Anyone else enjoy this? On TW servers, Airstrike gets called down and you're out in the thick of things with no cover and no choice but to just run the hell away.
Just had a really fun moment. Nothing too special, but it was fun nevertheless. FC initiates the airstrike on TW_Chemical and I'm too far from the middle building to find cover anyway. So I take off running from behind a crate, my opponent caught in the blast behind me.
Mind you, this was a 1v1. Server wound up getting pretty empty during the late hours n'all.
So I'm running, and he's staying in his base, taking shelter. He has ruger, I have HK. He's been besting me at a distance because, facing facts, the dude's a damn good shot with that ruger at a distance it seems. Hard to beat that with an HK sometimes.
So I'm charging, looking up as the sky rains down hell upon me. I make it to the base off a damned boost from the splashback of one of the missiles. Just... barely made it.
So I reach the base, he's hiding under his little roof thing and he fires off a shot. I luck out, because I'm guessing the screen shake from the explosions threw off his aim. I start unloading my ammo into the guy, just hoping he misses his next shot since I'm down to like half health off that last splashback.
Sure enough, he NARROWLY misses. And I mean that sincerely: bullet must have been like a few pixels short of piercing my little Soldat's head. So I finish unloading into him, he goes down, and I take the flag.
Sadly, he had to leave after that, so I didn't bother sticking around in an empty server. If he hadn't left, chances are I'd have not even made it back due to the state I was in. I tossed a nade right when I grabbed the flag out of instinct since he'd respawned, but it fell short and he'd had to go anyway, so eh.
Still, just a fun little moment there. Little things like that can really make a seemingly dull game enjoyable, can't they?