Author Topic: The battle of Anoxi!  (Read 4999 times)

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Offline Thinkto urself

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The battle of Anoxi!
« on: January 13, 2008, 05:36:15 pm »
It was eC tw#2, I had some fairly ideal allies. For some strange reason, we weren't running into battle, but lightly walking to our graves, knowing it would be our last day on this earth. But, of course, as always, I was determined to win the battle, I took my minimi, and walked along with them, once we were in a estimated sniper's line of sight, we ducked into the bunker. Last time, 3 snipers had positioned themselves on the roof. Handy footwork I might mention. When we had enough grenades and guns, we went to the middle bunker. Right then my largest worry was that the other team had already gotten to the MG2 on the roof, waiting for us to come into sight, hiding... Preparing to mow down my whole squad with 10 shots and 7 seconds or carnage. Our sniper, Sepa, said it was clear. We prepared to move in. All was peaceful right then. The bunker vacant, possibly even Platypus's squad scared to move foward. Then. In true hell, it all went strait to satan himself. A law missle flew through the air, hitting our team medic! After that, hundreds of bullets rained from the higher tower of the bunker, forced to fall into a trench, completely vulnerable to a grenade, I felt as if hell was actually a war, where nothing could be predicted. By the time the medic came back, 2 of the other squad came in and started sniping at our main sniper, I was cowarding in a trench, where they couldn't see me, and I was hoping to get a vantage point to fire my law at the M2 before it was to late. Our team sniper almost got hit, I heard 2 sniper bullets whiz past my head, I knew our sniper was doomed. Nothing left but to fire my law, and wait for my life to be taken. Then I realized how they accomplished it.... They hid Outside the bunker, ready to jump in at moment's notice. When our sniper fell into the trench, they took advantage of the moment, and planted themselves inside the bunker, relaxing for a moment, doing the /victory emote, that was when the law fired and killed our valued medic. right then, I fired a blind law back at the source, sadly missing... I took our medic's barrett, and then the M2 fired... How could we be so comforted by a merely empty bunker? Thing's had NEVER! Never! In my history as a squad leader gone perfectly! Why did I expect for this to go well? I guess it's in human nature to fail at following your own orders.... They had the advantage, 1 more person then us...

Right then... I saw a moment of opportunity! The M2 gunner had become foolish and let the gun overheat! I took out my law, fired at the Gunner, while he was cursing of his clumsiness himself, and watched the law blast him into 3 pieces... By the time our medic came back we had almost cleaned out the infection of blue shirts... The bunker was then clear, we could see no people in it....that is... So we thought.... Our sniper was fairly tired and went up to the M2....... We didn't see it then but it was coming... a sniper was hiding on the roof.... Quite some handy work... when the M2 blasted away, killing the squad leader, the only one with a semi automatic sniper rifle... the sniper saw his chance... he went to the other side of the roof... dropped down.... and shot Our gunner in the back.... When I saw the kill log, I ignored it, thinking that he had been killed by a sniper, probably from long range, where he could see a little bit of the sniper... I wasn't expecting him to shoot in the back... But, he was eliminated soon. He was taken care off when he fell to his own death, attempting to repeat his feat... Then, we had some time to think. I took 2 men with me, a ruger, and minimi, myself holding a minimi as well... I have never used the under ground trench, knowing it only slowed you down, and you could be r*ped by a grenade down there, our 2nd squad member, carrying the ruger, decided to camp down there and pop out right after we lost our bunker... Not a very confident person, or a wise idea...

Then... out of the blue, a law came after the underground trench, our ruger pal, un-willing to leave, was killed... Only 1 squad member left... I was hellishly scared of a sniper coming and killing both of us in 1 hit, so I told him to stop cuddling me, and drop into the bottom of the bunker that we intended to occupy after we obtained the middle bunker. I told our medic to get on the stat gun and to spray with it at the enemy bunker, our plan worked. He killed 2 snipers, I sprayed a few shots from my M249 and smiled as a Spas-wielder died. We finnaly had it, the jewel that would give us the winning edge against bravo's efforts.

Sepa and the rest of the squad moved in, with heavy autos and steyrs Bravo was forced to fall back and die from the heavy firepower that there snipers could not provide. The reason the bunker was so valuable, SO valuable, was because... Even though they're was a sniper's nest only 80 meters away, the scope could only go so far, and with so many bullets constantly hitting you, the bink was unbearable. The strategy, is always remember the pro's and con's of a bunker. Never the less, Bravo surrendered, and only 1 sniper was left to fight, the others simply guarding their flag to not face loss... 10 seconds left, I knew we had won my most Incredible battle ever.... right then, I thought I could defeat AAC's Own Mary Leaf, But.... I know thats not going to happen anytime soon...

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Offline Iq Unlimited

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2008, 05:43:26 pm »
I thought I could defeat AAC's Own Mary Leaf, But.... I know thats not going to happen anytime soon...

....are you kidding? :o.

Offline NinjaGimp369

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2008, 06:31:40 pm »
Not a bad read. What a moment I must say! Good work.
"You should've used the pythagoras theorum, b*tch."

Offline Ajnin Ezakimak

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2008, 08:50:44 pm »

Nice description.

Good job.  Capturing a bunker never seemed so awesome.
Oh noes, I'm insane.

Offline LeetFidle

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2008, 10:33:30 am »
wow just read a book lol.

Nice going.
Holy Poop!

Offline matt

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2008, 08:19:59 pm »
Write a book while your at it XD
(good writing skillz) XD
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Offline Espadon

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2008, 05:37:18 pm »
I thought I could defeat AAC's Own Mary Leaf, But.... I know thats not going to happen anytime soon...

....are you kidding? :o.

/agree xD
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Offline mitja

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 02:22:12 am »
Huh nice and long reading.

Offline sc00t3r

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 05:37:43 pm »
wow....if only every tw went like this lol. this makes me want to go play soldat...brb
*and on the end of that day...The Beast rose from the flames, carried by those poor tortured souls... who where all once great men in there time amongst the living...and as The Beast set foot upon the Earth...which sank under his wieght...he uttered with the voice that strechted across the universe...'Shut your F***in mouth'

Offline hybridtroop

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2008, 01:43:41 am »
sepa owns!!!!!!!!!
i am sepa >:O!!!!

Offline Thinkto urself

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2008, 02:24:22 pm »
sepa owns!!!!!!!!!




Hey Sepa. You made an account on Soldat forums? Read the rules, get a reputation as some sort of-job-doer and have a nice time here at the forums.

"An anomaly of the sea, shrouded in ubiquitous clouds, a mystery to the man as black holes to the world's smartest physicists"

Offline Bjarne Betjent

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2008, 03:52:04 pm »
I'm so excited!

Offline Meecrob

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Re: The battle of Anoxi!
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2008, 01:43:03 am »
that sounded wicked. good teamwork