Hey guys,
So I was playing Unreal Tournament the other day, blasting away with fraps recording, capturing shots for a movie I was making. Suddenly, A pop sounds from my computers insides, and the computer shuts down. OH NOEZ, I yelled. I instantly pulled it out from the wall, and opened the box to inspect. That pop, came from the little plastic device on my motherboard that holds the heatsink and fan over the proccessor chip! I thought my computer had fried its last egg, but everything seemed ok. I took the motherboard out and replaced the "little plastic device" with a spare I had from an old motherboard I had. That took about 2 hours to fix, but after I had put the computer back together, I was free to boot up. No Dice. My computer showed the windows boot screen, and then reset itself constantly after that. I thought I'd better re-install, and rescue my vital files...I grabbed my beloved Slax Live CD, and booted up. All was fine untill it tried to check for hard drives. What happened next made me change my dacks....Error messages flashed from every direction, "hdc read I/O error" (or something like that), and something about sectors over 44000. I had no idea what that meant, but I thought that meant the HDD was fried. So I put another in. Error messages there to. Obviously, Installing windows didn't get far, besides Blue Screens and error messages like "Paged file in non Paged Area" and "MEM_management ERROR". I couldn't even install linux! Is my complete box fried, or is it revivable?