Article Name: Basic Information about Poop's Soldat Guide.
Target Audience: All
A few months ago I decided that I would write a soldat guide to help players who may want to improve, actually improve. I will be releasing separate articles every few days or weeks relating to all sorts of issues I feel are important. I have already worked on a few articles and will write more as I have time. So anyways…
A lot of people believe that the only way to get better in soldat is to play more, but that is not 100% true. While playing longer will allow you to get better, it does not mean it’s the only way to improve. And to me, the only time playing alot is very important is when you just start playing soldat. After a few months when you already understand the mechanics of the game, you need to understand how the game should be played. To me, there are 3 aspects to getting better in soldat, and I have listed them below in my order of importance.
1. Positioning and Awareness
2. Strategy and Tactics
3. Accuracy
The majority of my guide will deal with the top 2 aspects I have pointed out. Mancer wrote a soldat guide with all sorts of colorful ways to improve your accuracy, like lowering sensitivity and whatnot, but to me all that is bullshit. Top players can have bad day’s accuracy wise and still dominate. If you want to become a good player, you must realize that this game is not only about your hands, but actually a lot about your brain.
I will actually be writing 3 separate guides, and I suggest only reading the part which relates to you personally as a player. There will be some slight contradictions between what I write in my guide for beginners, and what I write for experts, and trust me, reading what I write for experts if you are a beginner will be doing a disservice to yourself. You have to take it one step at a time, and if you actually want to improve, only read the parts that suit you. The 3 sections of my guide will be:
1. Beginner – I do not mean a beginner as in just started playing the game. As I already mentioned previously, when you initially start, the best way to improve is to play more. What I actually mean by beginners is you are a player that has just recently joined the IRC/clan war community, you have not joined the clan IRC community but have been playing for a relatively long time, or you plan to join the IRC community sometime soon.
2. Intermediate – An intermediate player is a player who has been playing in the clan war/IRC community for a relatively long period of time, usually 6 months to 18 months; however the player is not currently in a clan that contends for SCTFL playoffs.
3. Expert – An expert player, in relation to my guides is a player who has been playing for a very long period of time in the clan war community (1.5+ years), and is currently in a clan which will contend for SCTFL playoffs. By saying a clan that will contend for SCTFL playoffs, what I mean is you are essentially in a top 20 clan.
Sometimes I will write an article which relates to more than one of these groups, or even all of these groups. I will mention this in the title of that specific article.