I made some duel maps but understood that they are pointless without a good script. I am thinking of a script for team match mode, because duel maps have different spots to choose (each team, each spot), but as they are duels, they are made for only 2 players. The idea is that people who join are forced to spectate, but if they want to duel they have to apply with commands (like !green, !red, !blue, !yellow or !charlie, !delta etc...), BUT there can only be 2 persons dueling and for x amount of rounds (the admin sets rounds). After these x rounds duelers are put back to spectators. If other persons already applied for duel, they should wait their turn again. The server would be set to teammatch, realistic, survival with all weapons.
Here are the two maps:
http://sml.u13.net/?p=mapinfo&id=782http://sml.u13.net/?p=mapinfo&id=781I could make more maps exclusivly for this kind of a server and possibly host it, if I knew there was a good script for it.
Your ideas, thoughts, suggestions?