what do you mean i read the new rules that you posted yourself.
quote:"I will let your CLAN RECRUITMENT threads be your clan threads, meaning you can post whatever you want(But it has to be in someway RELATED to the clan) in it, as long as it's not flaming"
After I saw that i then went to the non "New" rules. You should prob rename your thread because it screwed me up and then saying your going to lock it if i dont put in the information i was suppose to, is kinda lame, because i was mislead by your thread in the first place.
i had all the info i just didnt bluntly list it
- Clantag / name~>Bw] Black water
- Clan leader / Squad leaderFlames
- How to contact (Email, ICQ, MSN, IRC)msn
- Homepage (if you have one)dont have one didnt list it
- Clan age (Clan exists since... ?)November 16th
- Favourite gamemodes i stated Normal
- Equipement (own Soldat server, Teamspeak channel...?)as i said, vent i did leave out we use fraccom though
- Requirements in skill and character i dont believe you until i meet and play with you anyone can BS that they are "kind" and "loyal" etc
- Where/How/When are possibilities for a tryout? we would set that up through msn
- Clan results (Clanwars played, tournaments won, etc.)we are new why would we have any
- Aims of the clan (just a funclan, or to take part in a tournament/league)only part i left out