Author Topic: .BOT formatting request  (Read 2098 times)

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Offline Mistercharles

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.BOT formatting request
« on: February 29, 2008, 12:50:29 am »
This is a rather simple bot-related request, but I think it could be very useful and would probably not take long at all to implement.

If there is more than one line for a description in a .BOT file, the line to be used is chosen at random when the time is appropriate. Here is a list of suggested instances for each aspect mentioned in .BOT:

chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Color1=$005AA4ED chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Color2=$00425077 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Skin_Color=$00FFFFFF chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Hair_Color=$0029899A chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Favourite_Weapon=Steyr AUG chosen at every spawn
Secondary_Weapon=0 chosen at every spawn
Friend= not chosen randomly. if more than one Friend= line is present, both/all listed will be treated as friend
Accuracy=55 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Shoot_Dead=1 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Grenade_Frequency=200 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Camping=255 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
OnStartUse=255 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Hair=0 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Headgear=1 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Chain=0 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Chat_Frequency=8 chosen at the start of the match, or at /addbot
Chat_Kill=Take that chosen at random whenever spoken
Chat_Dead=I can't take it! chosen at random whenever spoken
Chat_Lowhealth=Medic! chosen at random whenever spoken
Chat_SeeEnemy=Charlie! chosen at random whenever spoken
Chat_Winning= chosen at random whenever spoken

This idea could be used for creating soldiers without making them all look the same, creating zombies that all vary slightly (some have dirtier clothes, every now and then one has a knife), a bot that has good accuracy most of the time but "has its bad days," a bot that sometimes wears a hat, a bot that likes to use more than one kind of weapon, et cetera et cetera. Take note that every line, whether or not it's identical to other lines, will be counted. Therefore, you could put four lines that say Accuracy=40, and then one line that says Accuracy=8, meaning that 20% of that kind of bot spawned will have very good accuracy.

This is a rather simple idea, it won't change soldat's gameplay in any way at all, but I think it would be an excellent addition that no one would really gripe about, but would be appreciated by several.

Date Posted: February 19, 2008, 04:23:45 pm
I would like to get at least SOME feedback on this suggestion, I don't want it to just rot away in the suggestions forum.
shoutout to m'boyz eagles_arrows, echo_trail, wraithlike, sadistatheart, chakapoko maker, jrgp, aznblood, chakra, keron cyst, et al, miss you, let's '#gather some day

Offline The Bone Collector

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Re: .BOT formatting request
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 01:55:39 am »
gotta agree, but I remember you posting this ages ago.

I applaud this request.
Just another soul to burn.

Offline chutem

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Re: .BOT formatting request
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 02:38:13 am »
Nice, simple idea

Offline Mistercharles

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Re: .BOT formatting request
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2014, 01:26:01 pm »
Hey, now that soldat is in more open development, is this something that could happen?
Maybe the payback wouldn't be worth it, y'all are probably focused on important online stuff now.
shoutout to m'boyz eagles_arrows, echo_trail, wraithlike, sadistatheart, chakapoko maker, jrgp, aznblood, chakra, keron cyst, et al, miss you, let's '#gather some day

Offline Shoozza

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Re: .BOT formatting request
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2014, 03:46:31 am »
I didn't look into the .bot files yet but what I can tell you is that the idea with multiple Friend= lines wont work with the ini parser.
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