Script Name: Gathertools
Script Description Gatherbot
Author: zakathCompile Test:
PassedCore Version: 2.6.4
Hosted by: Soldat Central - Description:A Gatherbot that I wrote for #soldat.mapping very basic but might be useful to some ppl perhaps, Its written in c++ for *nix. To compile it type make in source dir. then edit gatherbot.cfg to suit your needs. add GatherTools to the servers as well ctf_Lobby gathermaplist.txt and mapslist.txt.
commands on irc are:
!<type>off<server> (ops only)
!<type>sub <server> <amount>
!banpoint <auth> <hours> <reason>
!clearban <auth>
!<type>command<servernr> <command>
Ingame its:
!map <map_name> - changes map
!random - random map
!alpha !bravo !spec - sends you to specific team
!currentmaps - show current maps
!p !pause - pause
!up !unpause - unpause
!r !restart - restarts game
!ub !unbanlast - unbans last player
Credits goes to:
AutoGather by SpiltCoffee, modified by me.
And Ramirez for soldatinfo.h
-Update Added tracking of users joining/leaving/changing nicks + some bugfixes
-Update Fixed an issue when the bot was spammed with commands and would overflow the server
-changed so now its much more dynamically and now it can support pretty much any gamemode even new subgamemodes etc.
-Added !<type>players command that show players on server
-Update fixed a few bugs with the name lookup also fixed !off
-Added !overkill which is the old !status and the new !status just shows ongoing gathers
-Added possilbity to hidehost(by config) on quakenet like networks
-Readded the old way to lookup hosts which can be chosen by a define in soldatadmin.cpp which allows it to be compiled on cygwin and run on windows
-Added Tiebreaker generation from textfiles
-Changed looks are now configurable in config file
-Fixed a couple of bugs concerning op/voice
-Added authsystem with banpoints
-Added voiced gathers
-Fixed some non critical issue with the authsystem
-Fixed a bug with spec and added some default templates.
-Small update for 1.5
-Rewrote the code for keeping tracking of channels/users so voiced/op command should work better now also fixed a few bugs as well as adding !info command
-Fixed a small bug concerning the !sub command
-Fixed some issues with pause(ingame)
-Added !enable !disable !unbanlast !command !die
-Added daemonmode and changed irc output to logfile
-Fixed som case issues with !add and !del
-Added Teamspeak url support for voiced gathers