I was talking to Daimarus about those strange messages that got spammed everywhere. If you don't know about it, someone calling themselves "Messenger" spammed this message in ARC forums and TW forums:
So like I said I was talking to daim and he started to think maybe there was more to the message, and slowed it down to look. I started doing the same. We found some weird frames and I looked into them in photoshop. I heard about people writing things in colors close to the background, so that when you turn up the brightness or contrast they appear. We found some troubling things. It was a long process of checking the frames but we found three messages and figured out what they meant.
The first one says "E? WILL BE THE END" the end part spelled using the E?
http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/336/ewillbetheendjt0.pngThe second one we figured out that it says letter? above these numbers, one being 5. If you match the number ot the letter in alphabet like it suggests you get E. So it says E? because of the question mark added. Also those other numbers were circled, we're certain its a date. 5/24 because of how the 2 and for are connected.
http://img102.imageshack.us/img102/2333/headdateis2.pngThe final one we found was in a frame that I had all
?. When I upped the contrast I found these weird dots, and under them it said "will be the death of you. Daim suggested morse and it turns out it spells "D A R C N E S S". So the message is D A R C N E S S will be the death of you.
http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/4108/morse2nj9.png If you look at these in order, it gives you a date, then it says "D A R C N E S S will be the death of you" and at th end when it flashes up E? it says E? will be the end, using the E? to spell end. Theres is the mysterious E? in each hidden message, even the morse code one. Above the bump for E which is just a dot, it has a question mark, and uses the dot for the . part of ?.
This isn't the worst news. We found out that the other animations didnt have the messages. I had saved the animation when I first saw it in the ARC announcements. It was the first time this messenger person had posted it. Gippal deleted it but left the ones in the non members only section. So only one of the messages was meant to warn us. And it was in the members only section. We think that this person is targeting ARC, and something will happen May 24th. Its a miracle that we even thought to find this out. But the original message with the warning was deleted.
Daimarus has some additional info on the origins of this message:
Daimarus is relentless, he poked and prodded me to look over EVERY frame of that animation. But lo and behold we found more. And its the scariest yet.
While looking through the frames, including all the doubles, I found a distorted frame with a tiny bit of out of place white. So I upped the contratst and found what appeared to be a URL. It took me a good half hour to zoom in and finally write down what it said, here is the image (you can't read the URL without zooming in, but you can see it):
http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/3954/urlwj6.jpgSo we followed the URL to this...
http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/4268/deathofyouyj2.giff**k. Freaky. Daim finally considered us safe, and we could almost feel the weight coming off our shoulders (sorry ARC but we were happy it wasn't us). But then I got to thinking, theres no way thats it. Its not their style. So i had the idea to check THOSE frames. What we found sent us back to square one, but on a whole new playing field.
First off, whoever is responsible for these is a genius. It took me so long to find the messages because instead of using the brightness/contrast trick, he used something I dont even know. It seems impossible to have thought it out this well. Basically I went through all the different adjustments until I got to the "Replace color". Now heres where I got lucky, because if I hadn't I wouldn't have found anything. The way he set this up, I had to set it to the EXACT right hue and saturation for it to show up. But heres the genius part, it doesn't show on the ACTUAL image, only in the PREVIEW image for the color replacement. So I had to screenshot, and I can never get it to the exact same hue/saturation again. Whoever we're dealing with, they are smart.
I found a message in the second frame:
I showed it to Daim and needless to say we were freaked. And we also couldn't figure how he had hidden this so geniously. I continued adjusting the the hues and whatnot on the next frame. It took me even long.
I found the next message:
We quickly realized he meant the other clans. We almost weren't going to tell anyone for fear of what would happen, but then we found what we believe to be his intentions:
This is what he wants, he wouldn't have left the road map and clues unless he wanted someone somehow to find them. I believe the messenger person is a pawn for someone bigger. We decided to tell you, or else we'd be doing what he wants, backstabbing each other. WE have become his messengers. WE are his pawns. And his message is simple. Tear each other apart. He said it, ARC will only be the first, the rest will be slow, TRUST NO ONE. He wants us to be suspicious of everyone, fear the unknown. And honestly, maybe we should, because it could be anyone.
But then he spelled it out for us in the last frame...
We've done exactly what he wants, we thought maybe we were a step ahead knowing all this. But again the truth is he wanted us to know. He wanted us to fear. And I don't know about you guys, but this genius...E? or messenger, or whoever, or WHATever...they've done their job.