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but MM did state somewhere he personally hates Macs.
We're all windows and linux dorks.
how about the parallels software?[
Mac, isn't designed for games. Its meant for buisnesses and/or professionals.
Mac doesn't suck it just has a different (better) style.
plus the operating system is faster and Mac makes faster computers, than windows.
Oh and just in case you haven't noticed:VISTA SUCKS!!!!
If you really want to play soldat on a mac, use a windows emulator.
I'm running soldat on Mac OS X leopard, using vmware fusion. The movement of the players, explosions are just as sharp as it is on windows but there are some problems unfortunately. The mouse 'jumps' along a grid, and the screen fonts (during gameplay) are kind of messed up. If a Soldat developer sees this post, does this bugs occur on any windows machines? (I have GMA 950 Graphics card). There is a game compatibility list for vmware if anyone is interested. http://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-1287here is a screenshot from soldat on mac: