how?

Aha. This is where it can get tricky. A league? One or two communities? What? O: A lot of opinions could, and rightly should, come in play here. I, for one, think there should be an official INF league, if there is not already one. Well, as far as I know there isn't one. We could find some of the active INFers that are around today and some clans to make the first season of it! And, advertise a whole bunch. That should get at least a couple more clans and a handful more people playing. Then, by the second season, INF'd grow! And the same would be said through the first few seasons, I'd bet.

Coco asked me to transfer this from Fracs to here.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2007, 07:27:56 pm by §hinobi »

Offline Shagohod

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #16 on: November 18, 2007, 09:33:49 pm »
You know you have the The Gravedigger's support. If you're really serious, you're gonna need a site though.
Yes getting a site is perhaps the biggest problem.

I have a site that I made for my clan. I made it from smf (dont ask for what is stands there site is from there you can creat your own forum for your clan if you do so post the link in the topic I want to do something with all the smf soldat clans
« Last Edit: November 19, 2007, 02:36:21 pm by Shagohod »

Offline Rai-Dei

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2007, 03:44:32 pm »
I can honestly say INF used to be a lot bigger/better, a good chunk of good/awesome/famous CTFer's actually came from INF, personally I'd love to see inf come back.

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2007, 12:00:23 pm »
I fully support this.
I really would like to see more inf, especially in the clan area.
Would make INF more popular, as the only server I ever see is bloodINF =/

Offline Coconutmilk

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Re: INF-the banned subject?
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2007, 05:56:09 pm »
I fully support this.
I really would like to see more inf, especially in the clan area.
Would make INF more popular, as the only server I ever see is bloodINF =/
Graveyard INF||
check out that server its normally active and stuffs
people from all Inf clans (that i see) are their playing and chilling

we have made some changes like we have warred and scrimmed and cwed some ctf clans so hopefully this will spread and we will get More clans.
As for the INF league or cup or whatever you want to call it. I'm brainstorming alto with ideas and hopefull will come up with one that is solid. Its gunna need alot of work and alot of help from everybody