Here i was, i entered a CTF flag, just to have some fun. It was ctf_Run. I go to Bravo team and its 5vs5 now. The score is 3-3 and the limit is 4. Has soon i enter i rush to the enemy flag. On the way i killed 2 alpha guys, and manage to grab the flag. When im running to my base with the flag, the enemy flagger comes right in front of me. im seeing it, so im pretty confident i will kill him, return our flag and cap, and when we start opening fire, soldat goes black, i got wtf, soldat is minimized and this cute message appears: "would you like to return to the previous mode? COMODO FIREWALL"... DAMMIT! I totaly forgot that i installed something before playing soldat and i left installation mode on...i go back to the game just to see the alpha win text and the name of the enemy flagger that capped, killed me, and return is flag happily.
so damn Comodo and myself.