eC, would be great to set FPS limit like Quakelive. I tried to use fpslimiter.exe but it f**k DX8 up.
Vsync lags too much the devices, but limiting FPS make the game smoother to play and w/o mouse/keyboard lag. Like, ima playing on 100hz, and got a instable range from 200 to 400/500 fps on, which turn the s**t up most of the time.
Quake/live is a very exemple of performance, true profissional game, where u can customize everything. If you can create more options to customize the game, would be a great enhancement.
If you want to force vertical sync, open up soldat.ini and change Swap_Effect under [GRAPHICS] to 4. This will enable vertical sync ![Smiley :)](
Btw, here this option limit the FPS to 65, even using windowed @ 100hz.