Author Topic: ctf_dwell  (Read 1672 times)

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Offline KorrupT MerC

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« on: November 26, 2007, 03:27:12 pm »
This is my first map, hopefully somebody will like it ;) (all comments and criticism welcome)

Setting: A dark, foggy, mossy cave with cracks in the top of the cave where the moonlight shines in.

- Fully waypointed
- Big map (6-32 players)
- Plenty of scenery to take cover
- Lower Level covered in fog to allow surprise attacks
- Death Pit in lower level

Additional Information:[/u]
- Although the map is pretty big, movement across the map is pretty quick.
- The waypointing isn't perfect (as it was my first time ever waypointing) but for the most part the bots will do their job. Originally, i just had the bots travelling through the mid and lower sections but i eventually added waypoints into the upper section so they now travel all over the map to make single-player gameplay more exciting.

Thanks to:[/u]
- Imacheater2k7: For submitting ideas, his waypointing guide (and additional waypointing help)
- ~Niko~: For submitting ideas to tweak the map to look better.



Center of Map - Close up

Alpha Team - Close up


Bravo Team - Close up


Death Pit - Close up

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Offline ~Niko~

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2007, 04:08:04 pm »
I will play it and then i'll put my opinion  :)

EDIT: I played it. The bots can cap perfectly and they don't fall in the dead pit.
I think you used much sceneries of the same type. You should find first the sceneries that you will use, and then place them with variety. The icicles are all of the same color and are placed randomly. Try using different colors, like a light brown, brown and dark brown for various spikes, per example.
You must shade the polygons and don't make so big platforms... IMO.
It needs a texture change and more ground colors, have some more crates of other types. Don't put the same crate 2 times in the same screen. You can do (If needed) your own crates and small sceneries easily!

In general, i would rate this map 7/10 because it doesn't have much scenery variety, shades and layout is huge. Also it got big clouds everywhere that would make lag in a online game. Make something impressive for your next and i will give you more constructive criticism.  ;)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 04:27:12 pm by ~Niko~ »

Offline KorrupT MerC

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2007, 03:59:56 pm »
Ok, i've attempted to shade so does it look any better? if not, tell me what i need to do different (*note: the polygons are a little fucked up so shading was a bit difficult)


As far as big platforms, say in the future i need to make a big platform, to do that should i not fill in the big platform(like shown above) and keep it empty or just try to avoid making big platforms all together?

and i guess i'll take your waypointing comment as a compliment ;)

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Offline imacheater2k7

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2007, 06:04:36 pm »
I will DL this map and play it, then rate it. I'll also rate your waypointing. Can't wait to play it.


Waypointing - Wow, mad props to ya, man! This has to be some of the most meticulous waypointing I've ever seen. Wonderful job! (If my guide helped THAT much, it must be better than I thought!) There is one little complaint I have [though it's kind of a mapmaker's option, so it doesn't affect your score.]. I think there should be some sort of Wait 10-20 secs waypoint that a bot can spawn directly on to make them stay and protect their base.

You get a 10/10 for waypoints!


Map - Here's where you need just a bit of work. I'm not too harsh on shading, but if you try to shade a pre-poly map, you need to redo some polys in order to make the shading look right. (There are several spots where suddenly it cuts from shaded to a single Brown poly.) You should probably pre-shade a map, or make the polys a little more shading friendly, as Shading is a common detail in today's maps.

About the colors... they look just fine to me. I think it's fine, just fix up the few screwed up polys and it'll be great. About the death pit... the bodies hanging above it are very repetitive. If you want to make that many bodies, go into a photo-editing program and change the colors of it to make red ones too.

The fog is actually a nice touch, and it works well for the map. Using the triangular type shading scenery in the little holes was a bit odd, since the TOP of the hangoff was actually longer than the bottom... try a pure square one that fades left to right.

The map itself is huge, making it stupid to play matches smaller than 5 on 5, but hey, that's no big deal. And I think the big platforms are totally a MAP option, and someone's opinion shouldn't affect the size of your platforms. Since my computer sucks, I can only play a max of 10 on 10. However, I'm getting a new, powerful laptop for christmas, and this map makes me even more anxious to get it so I can whip out some 16 on 16 matches.

I'll give this map an 8.5/10.


Very good job for a first. Look forward to seeing your next map. Thanks for using my guide, because I know there's better ones out there. (Keron, I'm looking at you.)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2007, 06:29:52 pm by imacheater2k7 »

Offline KorrupT MerC

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2007, 07:09:14 pm »
Here's where you need just a bit of work. I'm not too harsh on shading, but if you try to shade a pre-poly map, you need to redo some polys in order to make the shading look right. (There are several spots where suddenly it cuts from shaded to a single Brown poly.) You should probably pre-shade a map, or make the polys a little more shading friendly, as Shading is a common detail in today's maps.

Are you talking about the shading in the map? or are you basing that off the shading i just did in the pictures above your post? My next map will have better placement as i now know i need the keep my poly's organized for shading (which i didnt know when i first started making my map)

I wanted a big map for big games, that was my point(because i was hoping this to be a map for public games if anything), and i wasn't letting him effect my platforms because he said 'imo' but i will always consider what he said.

Well, now i know people dont like repetitive, so i'll keep that in mind for my next map. I can only play 10v10 games max also.

You know, people make waypointing sound a whole lot harder than it really is, (and yes your guide helped me in every aspect of my waypointing, not kerons :P because kerons was HUGE and i wanted something short and simple) Although, i will revert to kerons for more advanced things like rolling, backflipping and more in the future, but your guide helped me greatly. TY.

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Offline CrayAB

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2007, 07:52:51 pm »
Needs more scenery in my opinion. Maybe a small building in the middle with grenades and medikits? It's a good map, just feels empty.

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2007, 09:45:45 pm »
Needs more scenery in my opinion. Maybe a small building in the middle with grenades and medikits? It's a good map, just feels empty.

Erm... A building would totally corrupt the map's focus of being a CAVERN.

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2007, 05:56:17 am »
Nice chaos style. I like it \m/
Nice to see waypoints aswell.

Offline CrayAB

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Re: ctf_dwell
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2007, 09:33:04 pm »
Needs more scenery in my opinion. Maybe a small building in the middle with grenades and medikits? It's a good map, just feels empty.

Erm... A building would totally corrupt the map's focus of being a CAVERN.

So? It could be a cavern that was used in war.