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Signatures * For signatures, you are allowed only one image in your signature which may not be wider and taller than 300 and 125 pixels, and may not be over 20kB in file size. No BMPs are allowed. * For text in your signature, you may not have more than 4 lines of text anywhere in the signature, and each line may not be wider than 70 characters. Text may not be of a larger size than the default. * A signature may consist of both text and an image, but in this case, text may not consist of more than 2 lines, and 43 characters in length. The text in question should be aligned directly above/below the image to keep your signature small. * New: You may have up to 3 separate userbars in your signature, as long as they're each no taller than 20px and in total their size is less than 20KB, just like any other signature. The userbars may not be wider than 400px. When you use any userbars, you may only have 1 line of text no wider than 100chars. * We do not allow the use of animated images in your sig, it really detracts from the posts, which should be a persons main focus. If we find your avatar or signature particularly distracting for any reason, we may ask you to remove it. * If we come across broken images we will usually remove the entire sig. It's your responsibilty to ensure images are loading properly, not ours. * Affiliate links of any kind are NOT permitted (i.e. PayPal, Outwar, etc.). * Also, no image macros are allowed. Image Macros/'Funny' pictures are not allowed here because the Soldat Forums are superior to other forums, thanks to Communism. * Members not complying with the signature rules will have their signature or avatar removed, and a warning will be issued. If they replace the images again, or break the signature or avatar rules again, then they will issued a temporary vacation away from the forums. * Please use forum code to keep signatures nice and short.
Didn't you read my post? I wasn't complaining about not knowing how to downsize my signature. I was complaining about how unfair the administrators are.†: Right Click >Properties > Look at Size of FileThe dimensions of my signature were fine as well. Size of it was above the limit.
Black, your signature is too big as well. 400*14allowed 300*125 lol
Quote from: Centurion on January 30, 2008, 12:52:59 pmBlack, your signature is too big as well. 400*14allowed 300*125 lolUserbar lol.
  * New: You may have up to 3 separate userbars in your signature, as long as they're each no taller than 20px  and in total their size is less than 20KB, just like any other signature.  The userbars may not be wider than 400px.  When you use any userbars, you may only have 1 line of text no wider than 100chars.
Quote from: †on January 30, 2008, 12:55:20 pmQuote from: Centurion on January 30, 2008, 12:52:59 pmBlack, your signature is too big as well. 400*14allowed 300*125 lolUserbar lol.Not a userbar. He named it as : sigsoldatIf it would be a userbar, it would be named as: userbarsoldatHuh?EDIT: Rules are rules, even 0,1 kb counts.
P.S. echo, I think you should remove the blank space between the sig and Daft Punk, would look cooler and more elegant IMO