Author Topic: Server Problems  (Read 1101 times)

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Offline Gnintendo

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Server Problems
« on: December 13, 2007, 09:31:23 pm »
When I start it says this:

Code: [Select]
             -= Soldat Dedicated Server 1.4.2 - 2.6.3 =-

       Caution! This software is still in BETA phase.
         Soldat Dedicated Server initializing...

   Need help running your server?
   IRC: #soldat.servers @

   Additional parameters:
   ./soldatserver -p PORT -l MAXPLAYERS -p PASSWORD
   Example: ./soldatserver -p 23073 -l 16 -p "my pass"

ERROR: Could not load config file (missing or wrong version): soldat.ini

 The server must be started with an Admin Password parameter to run Admin
   edit SOLDAT.INI section [Network] Admin_Password=

 Hit CTRL+C to exit
 Please command the server using the Soldat Admin program
Welcome to Soldat 1.4.2
 Server name: Soldat Server
 Server PID: 2432
 [*] ScriptCore v2.2 loaded! Found 1 scripts...
 [*] Compiling default -> Core.pas...
 [*] Compiling default -> NetworkCore.pas...
 [*] Compiling default -> AdminCore.pas...
 [*] Compilation Complete.
ctf_Ash by chakapoko maker
 Server IP: Port: 23073
 Connection for file server started. Port: 23083
Registering server @
Game server added to lobby server @

In case you didn't notice from above, this is my error:

ERROR: Could not load config file (missing or wrong version): soldat.ini

My server was working earlier when I tried it earlier (and I admit this is my first attempt at server.)  I could get SARJ (administration tool) to run earlier but now it won't since I've been getting that error.  The only thing I did since I started getting that error was pretty much edit some stuff in the soldat.ini like the name of the server and the message and stuff.  Any ideas?

Offline BombSki

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Re: Server Problems
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 10:15:16 pm »
The server must be started with an Admin Password parameter to run Admin
   edit SOLDAT.INI section [Network] Admin_Password=

do a fresh install if that doesnt work.

Offline chrisgbk

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Re: Server Problems
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2007, 11:28:10 pm »
The server must be started with an Admin Password parameter to run Admin
 edit SOLDAT.INI section [Network] Admin_Password=

do a fresh install if that doesnt work.

That has nothing to do with the error; the problem is his soldat.ini is corrupt.

Throw your soldat.ini in here, censored to remove passwords of course.

Offline Gnintendo

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Re: Server Problems
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2007, 07:42:39 am »
The server must be started with an Admin Password parameter to run Admin
 edit SOLDAT.INI section [Network] Admin_Password=

do a fresh install if that doesnt work.

That has nothing to do with the error; the problem is his soldat.ini is corrupt.

Throw your soldat.ini in here, censored to remove passwords of course.
What you said makes a lot of sense, I probably messed something up, but I totally re-extracted the dedicated server and redid all my options and now it's working.  I still can't imagine what I did wrong though...anyway you can lock it, problem solved.

Offline BombSki

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Re: Server Problems
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2007, 09:08:46 am »
how would a fresh install not work when he has a corrupted ini? apparently it did.. gg lock thread

Offline chrisgbk

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Re: Server Problems
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2007, 09:47:39 pm »
how would a fresh install not work when he has a corrupted ini? apparently it did.. gg lock thread

I meant what you said about the admin password; a corrupted INI will cause it to not work regardless of if this section is filled in or not. I never said a reinstall wouldn't fix the problem.

A reinstall is a fallback when all else fails, and I would prefer to help people fix their issues rather than force them to redo it all over again.