It took me a while to get how to run scripts aswell.
I assume you have soldatserver already.
just unzip the script file to the scripts directory ( if it is zipped properly it should be simple to do )
If you haven't changed the settings just double click soldatserver.exe (a Black window with white writing will appear and it will do stuff.
Now run normal soldat, go to the join games tab, select LAN at the bottom and request servers, your server should appear (If you don't have a lan network set up it will be the only one) and join game.
If this works then you can edit Maplist.txt, put the whole names of the mapsin the order you want to play them in, If you want to change the gamemode, change GameStyle in Soldat.ini (Use notepad)
For deathmatch change to '0' Pointmatch = 1, Teammatch= 2, CTF = 3, Rambo = 4, INF = 5, HTF = 6.
You can add bots ingame buy typing in the commands (use / key): addbot <botname here> (to add bot in 'no teams' games, addbot1 <botname here> (to add bot to alpha), addbot 2 <botname here> (to add to bravo).
addbot2 Boogie Man
You can also change this in soldat.ini, just read it and it is easy enough to work out. Most settings are stored in Soldat.ini.
P.S. Normal soldat must be closed before soldatserver will run
If you want to know anything more, just ask