How much of an improvment does Warhammer 40k 'Version 2' appear over the original series? (POLL CLOSED)
- 1-10 (Crap! Golden Oldies forever!)
0 (0%)
- 2-10 (Cant beat the classics! Ok though!)
0 (0%)
- 3-10 (Alright i guess... Not as good as the original!)
0 (0%)
- 4-10 (A good effort, but i liked the older one)
0 (0%)
- 5-10 (Even stevens for me!!)
0 (0%)
- 6-10 (An ok improvment, better than the last series)
1 (6.7%)
- 7-10 (Very good i prefer this to the older one)
1 (6.7%)
- 8-10 (A revelation to the 40k fans out there!)
3 (20%)
- 9-10 (Holy S**t!! Awesome! Miles better by far!)
3 (20%)
- 10-10 (I want to have your peoples babies!)
7 (46.7%)
Total Members Voted: 15
Topic: Warhammer 40k mod: (NOW RELEASED!!) (Read 8076 times)
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