Soldat: The Next Generation
When: Sunday December 9th 2pm PST / 6am GMT
Where: The Hizzle - - 23113 - dizzy
Vent: Gameheros, - 10166 - Assassination Vacation channel
Have you got a little brother/cousin/nephew that is under the age of 12 and plays Soldat or would like to? Bring him to the Hizzle next week and see how he does against people his own age.
We already have a 9 year old and a 6 year old signed up (little brothers of AV clan members) but the more the merrier.
Will start out with zombie matches so its not so er, competitive but if we have enough kids show then I think some team games might be in order. Bonus points for getting them on ventrilo while they play (so everyone remember no cussing
) because nothing is funnier than hearing a 9 year old call someone a noob on ventrilo.
Animal crackers and punch will be served. This is either the stoopidest idea i have ever had or the coolest i can't decide which.