Hi, Im firefly.
Ingame name: Firefly
Age: 14
Maturity: High.
Experience: About 1 Year.
Prefered Weaponary: 1:Barret/Steynr  /\  2: Chainsaw.
Stickmunky@hotmail.co.uk /
Fireflyisawsome@googlemail.com /\ Xfire: lolimawsome
Prefered Games: All.
Referance:Â small time clan. [Aynul]
Acuracy: High level.
Reg account: No
Active: Very.
Time Zone: UK
Can do's: Tactial Attacks, Take Orders, Snipe, Full on Attack.
Been playing soldat for about a year, possibly more, Enjoy playing in all team games, Looking to make Online friends, Have fun, Kick some ass.
Any takers? Please Reply Here.